Sentences with phrase «date at a fixed price»

An issuer will sometimes be permitted under the terms of a bond to redeem the bond prior to its maturity date at a fixed price.
If you believe that a stock is likely to go down, you can sell futures through contract to sell a specified quantity of the shares on a particular date at a fixed price.

Not exact matches

This entails buying put options, which give the owner the right to sell the stock at a specified price at a fixed future date, while selling call options, which give the acquirer the right to buy the stock at a set price.
Futures contracts are financial instruments traded in organized exchanges to buy or sell assets, especially commodities or shares, at a fixed price on a future date.
The Narula Group has agreed to accept the first $ 2,660,000 of its Achieved Margin Share through the issuance of 950,000 shares of RIBT's common stock at a fixed purchase price of $ 2.80 per share («Margin - for - Shares Mechanism»), representing a premium of 52 % to the closing price on the date immediately prior to signing.
YTP is similar to YTC, except for the fact that the holder of a put bond can choose to sell back the bond at a fixed price on a particular date.
May have call provisions allowing the issuer to buy back the securities at a fixed price before the stated maturity date.
Option: A contract that gives the right to a holder to buy (call option) or sell (put option) a fixed amount of a security at a specific price anytime before the stated expiration date (for an American - style option).
The redemption date is often fixed at the outset, however the coupon is linked to an underlying index such as the Retail Price Index (RPI) or Consumer Price Index (CPI).
A futures contract is a legally binding agreement between two parties to trade a specific quantity of a particular asset at a fixed price and date.
The right to buy a specific number of shares at a specified price (the strike price) by a fixed date.
Optionality An option gives the right to buy («call») or sell («put») shares at a fixed «strike» price, but only before an agreed date when the option expires.
An Interest Rate Future is an agreement to buy or sell a debt instrument at a future date for a price fixed today.
A currency future, also known as an FX future or a foreign exchange future, is a futures contract to exchange one currency for another at a specified date in the future at a price (exchange rate) that is fixed on the purchase date; see Foreign exchange derivative.
A forward involves an obligation to purchase or sell a specific currency at a future date, which may be any fixed number of days from the date of the contract agreed upon by the parties, at a price set at the time of the contract.
A call option gives the buyer the right to buy a specified number of shares of a security at a fixed price on or before a specified date in the future.
The two farmers can enter a forward contract, for one to deliver a set quantity of grain to the other for a fixed price at a future date.
(This goes for lump sum or proportionate charge - back orders as well: fix the amount to be paid at prices on the date of the agreement and index - link that figure to a property prices for the area, eg an index as maintained by the Halifax or another property lender.
You said the owner is a fix and flip guy, simply contract at the completed purchase price and as a clsoing date you can say within 45 days (allowing for financing as necessary) after final inspection of improvements and repairs made by the seller.
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