Sentences with phrase «day off from work»

If you are in the process of acquiring your new puppy, it would not be a bad idea to take a few days off from work for the very first days.
On days off from work, definitely get the training done as early as possible.
Since my parents were delayed, my husband had to take an extra day off from work to help me with the girls.
Take a few days off from work so you can be with your new dog.
On the fourth day I usually just take the entire day off from working out all together.
A bonus can be as simple as one paid day off from work or getting to a gift card.
This is my last day off from work before I have to go back, so I'm really looking forward to get as much playtime as I can in this game.
And although my husband and I talked for years about sharing parenting responsibilities, he took only a few days off from work after each of our children was born.
I'd love to know if you are able to take a full day off from work / house work etc..
But on those lovely days off from work — especially if you're playing host or hostess — it's time to bring out the breakfast recipes.
These and other outdoor sports are a part of many days off from work and holidays.
Apart from immediate healthcare bills, there may be longer term rehab as well as therapy, days off from work in addition to psychological and mental stress.
I came to the conclusion today that I'm just going to have to take a few days off from working out.
This is considered a «long» day in court, most attorneys advise their client's to take the entire day off from work.
We often take days off from work just to recuperate from a bout with flu.
BUT, this is John's last «extra» day off from work for awhile, and we have a busy couple of months coming up, so we are looking forward to just relaxing as a family, having a picnic in the park, and maybe even watching a movie!
No no, not because I could take couple of days off from work; but because I could... [Read more...]
I took a couple days off from work, so when Megan went to school, I stayed home.
Truck drivers have the highest number of nonfatal injuries and illnesses that require days off from work across all U.S. occupations.
i had a rainy day off from work the other day and decided the best thing to do would be to try this recipe.
It's my 4th day off from work (taking a mini-vacay) and I'm loving it.
(If only days off from work inspired those same feelings...)
I feel fortunate to be one of those lucky New England residents who get Columbus Day off from work.
It would just be any other day off from work, sweating it out in the backyard with friends, celebrating a break - up with England.
Afterwards the patient may feel pain or throbbing in the area, making it necessary to take a few days off from work until fully recovered.
Taking a vacation or even just a few days off from work affords us the chance to decompress and rejuvenate.
I faked being sick so I could stay home from school and play Quake II once, but now I request days off from work instead of lying.
(He would mow the lawn with our son in a shaded hiking back pack, just to have him close, and would hold him through his naps on days off from work.)
Saturday / Sunday shows would be better than a Sunday / Monday because you would be able to get more people there without having them having to take an extra day off from work.
The candidate took a total of eight days off from work for interviews at the company's domestic headquarters and the job site in South America.
Nurmi received an Apple iPad 2 and custom World's Best Cat Litter apparel, along with a paid day off from work.
Imagine a scenario: You have a measly 12 vacation days off from work and the possibilities are endless.
Instead, reserve some time and energy to do something that simply makes you feel good in the moment, whether it's reading a book, watching a movie, going for a walk or taking an entire day off from work.
Last I looked, it was, like, July, and then suddenly I notice the paper calendar that hangs in front of me all day long, and it's the end of August, and Labor Day is this weekend (and I've forgotten to ask for a few days off from work to extend the holiday, dirrr), and the sun is setting by 8:30 pm, and the basil plants are looking like they're past ready to be made into pesto for the winter.
No one likes getting called for jury duty — until they realize that they get a free lunch and a day off from work.
More than once she has spent her day off from work at the police station, collecting forms and evidence for upcoming hearings.
Don't forget to take the day off from work for the Feast of Maximum Occupancy.
Where I live, on the first days of buck - and - doe seasons almost all employers allow those employees that hunt to take the day off from work.
And even if she was in a ministry, I mean, people take a day off from work from time to time.
A lot of the recipes you see on my blog are created in batches, meaning on my days off from work, I will whip up anywhere from three to six different recipes and photograph them.
Last Friday, I took the day off from work and went on a day - trip upstate with a few girlfriends, including fellow food blogger, Nimai Larson.
Yesterday was the three year anniversary of my stepfather's passing, so my mom took the day off from work and we had dinner together that evening.
Sure, the day off from work is great (though I usually still work) but what I really love is that it's the first warm holiday.
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