Sentences with phrase «day reading and writing»

Unfortunately, Kaby Lake has been an extremely confusing generation, even to people like us that spend all day reading and writing about the best processors.
Chris describes playing the saxophone as a reprieve from day - to - day reading and writing and an opportunity to experience the joys of creativity, collaboration and understanding.
And as a 24 - year - old who spends 10 - 12 hours a day reading and writing about the environment and human systems, I fall squarely in that Gen - E.
I'm a literary nerd who would happily spend the entire day reading and writing, so who knew that I could get so excited about pull - ups and deadlifts?
I spend so much of my day reading and writing.
Why do I spend my days reading and writing about finance when all I really need to do is passively add to my index funds for the next 40 years?

Not exact matches

Last month, I drew a makeshift calendar where each day I marked whether I had read, wrote, exercised, and not drank (which was a monthly challenge).
«By the end of each day, I was exhausted mentally from hours of reading and writing.
I sat down to write, and in, like, three days it just came right out of me, almost in the form you've read.
And every single day, I open my email to inbound leads, people who read my writing and want to work together as a resuAnd every single day, I open my email to inbound leads, people who read my writing and want to work together as a resuand want to work together as a result.
«Read at least 30 minutes a day, listen to relevant podcasts while driving and seek out mentors vigorously,» writes Tucker Hughes, who became a millionaire at just the age of 22.
Gary spends about 4 hours per day on LinkedIn, reading messages, looking for questions to answer, writing answers and interacting with people he meets.
«We go to school and are taught reading, writing and arithmetic for [however many] hours a day and then taught that getting a good grade is better than getting a bad grade.»
As a college professor, I spend most of my days reading, writing and thinking about theoretical topics.
Prison gets boring, and the people who don't stay super productive (reading, writing, learning, etc.) end up sleeping large amounts of the day away.
I was reading up on preferred equity the other day and realised he'd already written an entire chapter on analysing them.
One of the first pieces I read on the slope of the yield curve, which continues to influence my thinking to this day, was written in the 1980s by economists Arthur Laffer and Victor Canto.
You need to place yourself in that day and age, its 1949 and computers are not that powerful, there's no internet, the only way to get information about a company is by writing to them (phones were not available everywhere) or by reading newspapers.
Read the Bible in the NIV version and if don't see the prophecies written over 2000 years ago coming to pass in this day and age then look closer.
Between writing my own, reading and commenting it's probably 2 - 3 hours a day, especially if you include Twitter & Facebook.
I follow close to 100 blogs, and spend 1 - 3 hours a day reading and commenting, and actually writing my own posts.
Marcus could read and write — though he could not write well, and had no inclinations to authorship, even in that publishing center of the western Mediterranean in the days of Nero — and so, as one of the few in the local congregation of Christians who could both read and write, he was commissioned to put together in his free time — probably late evenings, after the assembly of the Christians had broken up — the fragmentary translations of narratives from the story of Jesus and his teaching which were in circulation in the Roman church.
Day by day young Marcus went through his routine tasks at the office of the firm, posting accounts, checking the long bills of lading; for he certainly could read and write, and was thus in touch with the outside world of traDay by day young Marcus went through his routine tasks at the office of the firm, posting accounts, checking the long bills of lading; for he certainly could read and write, and was thus in touch with the outside world of traday young Marcus went through his routine tasks at the office of the firm, posting accounts, checking the long bills of lading; for he certainly could read and write, and was thus in touch with the outside world of trade.
At Yale, Warren carried on with writing poetry and fiction that is unfortunately largely not read these days because much of it is excellent.
It shall be when he sitteth on the throne of his kingdom that he shall write for himself a copy of this law in a book out of that which is before the priests, the Levites, and it shall be with him and he shall read therein all the days of his life that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, to keep all the words of this law and these statutes to do them; that his heart be not lifted up above his brethren, and that he turn not aside from the commandment to the right or to the left (Deut.
She began each class session with a bit of writing of memorable beauty, and some of those things she read to us runny - nosed, cap - askewed little kids haunt me to this day.
Last month I spent several days reading, editing, revising, and arguing with myself about the 100,000 words I had written.
If you write all right and if you don't all right, but you do not read; whether you start something different every day and finish nothing makes no difference; you sit there.
I would spend my days enjoying scenic hikes, reading, writing, and studying the landscape.
To believe in anything other is foolishness, read the bible, study, we are living in the last days, and no matter who is running for president, what is written is what is going to happen, as it has been for some time... so when our time comes the Lord is not going to ask, did you run for president?
When Oxford academic CS Lewis wrote about his adult conversion from atheism to Christianity in Surprised by Joy (HarperCollins) in 1955 it became an apologetics classic, one still read by Christians and seekers to this day.
I was recently reading through Job again and have written a post which is a dialogue between a modern day counselor and Job (using only words Job himself said).
Left to my own devices, I would read and write all day.
And better yet, after reading what was probably better left unsaid, you can write comments back telling me how crazy I am, or telling me that you had similar thoughts the other day.
I am tango - ing more, upping the pretty (I've cleared out EBay of the best vintage slips and re-invested in my perfumes) and growing indoor citrus and reading, writing and falling in love with life, a little more each day.
I absolutely love waking up and having some time to ease into my day with a cup of coffee, some writing or reading time, and the stillness of the house.
Reading your comments and connecting with you on social media makes my day, and turns the often solitary activities of cooking, photographing, and writing into something that's actually meaningful.
I visit each day some sites and blogs to read articles, except this blog presents feature based writing.
I composed lines of this post in my head as I went to bed last night, which was clearly productive (sarcasm) as I remember none of them and is most definitely a bad way to lull yourself to sleep because I woke from a stress nightmare at 4 am in which I was under deadline to read two novels and write three 15 - page papers by today, all while attending a full day of classes.
I made and photographed some Burmese food this past weekend, but I've been up to my eyeballs with taxes and reading travel guidebooks over the past couple days, so I haven't been able to do any photo editing or recipe writing.
The authors» responsibilities were as follows — CNM: had leadership responsibility for the research planning and execution, wrote the manuscript, and had primary responsibility for the final content of the manuscript; CNM, HE, and BN: formulated the study idea and designed the research; EV and JM: managed the day - to - day conduct of the study and oversaw the data collection; YJ: performed statistical analyses of the study data; and all authors: provided critical review and commentary on the draft of the manuscript and read and approved the final manuscript.
Min's cheerful, honest and sincere way of writing has charmed me since the first day I've read her posts.
She wrote in the London English of her day, where punctuation was a signal to stop for breath when reading aloud; this, and the fact that some of her phrases have vanished from the language, has forced me to choose, occasionally, between alternatives.
I read and write about the sport nearly every day.
If I did write just one (more) column, it would run 10,000 words... and the very next day, I would read something else that deserved a response.
Not surprisingly, as the hand - written letter movement has become the luddite compliment to unlimited digital harassment of college football recruits, recruiting coordinators found a problem: Kids were sharing their huge one - day post office hauls on Twitter and Facebook, but they might have not been actually reading the letters.
When you spend time to write about something that everyone knows and you keep doing that day by day, you are wasting your time and other people's time to read it.
Neither in the commentaries nor in the written previews and reviews did I read any serious analysis of the issue of the 25 players and who leaves to make room for newcomers — at least until a few days after we had started going through the permutations.
An independent evaluation of the impact of the Fathers Reading Every Day programme on more than 300 children at nine south London schools, found that for children who participated in FRED there was marked improvement at above expected levels in reading, writing and numeracy, when compared to peers who did not takReading Every Day programme on more than 300 children at nine south London schools, found that for children who participated in FRED there was marked improvement at above expected levels in reading, writing and numeracy, when compared to peers who did not takreading, writing and numeracy, when compared to peers who did not take part.
All your pictures brought tears to my eyes, especially after all these months of reading your blog and the day you wrote that you found out you were pregnant.
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