Sentences with phrase «data someone have gathered»

But data we've gathered from the field through surveys and interviews with teachers suggests that the time - saving benefits of blended learning are often not coming to fruition.
Instead of looking outward, you can publish original research based on data you've gathered for your own site and business.
In particular, retailers will begin to better leverage all that customer data they have gathered over the years to come up with successful strategies that connect offline and online channels.
Once you start thinking seriously about data and have discovered avenues and methods for collecting it, you can sell the raw data you've gathered to other businesses.
Just analyze what data you've gathered and make a new decision based on that information.
Be sure you set aside time to study the experiential data you've gathered, looking for patterns and raising questions.
After the flights, we will post the photos, video, and data we've gathered so that everyone can learn what happened to the various experiments we send aloft, along with the air temperature, water and air pressure, and other readings as well.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says «it was clearly a mistake» to believe the data - mining company Cambridge Analytica deleted Facebook data it had gathered in an attempt to sway elections.
The study's authors analyzed data they had gathered from 229 students who participated in 37 focus groups at five California high schools.
The Irish watchdog also forced Facebook to delete all the facial recognition data it had gathered on EU citizens.
Trump's defunct voter integrity commission is refusing to hand over to the Department of Homeland Security the voter data it had gathered from states during its brief existence.
To find out how much lying goes on in the cyber-dating world, Hancock and his colleague, Catalina Toma, recruited hundreds of active online daters in New York City, downloaded their existing profiles and compared those with verifiable data they'd gathered on the participants by measuring heights and weights, looking up age and income records.
Students learn research and community - engagement skills more commonly taught in graduate - level urban planning programs than in high school, and produce professional - quality reports incorporating data they have gathered and analyzed.
Next, the coach and principal developed a work plan that included a theory of action, prioritized high - leverage strategic activities, and spelled out the evidence and data they would gather along the way to show progress.
The chairman and another member of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, in an apparent effort to discredit the findings reported by three distinguished scientists from respected universities, demanded that the scientists send Congress all of the scientific data they have gathered in their entire careers, even data on studies unrelated to their publications on global warming.
An early clue about the potential for misuse of Facebook's third - party developer tools came in 2010 when my colleague Emily Steel, then at The Wall Street Journal, reported that an online tracking company, RapLeaf, was collecting and reselling data it had gathered from third - party Facebook apps to marketing firms and political consultants.
The best way to look at this may be by genre, so here's how pricing tends to break down, based on data we've gathered over the past five years:
Market research can help you here, but it's better if you rely on data you've gathered yourself; take a look at how previous content topics have performed in the past, and how users react to different changes in your overall content campaign.
When the vehicle reaches your office, you can then remove the device and connect it to your computer to view all the data it has gathered, both for the most recent trip and for past trips as well.
Observers create an account on the BudBurst site through which they input the data they have gathered.
The second session involving the fourth - through sixth - graders delved deeper, analyzing the data they had gathered to calculate the mean, median and mode of their attempts.
Using observation and perturbation, the researchers then build mathematical models describing these neural systems in detail from the data they have gathered, a methodology called system identification.
They tried to make sense of the data they'd gathered without jumping to conclusions or solutions.
First, each team created a fictional, highly specific user profile based on the data they had gathered.
After several months of observations, the coach helped Ms. Garcia summarize the data she had gathered and identify some instructional expectations.
Hough and her team have published some preliminary reports on the data they have gathered.
The data I had gathered for my inquiry work revealed patterns of errors.
If you discover more information, please post to your question and additional ideas can be derived from the data you have gathered attempting to troubleshoot.
The data you have gathered from your research will be useless unless organized and driven well to convey strong and relevant arguments that benefit the readers.
And, to my dedicated readers, if you have more data, or a better means of analysis of the data I have gathered, by all means offer your help.
By looking at the data they have gathered and analysed, it is clear to see that your dog's parentage has a huge impact on the number of years that he could potentially spend in your company.
Here, he meets many scientists there who are working on a range of climate - related issues, analysing the data they have gathered from past expeditions to the icy continent.
The data he had gathered whilst addressing this question had also started him thinking about the ability life might regulate the atmosphere over millions of years.
Use the data you've gathered to identify your better performing practice areas and go deep.
And I know the data you have gathered over the years have helped alot of other students and of course some gaming companies out there.
He was reapplying for approval when Facebook requested that the data he had gathered be deleted.
Facebook apparently found out the misuse of this data in 2015 and asked Cambridge Analytica to erase any data it had gathered improperly, but according to an investigation by the New York Times, this never happened.
Looking at the data we've gathered, we see the typical pattern of temperature beginning to go down past the 55 % mark, the point at which current begins dropping off as well.
The company apparently found out about the data loss in 2015, and asked Cambridge Analytica to erase the data it had gathered improperly, but according to an investigation by the New York Times, this never happened.
As a part of the new #InboxHappyHour, Google also released an infographic detailing the data they've gathered so far.
I like to have a bunch of information and I'm always surprised when I step back and look at the big picture of all the data I've gathered.
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