Sentences with phrase «data published»

Recent data published by the firm suggests that promotions run through the platform can actually boost sales of boxed games.
Unfortunately, I am not able to find data published on this concerning 2005 - 2007, such is the lag between submission of articles and publication.
New data published this week reveals a looming crisis with insufficient numbers of solicitors choosing to go into criminal law practice.
Chinese coal use fell by 2.9 per cent in 2014 compared to the previous year, according to official Chinese government data published today.
More than 6 million children missed more than 15 days — or three weeks — of school during the 2013 - 14 school year, according to federal data published last year.
Data published recently by the site found that its female users, regardless of sexual orientation, do not initiate contact.
This graphic has been created using data published by the credit reporting agencies.
According to data published earlier this year, more than 20 percent of 5000 individuals treated with the antibody were still alive ten years after treatment.
This would be separate from the official performance data published by the government, which is currently used to generate school rankings.
The new findings are in stark contrast to data published in 2015 by another team of researchers.
Immersion in a professional culture demands staying abreast of ethics, the latest data published in technical journals and professional magazines, collaborating with colleagues, and attending conferences and seminars.
Most of the numbers in this article come from data published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Data published as web feeds (RSS) in the Finnish Meteorological Institute's web service can be used freely provided that the source is mentioned.
Recent data published in the international journal Comparative Cytogenetics by Mauro Mandrioli, Federica Zanasi and Gian Carlo Manicardi of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy) clearly showed that populations of the green peach aphid Myzus persicae (one of the most dangerous pest crop insects in the world) may have unusual karyotypes due to chromosomal fragmentations and / or rearrangements also within the same individual.
Greenhouse gas emissions regulated by the EU's Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) have risen for the first time in seven years, according to new data published yesterday by the Point Carbon team at Thomson...
The U.S. national rate has lingered at less than 50 percent for this group, according to an analysis of national survey data published April 2 in Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report.
New data published Monday by a global team of researchers show that sharp declines in Chinese coal burning and a continued surge of renewable energy worldwide may have contributed to the first - ever global decline in emissions during a year when the overall global economy grew.
Now, according to data published online today in Science and presented here at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union, the gas is present in the martian atmosphere at concentrations of roughly 0.7 parts per billion — about 4000 times less than in Earth's atmosphere.
This Registered report is part of a bigger project named Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology, which aims to address concerns about reproducibility of scientific data published in the field of cancer research between 2010 and 2012.
The information, data, analyses and opinions («Information») contained herein: (1) include the proprietary information of Morningstar and its content providers; (2) may not be copied or redistributed except as specifically authorized; (3) do not constitute investment advice; (4) are provided solely for informational purposes; (5) are not warranted to be complete, accurate or timely; and (6) may be drawn from fund data published on various dates and procured from various sources.
The index data published herein may be simulated and in such instances, no allowance has been made for trading costs, management fees, or other costs, are not indicative of any specific investment, are unmanaged and can not be invested in directly.
Arrivals from Europe to the GCC will increase 17 per cent over the period 2018 to 2020, driven by extra flights, routes, competitive fares, and the rising number of mid-market hotels throughout the region, according to the latest data published ahead of Arabian Travel Market 2018.
LONDON, April 23 - Hedge fund managers have never seemed so convinced that oil prices are set to rise rather than fall in the near term, according to the latest positioning data published by regulators and exchanges.
According to the BBC, raw polling data published on the website of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) said that with almost 97 % of results in, incumbent Uhuru Kenyatta — who is seeking a second term — is leading with about 54.3 %, to Mr Raila Odinga's 44.8 % share of the vote.
A systematic review and meta - analysis of available data published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes) suggests that combined aerobic and resistance training, rather than either alone, is best for controlling both blood sugar and blood fat profiles among people with type 2 diabetes.
The Bank of England has forecast 0.9 % growth for the fourth quarter but economic data published since then have prompted some experts to expect a slightly lower rate.
Paul Falkowski and his team at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey analyzed such evidence as well as related data published earlier by a German team, and concluded that oxygen levels have essentially doubled over the last 205 million years.
Their goal was to «compile the most relevant data management practices for the publication and use of high quality data published by governments around the world as Linked Open Data.»
Is the current argument only about possible causes, future course and costs, but based on a widely shared agreement with the 2005 annual data published at the NASA GISS page?
That is a theory supported by archaelogical surveys and tree ring data published in PNAS this week.
New global temperature data published today by the EU's Copernicus programme show that the 12 month period to the end of October was the warmest on record.
In fact, going into the next year there are 590 U.S. tech companies in the IPO pipeline that are either backed by venture capital or private equity and are valued at $ 100 million or more, according to new data published Thursday by CB Insights, a research firm that collects venture capital and angel investment data.
You may have recently received your latest Property Tax Assessment that arrived on January 1, 2018, in BC and the values have increased slightly when compared to 2017, according to BC Assessment, the government agency that assigns property values across the province, data published January 2, 2018.
New data published Friday in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reveals that 40 percent of American adults met...
There are at least 188 such public and public charter schools nationwide, according to an analysis of federal data published by the Web site Vocativ.
Some funds will publish this, for others I have been unable to find this data
An analysis of past climate data published yesterday in the journal Nature Geoscience paints a less - than - rosy picture for the U.S., Mexico, and Canada in the 21st century.
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