Sentences with phrase «day practices often»

Unfortunately, day - to - day practices often undermine it.

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Often lauded for his independence, Comey had come under intense scrutiny in past months for his role in the agency's investigation into the email practices of Trump's opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton, including a pair of letters he sent to Congress on the matter in the final days of the campaign.
They often suffer from both mental and physical health problems at a higher rate than workers in other industries as a result of their working conditions, which include operating under hard - nosed management practices and getting yelled at all day by irate customers.
Many companies are so streamlined these days that if a manager leaves suddenly or is terminated, often there aren't other qualified permanent employees available to step into the role or get the job done, says Frances Randle, managing director of the interim management practice at Knightsbridge Human Capital Solutions.
While big data is a frequently cited term these days, people often struggle to develop an understanding for what it means in practice or how it translates to measurable business value.
We learned in those days to avoid intruding with the assortment of anecdotes, easy encouragement and doctrinal baggage that had so often been the stock in trade of well - meaning ministry both as we visualized it and as we had seen it practiced.
Maybe we do not need to child - proof anything anymore, but we need to take steps in practicing child - likeness, and that means we step away from the adulting we so often convince ourselves we need to do every day of the week.
In practice, day by day, it is simply a hard grind, and often remains so throughout life.
Kids pressured to do so take AP courses that require studying four to six hours a night after a full day of school and often hours of athletic practice.
The fact that cesarean surgeries are accepted as common practice and used far more often than necessary: and the correlation between «scheduled» c - sections and the days of the week.
Before high school, a child is not likely to fully appreciate that if she plays on a select team she may often be practicing or going to bed early, worn out after a hard day of exercise, while her classmates are watching TV or socializing, or she may be getting up early, while others are giving their growing bodies the rest they so desperately need.
Recently I have made a more specific effort to understand fully the concepts and practices behind AP and have realized how important it is for babies and children to feel protected and cared for at all hours of the day and often continued cosleeping is part of this.
A Note on Expectations Although EC is about communication, not completion, you can generally expect a certain level of day / night dryness and potty reliability (ie: done with diapers) by 6 - 20 months, depending on when you start and how often you practice.
Even though life is less conducive to unusual parenting practices this time around, I am doing ec much earlier and more often in the day than with baby # 1!
Nevertheless, psychiatric practice is still all too often directed not by advances in mental health care but by the political and cultural concerns of the day.
«We often encounter children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder in clinical practice who would like to communicate with youngsters of their own age and at the same time experience every day that they meet with rejection because they are unable to understand many of their classmates» behaviour patterns.
In my practice, I often hear women say «I was so busy I didn't have time to pee,» or «I forgot to drink water all day
Regular yoga practice helps to wring out the physical and mental junk from our busy and often not - so - healthy day - to - day lives.
I practice this often by giving myself a 3 - day or 7 - day short - term challenge or goal.
Carbohydrate cycling is the practice of lowering carbohydrates for a period of time, (three days is often used) and then bringing your carbs back up for a day.
You must perform strength interval training throughout the day, as often as you can using bodyweight exercises practiced in a slow twitch or fast twitch fashion (personally, I like to change it up each time).
One can either consume many small meals throughout the day (which is what most athletes practice now - a-days... often 6, but sometimes up to 8 or 10 times a day) or once can consume fewer, larger meals.
Late in the afternoon, after the second practice of the day was over, we would often all traipse over to the house were he was staying and watch Enter the Dragon or Fist of Fury and drink coffee prepared by his wife, Amma.
In addition, a vigorous yoga practice like hot yoga or a Vinayasa practice (during the day, not close to bedtime) can help relieve insomnia by cleaning blocked energy and cope better with stress — both of which will also often bring relief for depression, if that is the underlying issue.
Time is often cited as a barrier to regular practice, but even just a few minutes a day can have an impact.
She continues to learn every day through her own yoga practice and is forever grateful to all the teachers who are most often her students and especially to her teacher Geri Bleier who inspires Allison to continue to explore the deeper aspects of yoga.
From your first day at the yoga class to now, downward - facing dog pose (adho mukha svanasana) is probably the yoga posture you often practice and absolutely love doing it.
Prodromal labor is different from Braxton Hicks contractions, which are often painless, «practice» contractions, in which your uterus is simply preparing for the big day.
Many student athletes spend all day seated in class, seated on the bus or in the car, and often, once practice or games are done, they can be found seated watching TV or surfing the internet.
I travel often and do site visits at schools, which allows me to engage with teachers, administrators, and students to hear about their day - do - day work and understand how policies and innovative practices are being implemented in local schools.
With certain practices, including mindfulness (bringing one's complete attention to the present experience on a moment - to - moment basis), meditation (a self - directed practice, often using focused breathing, for relaxing the body and calming the mind) and gratitude, it is possible to re-access a deeper happiness that is available regardless of the day - to - day challenges that life presents.
Participants — who were given HGSE yoga mats when they arrived to the program — began their days with mindfulness practice, which often included a form of meditation.
It is troubling that those who know the youngest children best because they work with them every day have often no voice in formulating policies and practices for early childhood education and care.
The challenge is to convert often «high order» concepts abstracted from studies into consistent day to day practices.
Often, ELLs have limited opportunities to practice language during the school day.
This project has helped us to recognise that our established system of professional development was not the most effective way of developing individual practice further; was not always appropriate for all three Key Stages and was often tacked on to a busy day, when engagement could be less than focused.
These high - end uses of the IDS did not occur every day but happened often enough to indicate that the IDS influenced the participants» instructional practice.
Students rotate between face - to - face teacher - guided practice or project - based learning on campus during the standard school day and online delivery of content and instruction of the same subject from a remote location — often at home — after school.
Instead, principals often struggle with a lack of coordinated professional development, not enough time to work with teachers on instructional improvement, and a missing consensus on what the day - to - day work of a principal focused on teaching practice should look like.
Desktop publishing takes practice and sharp attention to detail, often the author does not have the time to invest, either they are writing or sometimes, they have a day job and kids that need that attention.
Even those doctors who followed due process — apprenticed under local doctors, went to medical colleges and studied hard, practiced often and kept as up - to - date as possible with the latest innovations — still struggled with the medical limitations of the day.
My Journey presents Why I am Not A Big Proponent of Revocable Living Trusts posted at My Journey to Millions, saying, «In both my law practice and day job Revocable Living Trusts come up often, however, I am not a particularly big proponent of using them for one specific reason discussed below.»
Often people get a routine and stick with it practicing the same behaviors every day in the same order.
In fact, a common practice I often hear cat owners admit to is feeding canned food once or twice a day, but leaving dry food out all the time.
Customer Experience: Post-sale support After the purchase and equipment delivery, the real work begins in implementing the equipment into the day - to - day practice and ensuring that it is used effectively and often.
To pass the comprehensive examination, candidates often spend an average of 1 hour per day studying, reading textbook and journal articles, and taking courses and practice tests.
The fields and practices of emergency, critical care, and internal medicine are a vital part of the profession, and referral practices are often in a world of their own when it comes to many day - to - day practices.
While the terms state that it could take 8 to 12 weeks to receive your credit, in practice this credit often applies within a matter of days.
These days games being announced long before they'll ever see a release is common practice, as is releasing countless trailers, previews, commentaries, images, news snippets and more, flooding the media with a seemingly endless torrent of crap that, quite honestly, often puts me off a given game entirely.
Often working in collaboration with artists, dancers, musicians, and writers, he invented new interdisciplinary modes of artistic practice that helped set the course for art of the present day.
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