Sentences with phrase «day adoption push»

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From May to September, it's puppy and kitten season, and our team is pushed to their limits in caring for sometimes 10 or more new shelter animals a day while trying to arrange adoption events, transports, medical care, feeding and proper cleaning of kennels, volunteer training, etc..
from guatemala — i had originally thought i would adopt from china but they are very strict on single people adopting — my social worker pushed hard for russia but i did a lot of research and there is a lot of fetal alcohol syndrome and that isn't the case in guatemala — annie was in foster care vs an orphanage and travel wasn't that far (i went 3 times) all adoption is hard no matter what — i had 2 other adoptions fall through — but the benefits are amazing and blessings abundant — guatemala is up and down these days but i have friends who've adopted from china, ethiopia, guatemala and of course the states so if you need an ear we're all happy to help!!
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z