Sentences with phrase «data someone get»

That makes it a decent option for expanding your streaming options with the unlimited data you get from your T - Mobile One plan.
Every piece of data you get on your customer or potential customer is therefore another piece of information you can use to craft an effective marketing or advertising strategy.
It will save you a great deal of hassle later if your financial data gets into the wrong hands.
Isn't this more or less how data gets passed along in the Information Age?
Has electronic data gotten out of hand, too?
But with big data getting bigger and algorithms continually getting smarter, the quality and lead times are only going to improve.
Fortunately, there are other ways to ensure that drug data get shared.
The term meta data gets thrown around a lot, but do you know what it actually looks like?
In a sense, the metadata gets you the recall and the user data gets you the precision.
Open files and tasks are kept safe in memory, plus should the battery drop below 5 % charge while they're away, data gets automatically backed up.
It doesn't matter how many papers or data get presented.
In case the warehouse on enterprise data gets destroyed it is known as the death of business intelligence.
Isn't it annoying when your mobile data gets exhausted because an app is sucking all your data without your knowledge.
I periodically read about how wonderful and accurate the satellite data we get is compared to any other data.
And then all of the important official federal government economic data gets revised, often significantly revised and often revised over and over again for several years thereafter.
It just means the transaction data gets processed through the credit network associated with your card.
Also, deleting a message on one device will delete it across them all, so you need not worry about private data getting out.
Here's how to make sure your private data gets removed.
And that's your natural mental model of the world in response to that small amount of supervised data you got.
It's also important that patients don't let their sleep - tracker data get in the way of a doctor's suggested treatment.
If their favorite dating site actually got hit and their personal profile or data got leaked onto the internet?
Just... data gets copied from a server and onto your computer but that data also stays at the server so it's not like.....
You just can't let a few data get in the way of your pet predictions.
Or it may be that marginal data gets through peer review in some cases and while being complete rejected in others.
From there, the voice data gets analyzed and turned into an action.
You don't pay extra for data when you're traveling in 135 - plus countries, and unused data gets credited to your account.
Traditionally, it's been a monopoly provider: the only way that data got into the company, and the only way employees could get that information at their desks.
«The higher the volumes of data get, the more complex data becomes, and the more challenging it gets to generate insights and values from that data,» he said.
Changes will also transpire behind the scenes, as brands and retailers look to use data they get through new technology to inform pricing, selection and promotion.
28 percent of respondents thought the country's student loan debt was more serious, while 42.6 percent opted for personal data getting hacked, and 29.4 percent either thought neither was a threat or both posed about the same threat level.
In some cases, however, attackers instead install malicious code on the servers to which payment card data gets transferred (see Why POS Malware Still Works).
«If they did let data get collected in an illicit manner and didn't adequately protect it when they learned how it was used, then yes, they are responsible.
@Chloe: «data centers that can exist anywhere» - I don't think that is necessarily the case, given that privacy laws impose some restrictions on where person - related data gets stored by companies.
Verspiria save data gets Yuri, Graces F adds Sophie, Xillia unlocks Jude, Xillia 2 unlocks Ludger, Symphonia gets Lloyd, and Symphonia: Dawn of the New World adds Marta.
On the other hand, people must not be that distraught over personal data getting breached through websites like Facebook because that was a very narrow result.
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