Sentences with phrase «data security breaches»

MPs have blamed the government's neglect of data protection procedure for recent data security breaches.
Every business can and should take steps against data security breaches, but mistakes and errors happen.
That's because data security breaches aren't always the result of deliberate acts by malicious external actors.
Internal investigation of data security breach at high profile specialty retailer that implicated payment card information and personal identifying information; counsel client on numerous post-breach issues including disclosure obligations, public disclosure, negotiation of fraud recovery and operational reimbursement fines and penalties with card brands, and related counseling regarding collateral litigation; counsel client on insurance coverage for breach - related expenses.
Few insurers offered cyber coverage prior to 2002, when California lawmakers enacted the nation's first data security breach notification law, requiring companies statewide to immediately disclose a data violation to consumers.
The party circulated a briefing note documenting what they said were recent data security breaches at the department.
Nearly 23 million private records of New Yorkers have been exposed in data security breaches reported by more than 3,000 businesses, nonprofits and governments over the past eight years, New York's attorney general reported.
For an all - in - one starter resource on data privacy in the real estate industry, agents and brokers can access NAR's Data Security and Privacy Toolkit, which includes everything from data disposal laws and notifications for data security breaches to website privacy policy and checklists for protecting personal information.
Travellers need to be more aware of the potential data security breaches they risk by logging onto unsecure networks while travelling.
Speaking at the report launch, Akhilesh Tuteja, Partner and Head — Risk Consulting for KPMG in India and Co-Leader — Global Cyber Security, KPMG said, «Cybercrime has moved from corporate espionage and theft of Intellectual Property to use of advanced technology and malicious software, with the intent of holding companies to ransom and the threat of sabotaging brand reputation with data security breaches
Companies a more likely to avoid data security breaches when they take pro-active measures to respond to the rapidly evolving threat environment.
Following in the wake of the most recent data security breaches involving Target, PF Chang's and Sally Beauty, this week's incident involving Home Depot has certainly added to the cyber security panic throughout the online world.
Even now, we can find insights to better sell security products in a more timely and helpful way - both in response to Equifax, and in preparation for the next inevitable data security breach.
Interviewed by Jennifer Brown of Canadian Lawyer InHouse magazine for a story relating the Yahoo data security breach, and governance implications, March 6, 2017.
BTW at the same time I am listening to a Senate Committee on online data security breaches on C - SPAN.
This appears to have had little impact on voters» perceptions despite the Northern Rock saga, the impending economic downturn and high - profile data security breaches.
Last month the Commons» human rights committee said it had grave concerns about government protocol in its examination of 18 separate data security breaches.
The legislation will require educational institutions to notify the Information Commissioner's Office of any serious data security breaches within 24 hours and inform all affected individuals at the same time.
In our technological age, the threat of a cyberattack or data security breach often presents an ongoing headache for schools, businesses and government bodies across the UK.
● Data security breaches must be immediately reported to the IICO no longer than 72 hours after the breach occurred.
: Practical Ways To Reduce Data Security Breach Exposure»
Led efforts in the United States in conjunction with Brazilian legal efforts relating to a significant data security breach including compelling cloud - based website to produce user information for use by international IT security firm in its investigation of highly confidential reports.
But as more details emerged, it became increasingly clear that this wasn't a technical data security breach, but rather a baked - in problem for Facebook.
Received honors for successfully preventing data security breaches against the Tax Department of India by finding out a critical vulnerability in their website
Federal agencies have nonetheless inserted themselves into the equation with both the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission using their authority to investigate data security breaches.
She provides counseling and representation in all forms of consumer protection matters, and regularly assists clients with privacy and data security compliance audits, forensic investigations related to information practices, data security breach notification procedures and represents companies before state and federal regulators on a range of consumer protection compliance matters.
Besides creating massive amounts of data that you do not necessarily want that will be kept by private companies, the Internet of Things also holds the potential for data security breaches that will eclipse the scale of the Target or Home Depot breaches.
If you have any questions — or if you have been a victim of wire fraud, a spyware attack or other data security breach and would like to share your experience — contact NAHB's Becky Froass at 800-368-5242 x8529.
Under Armour is notifying users of its MyFitnessPal food and nutrition app about a data security breach.
MPs have been warned further revelations of data security breaches are likely in the wake of the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) data blunder.
The Conservatives continue to lay the blame for the data security breach on Gordon Brown, arguing there are systemic failings in Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC).
Adult online dating site reports data security breach of member information --(Reuters)-- An online dating site for adults seeking sexual trysts has been hacked, potentially compromising the personal information of some of its 64 million members, the company said on Friday.
There have already been examples of data security breaches and privacy issues within the industry, such as a recent hack of the eLearning platform Edmodo.
If we are required to provide notice to you of a data security breach, the notice will be provided in electronic form.
If you're worried about being affected by a data security breach, having an EMV card in your wallet can give you more peace of mind.
The Federal Trade Commission recently issued a statement emphasizing the importance of credit reporting agencies taking all necessary steps to protect consumers from the risk of data security breaches and identity theft.
If you're worried about being affected by a data security breach, having an EMV card in your wallet can give you more peace of mind.
Internal investigation and remediation of a data security breach at a Fortune 50 company; civil prosecution of entity responsible for the security breach.
Whether you are a CFO, in - house counsel, a PE general partner, or a serial entrepreneur, your mind is constantly on high alert: how will you make the best strategic investments, stay ahead of complex regulatory and government changes, mitigate the growing risk of data security breaches, or deal with ethics and compliance issues?
In August 2007 a report of the House of Lords» Science and Technology Committee recommended that a data security breach notification law should be introduced in the UK — drawing on the experience of a number of US states that have enacted similar legislation.
The Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC) at the University of Ottawa released a white paper yesterday that calls on the federal government to enact a data security breach notification law.
Responding to large scale, multi-jurisdiction data security breach incidents, including complying with state data security breach notifications laws and coordinating efforts with technology and public relations consultants to develop a holistic response to meet client's legal obligations and help mitigate negative publicity.
TimeSolv has been in business since 1999 and has never once had a data security breach or had data lost.
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