Sentences with phrase «day decreased their risk»

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In fact, according to the researchers, the health risk of having few friends was similar to smoking 15 cigarettes a day, and more dangerous than being obese or not exercising in terms of decreasing your lifespan.
«It's good to look at where you are with diet and physical activity and look at places where you might improve and just start every day to take some simple steps to decrease your risk and improve your health,» Bender said.
Meditation only takes a few minutes every day, but it can bring many benefits like a decreased risk of mental illness and brain degeneration, increased serotonin production, lower blood pressure, and decreased anxiety, explains user Joshua Raichur.
The science is in: all - day sitting is extremely unhealthy, and walking at work can significantly decrease your risk of developing ill health effects brought on by a sedentary lifestyle.
They concluded with substantiated evidence that the risk of colorectal cancer in the USA could be decreased by 31 % JUST by adding 13 grams more fiber each day.
Finally, we have reviewed a large - scale study on high blood pressure showing an association between high levels of protein intake (in the vicinity of 100 grams per day) and significantly decreased risk of high blood pressure over an 11 - year period of time.
The proportion of people aged 18 years and over who consumed more than two standard drinks per day on average, exceeding the National Health and Medical Research Council lifetime risk guidelines, decreased to 19.5 % in 2011 - 12 from 20.9 % in 2007 - 08.
This decreased volume means minimal risk for sportsbooks and fewer artificially inflated lines which, as our research shows, has caused the value derived from betting against the public to wane substantially in day games.
To decrease your risk of several chronic diseases, you should strive for at least 30 minutes of moderate - intensity physical activities on 5 or more days of the week or vigorous - intensity physical activity 3 or more days of the week for 20 minutes or more per session.
Now, I'll give the readers here credit for catching the part where they flashed up on the screen a nice graphic stating that you COULD put an extra ice pack or two into the lunch and probably «decrease the risk,» but I think talking about how not even an ice pack, or refrigeration at many day cares, is enough to keep your child from possibly coming down with foodborne illness could be enough to make some less conscious parents throw up their hands in disgust and say «I give up.»
This delay of a few days can lower the risk and severity, without seriously decreasing your chances of successful pregnancy.
A study in 2013 involving 106 participating centers in 25 countries came to the conclusion that, in a twin pregnancy of a gestational age between 32 weeks 0 days and 38 weeks 6 days, and the first twin is in cephalic presentation, planned Cesarean section does not significantly decrease or increase the risk of fetal or neonatal death or serious neonatal disability, as compared with planned vaginal delivery.
More importantly, it will prevent the room from getting too hot during the day, dramatically decreasing your baby's risk of SIDS.
Flossing teeth at least once per day helps decrease the risk of periodontal disease and tooth decay that happens between teeth.
When analyzed together, their risk for breast cancer mortality decreased an average of 24 % per metabolic equivalent (MET) hours per day of exercise, where one MET hour equals a little less than a mile of brisk walking or about two - thirds of a mile of running.
In contrast, the walkers» risk for breast cancer mortality decreased a non-significant 5 % per MET hour per day.
The runners» risk for breast cancer mortality decreased over 40 % per MET hour per day.
Administration of 50 mg per day of vitamin E decreased the risk of pneumonia in elderly male smokers by 72 % after they quit smoking, according to a paper published in Clinical Interventions in Aging.
In women with a singleton pregnancy between 34 weeks to 36 6/7 weeks of gestation who are at high risk for preterm birth within the next seven days (but before 37 weeks of gestation), SMFM recommends treatment with betamethasone, a corticosteroid demonstrated to decrease neonatal complications in preterm infants.
Further analysis indicated that for every 10 mg increase in iron dose per day (up to 66 mg per day), risk of maternal anemia was 12 % lower, birth weight increased by 15 g and risk of low birth weight decreased by 3 %.
«We're far from having a treatment based on this, but it's exciting to think that one day, we might be able to turn down the pruning process in some individuals and decrease their risk» of developing the condition, Beth Stevens, a neuroscientist who worked on the new study, and an assistant professor of neurology at Boston Children's Hospital, said in a statement.
A recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that even those who exercised for fewer than the recommended time (150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week) showed a decrease in risk of death, when compared to those who had little to no physical activity each day.
Current users of statins experienced a 27 % decrease in risk for CA - SAB and long - terms users (multiple prescriptions across more than 90 days) had a 30 % decrease, while new users (first prescription within 90 days) showed a modest 4 % decrease in risk.
It was found that having 1 - 3 drinks per day could lead to a decrease in the risk of developing heart diseases of up to 60 %.
For the guys who struggle with gaining lean mass, decreasing the risk of adding excess body fat means eating less on rest days — a great rule of thumb is lowering calorie consumption to 1 gram of carbs and 1 gram of protein per bodyweight daily.
According to a 2007 study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, just 30 minutes of brisk walking five days per week is enough to decrease your risk of heart disease and lose weight.
A study with older adults at high risk for cardiovascular disease found that vitamin K intake reduced the risk of developing type II diabetes by 17 % for every 100 micrograms of vitamin K consumed per day.3 Moreover, subjects who increased their intake of vitamin K1 during the follow - up has a 51 % reduced risk of diabetes compared to those who decreased or did not change their intake.3 However, supplementation of vitamin K2 appears to be even stronger and more effective, reducing the risk of type II diabetes by 7 % for each 10 - microgram increase in vitamin K2 intake.4
USC's Dr. Valter Longo has created the Fast Mimicking Diet, a five day partial eating diet that in research decreased risk factors / biomarkers for aging, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer without major adverse effects, providing support for the use of FMDs to promote healthspan.
«Studies have shown that something as simple as walking 30 minutes per day will decrease your breast cancer risk and increase the chances of survival if you have breast cancer,» she says.
(1) Use of Echinacea was found to decrease the risk of developing the common cold by more than 40 %, and decreased the duration of the cold by 1.4 days.
Notably, increasing fiber just seven grams a day may decrease stroke risk 7 %.
To further decrease risk of breast cancer, look to daily tea consumption (including a few herbal varieties) flax seeds, black beans, the spice turmeric, and an hour of exercise every day.
So, compared to people eating about less than an apple a day, those eating one or more had a 5 % decrease in overall cancer risk across the board.
A Harvard University study examining the exercise habits of more than 70,000 women, showed that a 40 minute walk every day reduced type 2 diabetes risk by 40 %, and with a longer walk the risk could be decreased by an even larger percentage.
You can decrease the risks associated with energy drinks if you stick to the recommended limits, which are often listed on the labels of the drink, or limit your consumption to no more than one serving per day.
Sweet cherries reduce uric acid levels in the bloodstream and, in fact, increased sweet cherry intake has been associated with a 35 % decreased risk of gout attacks (over a 2 - day period with 3 servings or approx. 16 cherries / day).
A study in 2003 found out that by burning at least 200 calories a day men can decrease the risk of erectile dysfunction.
Red wine: Moderate consumption of alcohol (1 - 2 drinks a day) has been associated with a decreased risk of heart attack and stroke.
Adding turmeric to your daily nutrition decreases the risk of developing cancer, because curcumin not only reduces inflammation, but also reduces free radical damage to DNA and inhibits the growth of cancer cells, especially those of the colon, which regenerate at every three days.
The risk of CHD is decreased by 4 % for each additional portion per day of fruit and vegetables and by 7 % for fruit consumption.
One meta - analysis of nearly 700 published studies showed that both adults and children who are short sleepers have an increased risk of obesity.1 In a different study, 12 men were allowed a full night of sleep (8 hours) followed by a partial night of sleep (4 hours); after the latter, the men were hungrier upon waking up and ate more during the day (22 %).2 Acute partial sleep leads to increased serum levels of ghrelin (a hunger hormone) and decreased levels of leptin (a satiety hormone).
Getting at least 4.7 grams of potassium per day can decrease blood pressure by an average of 8.0 / 4.1 mmHg, which is associated with a 15 % lower risk of stroke (20).
You can still decrease your carbohydrate intake and reduce your risk of health complications by consuming at least 100 grams of carbohydrates a day.
Marathon runners consuming the equivalent of a teaspoon of nutritional yeast a day may not only cut respiratory infection risk in half but result in decreased confusion, fatigue, tension, anger — and my favorite — increased vigor... thanks to nutritional yeast.
A 2009 study showed that eating just one mushroom per day could decrease your risk of breast cancer by more than 60 percent.
There is considerable evidence that a diet supplying at least 4,700 mgs per day of potassium, is associated with decreased risk of stroke, hypertension, osteoporosis, and kidney stones.
While conservative alcohol consumption (especially of red wine due to its polyphenol content) has been shown to decrease certain cancer risks, help prevent diabetes risk, and some aspects of heart disease, consumption should consist of no more than 1 drink a day for a woman, and no more than 2 drinks a day for a man.
Intermittent fasting does decrease IGF - 1 and has been shown to slow down the aging process and reduce some cancer risks Most intermittment fasting benefits are seen from fasting 16 - 18 hrs per day.
The American Heart Association recommends walking 10,000 steps a day to improve health and decrease the risk of heart disease.
Follow the above 10 tips to help decrease your risk of breast cancer: little things we do each day can make a big difference in breast (and entire body) health!Breast Wellness by Dr. Elizabeth W. Boham
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