Sentences with phrase «data protection rules apply»

The incoming data protection rules apply to both data controllers (i.e. entities that determine the purpose and means of processing personal data) and data processors (entities that are responsible for processing data on behalf of a data controller — aka subcontractors).
In analyzing how European privacy and data protection rules apply to these different situations, how should we think about the example cases of e-discovery in the context of FCPA?
The Article 29 Working Party is demanding that its data protection rules apply to personal data processed by companies that do not even have EU offices.

Not exact matches

(b) have opted - in to an EU - recognised scheme which places binding rules on the their data processing practices and promises equivalent data protection controls, such as the E.U. - U.S. Privacy Shield (which doesn't apply to you because your company is not based in the U.S., but included in this answer to help other users that may not be based in India):
However, certain data protection rules may still indirectly apply to information relating to businesses or to legal persons.
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