Sentences with phrase «daughter wakes in the night»

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The story was about a mom who allegedly rescued her daughter from a potential kidnapping after waking in the middle of the night and feeling as if something was amiss.
Just putting my own experience in — my son lost interest in breastfeeding at about 14 months, my daughter still woke for a night feed on occaision till she was a little over 4.
My daughter does nt do CIO at all at night, if I ignore her, she goes into hysterical fits for 2 hours straight.My son eventually gives up after one hour of crying.Of course there is always the risk of one waking up the other as they share rooms and are very disrupted if kept in separate rooms.
i have heard of night terror BUT our daughter tends to wake up early in the morning... nothing during the night besides a toss and turn...
Our bedtime routine takes about 15 minutes, 95 % of the time my daughter is happy and chatty when I put her in the crib and my daughter sleeps through the night and wakes up happy.
It has made a huge difference with my daughter and I tried taking it off her last night to experiment, and she woke multiple times screaming in pain.
It got me thinking about how sometimes, if my daughter has a big play, or a big cry the night before she wakes up in an amazingly good mood, even if she ends up having less sleep.
I can insert two liners into the FuzziBunz ® at night so I never have to change diapers in the middle of the night unless my daughter wakes up crying with a poop.
But now that my daughter is eating more solids, waking up for only one night feed, and nursing for shorter and shorter periods than her marathon nursing sessions of infancy, I have noticed a drop in my milk production.
Co-sleeping is good in theory (yes, she doesn't wake up crying and I don't have to get up 20 times a night), but I don't feel I'm getting adequate sleep; my daughter tosses and turns a lot, kicks and reaches out for me, so I'm awake most of the night.
After her 2 week check - up the doctor said our daughter was getting adequate nutrition (as seen by how she was growing well and making enough wet / dirty diapers) that we didn't need to wake her in the night.
My daughter sleeps in her crib every night but when she wakes up at 4:30 in the morning, she comes to bed with us for cuddle time.
Before Hannah helped us with our daughter's sleep, we were dealing with short naps (not more than 45 minutes), night wakings (2 - 5 a night), early morning wake - ups (5 - 6 am), and we were all exhausted when we woke up in the morning.
I am surprised at how rare it was for my family... our daughter slept through the night the second week home, I had to wake her up to feed her, I would wake up to tears because of engorgement and ended up just pumping since trying to wake her up was just a terror in itself... so when my sisters had moved in with us right before they gave birth it was soo strange that to me that their daughters were up all night (even though I knew it was normal) I only hope that I will be blessed once again with our little man who is to make his appearance in August.
After I accepted that my daughter just was not a child who was going to sleep for long stretches at night (she will be two soon and still wakes to nurse every two or three hours), it stopped bothering me, and now I, too, take those quiet moments to breathe in her baby hair smell and listen to her small sleepy sounds.
My daughter is a great sleeper So I don't really worry about her waking in the night.
One of my best friends left her daughter with me overnight when she was 11 months old, where she slept through the night in a pack n play with no sadness or wake - ups.
I think my daughter is staying dry at night, but when she's waking up in the morning, she goes in bed without thinking about it.
No longer does our daughter wake every two hours in the night.
My daughter cries in her sleep, wakes up more frequently, and is crankier on the nights she doesn't sleep in my bed.
My only issue with co-sleeping is now my son (2) and daughter (5) will wake up in the middle of the night and find there way into our bed.
If your daughter wakes up in the middle of the night she may have to use the restroom or need to be changed sleeping in a soiled pamper or pull up runs a great and high risk for unnecessary rashes that in turn in to yeast infection then your doctor will have to prescribe something like nystatin its a topical ointment that immediately solves the problem however a warm bath bedtime story and a good healthy meal before bed should be a regular routine and depending on age they should sleep comfortably through out the night but never neglect your child's basic needs because your hard up for a nap or in need of sleep
My daughter was breastfeeding at night to fall asleep and would wake in the morning to nurse again but would go back to sleep.
My daughter actually likes drinking cow milk from a cup, but let me tell you, that would never calm her when she wakes up in the middle of the night!
My daughter will be one next month and she goes to sleep easily in her crib at night and during nap time... the only problem is she usually wakes up at least once in the middle of the night.
«One time our daughter woke us up in the middle of the night and she wasn't feeling well and she puked all over me,» said one dad.
My daughter has started waking up because she is thirsty in the middle of the night, so we keep a water bottle with a small amount of water in there for her to get a drink.
You normally only wake up once a night to eat,» These are the exact words I wrote in my journal to my daughter on the day she turned 4 months old.
She says there's no way she can leave her daughter for 2 or 3 days, that she still wakes up in the middle of the night and calls out for her.
Since the very first night I put my daughter India in your Love To Dream swaddle, she has not woken up in the middle of the night (ever) NOT ONCE!
Just when my husband and I thought sleepless nights were a thing of the past, my daughter recently started putting up a fight at bedtime and waking up in the middle of the night crying, behaviors I thought she grew out of a year ago.
Being right there for my daughter when she wakes up and cries in the middle of the night is just another part of my role.
My husband promises to start waking up in the night with our daughter.
So after several nights of waking up multiple times throughout the night to replace a missing pacifier, I followed a trick mentioned in many sleep training books and «sprinkled» multiple pacifiers (usually about six) in the crib when we said goodnight to our daughter.
The night my daughter was two days old and sleeping in her bassinet, next to my husband, I woke up with a start; my breasts felt hot and heavy.
I'm breastfeeding my 10 month old daughter and she sleeps a total of 12 or 13 hours every night, but she wakes for about 3 feeds in the night, i'm really exhausted but i believe she must need it as she takes a really good feed then goes straight to sleep, i have never let her cry but i'm worried about how difficult it is going to be to stop them, i will let my husband read this and see if he will help like that too.
I love co sleeping with my 3 year old daughter but now that I am pregnant with # 2 I don't know how to make things work in the bed without waking her every time the baby wakes at night.
My Daughter is 17 months old and has been in «panties» ALL day for 2 months and in Pull Ups at night and almost always wakes up dry.
My daughter is 7 1/2 months and she starts out the night in her own crib, then she wakes up around 3:00 am and since i am half asleep and have to be in work by 6 am i bring her to my bed, feed her a bottle and then she falls asleep.
I remember when I brought my second daughter home I was so worried that every time she woke up in the middle of the night to eat that she was going to wake up my older daughter.
My daughter woke up twice last night in the middle of the night, and ever since a car accident three years back, my right eye is super sensitive to lack of sleep.
When Inga steals off one night with Corto, Dinesen wakes up in a panic and — not heeding the advice of the seedy Pittaluga — rides off into the desert to search for his daughter.
Having her in my daughter's bedroom we thought was the best thing without locking her away from the humans for the night)(I slept in my daughter's bedroom 2 of the 3 nights as she was waking up my daughter with a little bit of whining)
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