Sentences with phrase «day is bored»

The one thing new employees don't want to be on their first day is bored.
Mark Twain said: «The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.»
To put it in perspective, despite already being one of the most respected blue chip stocks in the world, if you had bought $ 100,000 of shares in the firm on the day I was born back in 1982, you'd now be sitting on approximately $ 7,285,450, of which $ 5,928,985.20 came from your 82,210 shares of the stock and $ 1,356,465 from cash dividends collected over the years.
Post something critical about Obama's socks or point out that the Big East had more teams in the tournament than anyone else because there are, like, thirty - seven teams in the conference, and someone out there will curse the day you were born.
(ix) generally make their lives miserable, reducing them to nothing but mindless breeding machines, from the day they are born until the day they die, for our own sick, barbaric pleasure.
but if your parents told you, from the day you were brought home from the hospital, that the Bible was the literal truth, and everyone — EVERYONE around you continually reinforced that belief — in school, at home, at your friends» houses, and you were in that 24/7/365 from the day you were born, you can start to see — and have sympathy — for these people when other people appear to be attacking their core conditional belief system.
He was hated, rejected, and persecuted for delivering the messages God called him to deliver, and he found himself bemoaning his prophetic calling and cursing the day he was born (Jer.
On the day I was born, the earth was 2.2 billion years old.
Well, duh, Job curses the day he was born.
Perhaps the older among them remembered the time of the census and the very day he was born in Bethlehem.
I think it is because in cursing the day they were born, both of these men of God were venting their raw emotions — emotions that were real but that were not necessarily true.
From the day we are born (and before) we are aging.
It is a miracle just like the day you were born.
The more I share my experiences of being an indigenous Christian, the more I hear other people say the same — that we are participants in a world we don't quite belong to — which is the very experience of Jesus, from the day he was born.
Me and Joe, the day he was born.
BROOKE BALDWIN and those whites who have long history of embracing white supremacy have been trick by BILL CLINTON and his fallen BLACK ANTEBELLUM and HIPHOP ANGELS in beliving it will be easy to get rid of ANDRE HIMES not knowing about the power of the holy lamb, who has guarding ANDRE life since the day he was born AT SHAW AIR FORCE on APRIL 30 1965 EZEKIEL CHAPTER 36 Thus the LORD GOD to the house of ISRAEL.
Most people who say they believe in God, only do so because it's what they've been told to do since the day they were born, and what God you believe in usually depends on where you were born.
How many Christians here celebrate the day they were concieved instead of the day they were born?
So the Council of Ephesus defined with the full authority of Christ in His Church, that he was «born of the Father before the ages according to divinity, but in the latest days he was born of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, according to the humanity».
I realize that many people of faith, have had religion beat into them (so to speak), since the day they were born, so much so, that they think they will go to the mythical hell if they even have 1 doubt about the truth about religion, that they actively try not to face the facts.
In other words, attraction will one day be born of enforced nearness.
When Iron Fist argues that he's trained to become a martial arts master, Cage counters with «you had power the day you were born
Having experienced church leadership life since before the day I was born (I'm a PK), I can easily see and empathize with how this happens.
Maybe he thinks the earth began the day he was born.
That we celebrate Jesus» birth on a specific day of the year does not mean that we think that was the actual day He was born.
And as for your birth, on the day you were born your navel string was not cut, nor were you washed with water to cleanse you» (Ezek.
He came to curse the day he was born (Jer.
Why I said you are not telling the truth is that your entire life means you have been tithing since the day you were born into this sinful world.
Also considering that I signed the contract for it when I was about four months pregnant, worked on it until the day he was born and was back at it a week later... I had two babies last year!
And I totally take back what I just jokingly said about salads every day being boring, because look ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ That's not what I call a boring salad, with all those colors and textures and crunch!
Black and Gold have been in my veins since the day I was born.
The animal represented life and a fate sealed the day he was born.
«I think he died the day he was born,» wrote Harold Conrad, who did publicity for four of Liston's fights.
Konstantin, you have been bashing Wenger since the day you were born mate?
Sheri had carefully picked the date to avoid a conflict with a Stanford home game so she could be sure my dad, an alum who was at Cal watching Stanford lose a Big Game the day she was born, would be there to walk her down the aisle.
It held onto him for 9 months and sheltered him, protected him and prepared him for the day he was born.
From the day she was born, I was pumping like a maniac to stimulate my milk supply and provide her with all the milk she could take.
To be totally honest, I have zero interest in seeing anyone's stomach, even if it is housing what will one day be born into a relative of mine.
You share finances and resources with family and roommates, you learn to live with people from the day you're born because you live with your parents first, then siblings, then probably roommates.
On The Day You Were Born is the perfect baby shower or 1st birthday gift.
As your kids get older you will see they love to hear all about the day they were born.
On the day he was born, painful contractions started about 3 am.
She has been nosy from the day she was born and would get very frustrated if she couldn't see out.
They can also recognize their mother's voice, often on the day they're born.
The Curly - Haired Monster [and still is, at age 31], and # 3 burbled with ecstasy from the day she was born.
We went home from the hospital the next day he was born and hell broke loose.
From the day he was born the Pediatric insisted on breast feeding and we agreed to it.
My daughter was a very alert baby and we struggled with sleep from the day she was born.
Picking out a name for your child is part of the bonding experience and some parents find that waiting until the day they are born can be difficult.
Plus you can see if there is a spot for a newspaper clipping from the day they are born and baby hand and footprints.
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