Sentences with phrase «day jobs»

No one was getting paid because no one was in charge, and remember the twelve Jewish Apostles took no money either and they lived locally and had the same day jobs they had When Jesus met them.
There are a wide variety of ways we can do this, but one of them is through our day - to - day jobs, whatever they are, working with honesty, integrity, and generosity, all of which is quite rare these days.
And there are lots of pastors with day jobs.
The bulls (if we may speak for the handful of them still holding their day jobs) are seemingly near extinction.
I certainly don't know any 75 - 89 year olds who are working steady day jobs.
In Calgary, the founders of Tool Shed Brewing Company tell of quitting their day jobs at an IT company.
Several of these hackers are engineering or computer science students or young professionals with day jobs, confident that the encrypted world they operate in wont give them away.
These single day jobs can even offer income on a regular basis.
Most entrepreneurs today fail to realize three important truths about day jobs.
Is risk measured by the fact that people are quitting their day jobs and taking the leap of entrepreneurship — too much generalisation.
There are countless stories about creative entrepreneurs who quit their day jobs, in order to pursue their dream careers.
Others use their day jobs to fund projects such as car washes, storage units, or opening a gift store.
It's hard for angels to assess whether or not to invest because they often have day jobs and can't commit to the kind of due diligence that most VCs go through.
Since then, we've won or raised over a quarter of a million dollars, quit our day jobs, started generating revenue, and hiring employees to grow our business.»
One of its key selling points is that many of its engineers are moonlighters with day jobs at presti...
It was never intended to replace our day jobs, nor could it.
Two months after the site went live, an infusion of cash from a college friend of Ms. Cannon's enabled the co-founders to quit their day jobs and hire a Web developer.
Right now he has 25 private students and 90 % of them have succeeded in quitting their day jobs and working online full time.
Anchoring workers to their day jobs doesn't ensure smooth sailing.
We will continue to see over-funding of late - stage venture financings until the bloom comes off the rose and then I predict rational non-VCs will return to their day jobs chasing returns in other corners of the financial world and we people who only know how to do venture will continue doing just that.
If you ask many people in the employee mindset why they won't start a business, they'll say they need the security of their day jobs.
Ironically, many entrepreneurs freed themselves from day jobs only to enslave themselves to their startups.
«Some stuff just comes down to day - to - day jobs, encouraging people to think about: «How can I do things more effectively?»»
In 1991, Jordan and her husband Jeff Lebesch quit their day jobs and made the incredible leap to start a brewery in their basement.
They all have different skills and different day jobs but, together, they're looking to strike it rich.
Where necessary, we borrowed or appropriated folks, taking them away from their day jobs (or simply redefining what their «day job» actually was) and asking for forgiveness instead of permission.
If you think Obama's health care reform is a great development because it would free entrepreneurs from the need to keep «day jobs» because they need health insurance, you're probably not a fan.
The women — Susan Wu, Laura I. Gómez, Erica Baker, Ellen Pao, Tracy Chou, Y - Vonne Hutchinson, bethanye McKinney Blount, Freada Kapor Klein — have all pushed for greater diversity within the tech industry long before the new initiative, on which they'll work on outside of their day jobs.
«People find profound meaning in their day - to - day jobs, and I think that's an important thing for us to preserve.»
«They're the ones doing the day - to - day jobs — they know what's good for customers and for the business.»
For one, breaking up the company is hard to do, and the administrative legwork required to carry it out could distract the executive team from their day jobs running the business, the filing said.
Zuckerberg said that side ventures outside of people's day jobs is one of the things the company looks for when making hiring decisions.
The two drivers we rode with also love UberX — both said they make more money with it than through their day jobs (one was a teacher).
Who: A good fit for those who balance day jobs or other commitments with their entrepreneurial aspirations.
After we returned to our day jobs, Ally was restless.
The team members, who met through their day jobs at cloud software company Pivotal, are also eyeing next year's Battlehack tournament.
For example, a designer and a finance manager typically speak two different languages in their day - to - day jobs.
As if they were forever free from the chains of bad treatment, sterile work relationships, and inhibiting day jobs.
Our opponents have significant operations on the ground in key battleground states, full - time candidates without day jobs, and a lot of media attention to fuel their campaigns.
«Thanks is not a big enough word, but they took time out of their busy schedules and took time away from their day jobs to hang out with me in the morning.
For the first year, the duo kept their day jobs (both worked at Clarity Systems), putting their energy into refining their product and strategy rather than attracting resources.
These so - called «hybrid» entrepreneurs who keep their day jobs make for less thrilling copy and more complicated data analysis among researchers, so they're often undercounted, Raffiee notes, which skews the data on entrepreneurs» traits in general.
But factor back in the often overlooked «hybrid entrepreneurs» who keep their day jobs while founding their businesses, and the personalities of entrepreneurs start to look more and more like, well, the personalities of the rest of us.
«We quit our day jobs in late 2014 to go at this full time, and we launched Casalova in May of 2015.
To build your company's reputation online, you need to hire people you can trust not only to excel in their day - to - day jobs, but to be the public faces of your business.
Research has shown that those who kept their day jobs while starting their businesses were 33 percent more likely to be successful than their risk - taking counterparts.
Once your business begins bringing in an income which rivals that of your day job, then and only then should you consider whether to pursue it full - time.
You may joke that the week you went on vacation flew by far too quickly, but if you stop and think about it, that week actually seemed to last much longer than one involving the drudgery of your day job.
I worked on it when I got home from my day job.
Lastly, LinkedIn says recruiters want to know more about you than your day job.
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