Sentences with phrase «data throughput»

OriginTrail is developing the OriginTrail Decentralized Network (ODN) as an off - chain solution to the limited data throughput of existing blockchain technology.
The Kirin 960 also brings support for 4 component carriers (4CC) for LTE versus 3CC on other chipsets, which essentially adds extra channels for data throughput, ensures a much wider range and makes it much easier to hit peak data speeds of 600 Mbps.
Factoring in the CD - ROM drive's slow seek and transfer speeds, additional tricks are used to improve data throughput.
Thanks to higher data throughput, USB 3.0 and 3.1 can be used to deliver video as well.
The Ethereum blockchain can only handle limited data throughput, so as more computation is needed, the price for that computation will surely begin to rise.
At an optimal 4G location, the G2 pulled down an average data throughput of 6.7 Mbps with results ranging from a low of 4.6 Mbps to as high as 7.7 Mbps.
ASUS today announced a range of enhanced motherboard solutions that deliver true USB 3.0 and SATA 6Gb / s data throughput performance.
Our processing, hosting, and production services deliver fast, high - quality data throughput — and we can handle your biggest data collections...
As the metaphor for sparklines is the resolution of typography, the metaphor for wavefields is the HD video (which records approximately 1 gig per minute, an excellent data throughput).
It is not known at this point whether the LG G5 uses the same type of data throughput as USB Type - C for the accessory slot or if the Bang & Olufsen audio DAC just happens to have that feature for compatibility with multiple devices.
LTE + connectivity ensures theoretical data throughput speeds of 600 Mbps, which is what's needed to be able to live - stream 4K 360 data.
While USB Type - C can support Thunderbolt 3 for 40 Gbps data throughput, most Type - C ports are not configured to do so.
The M6700 is the first and only to offer AMD FirePro M6000 with PCIe x16 Gen 3 for fast data throughput.
When testing a Synology DS1515 +, this feature of the R8500s worked out very well, consistently increasing the server's sustained data throughput significantly.
For mass transactions and high concurrency, it can provide reliable and effective technical support for speed and data throughput capability.
At the moment Thunderbolt is mostly used on Apple devices and in specialized fields that can take advantage of its higher data throughput, such as video editing.
While additional UHF radios in orbit around Mars will be welcome capacity for data throughput, it doesn't answer lingering issues of transmission prioritization.
For headphones, this is less of an issue due to the increasing range, signal strength, and data throughput of the latest Bluetooth hardware revisions.
Batalama and Pados will evaluate and test the performance of their technique (range, accuracy, and data throughput) first in a 30 - foot - deep acoustic test tank at FAU, and then in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Dania Beach at FAU's Institute for Ocean and Systems Engineering (SeaTech).
«Virtually on the day you close the deal, getting a 30 percent lift in capacity in New York City: that's a significant improvement in call quality and data throughput
«Using Microsoft Dynamics to drive this project, we realised very rapidly that the data throughput we needed was such that we couldn't stick with our legacy storage supplier.
The Galaxy S8 is the first smartphone to utilize Bluetooth 5, which has 4 × the range of Bluetooth 4.2, 8 × the data throughput, and 2 × the data speed.
The new chip also supports four component carriers (4CC) for LTE, as opposed to rivals» 3CC, effectively adding extra channels for data throughput, and making it easier to hit peak data speeds of 600 Mbps.
in fact, it has four times the range, two times the speed, and eight times the data throughput of Bluetooth 4.0.
In the world of Ultra HD Blu - ray, some cheaper cables can't handle the data throughput.
The HP smartwatches use two power sources: the analogue watch functionality is powered by a traditional coin - sized battery, whereas the smart side of the watch uses an internal rechargeable battery with life quoted as being up to seven days, depending on the data throughput from the smartphone.
Performed all types of tests such as Application / Feature / Function, Bluetooth (car kit), Wi - Fi Aggregation, Network User Trial, Sanity, Data Throughput, MO / MT call, iPV6, and Power Consumption
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