Sentences with phrase «day scenario»

In this present day scenario it would be the trainer holding the «purse» of smelling salts and fellow teammates administering the smelling salts to their friends as deemed necessary.
If there is a fear that has played on people's minds as the end - of - days scenario for bitcoin, it is this.
Our lifestyle is changing, given the present day scenario and stressful work environments, most of our investments are used up by health related expenditures.
Mate, i ain't no clairvoyant but all these Dejavu — Groundhog Day scenarios have become so boringly predictable!?
Scafaria begins her end - of - days scenario with a darkly comedic tone.
In present day scenario where prospective employers are probably receiving hundreds of cover letters and resumes per day, you need a... Read More»
@dnz There was a whole lot of peepz said we were gonna go through a «ground hogs day scenario» and get «whooped» was the word being bandied about...
Just Go With It - Moderately entertaining seems to be the best case scenario for a signature Adam Sandler comedy these days
Not getting client orders to market or enabling clients to be able to trade is a costly misstep so the more a brokerage is equipped to handle these heavy order day scenarios, the more likely a DIY investor can participate.
The modern - day scenarios got pared down in this title to the point where I could not say what even happened in Abstergo during those breaks from the high seas.
Let me explain my arguments a bit better: 1) In Feichter et al. 2004 we describe a modelling study were we run the climate model twice: One run is with estimates of present day anthropogenic and natural aerosols and green house gases (called present - day scenario ~ 1985).
It seems these dooms day scenarios are driven by fear of the unknown, headline mongering, or worse.
It's happened — we can finally apply the classic R v Cotesworth case, where the defendant spat in a doctor's face, to a modern day scenario involving a jealous Deloitte lawyer.
WASHINGTON (AP)-- An unpleasant Election Day scenario: A heavy turnout and a close election lead to a flood of court challenges.
A Groundhog Day scenario would be a very creative way for the Cubs to avoid winning a World Series.
In present day scenario where prospective employers are probably receiving hundreds of cover letters and resumes per day, you need a catchy and assertively written cover letter to take you through.
AW will go down as a very important and well - loved PL manager, however, looking at the present day scenario, it is quite clear change is long overdue.
I am fed up with the Groundhog Day scenario we go through each year only for Arsene to say we will come back fighting stronger next season.
Like some Groundhog Day scenario, it seems like every day we wake up to yet another Bailey 44 diagonal bias striped dress.
Here are 10 Valentine's Day scenarios to avoid if you want to be sure you will have a happy woman next to you this Valentine's Day.
Waking up in any sort of Groundhog Day scenario would be terrible, but waking up in a Groundhog Day scenario with a crazed murderer in a creepy AF baby mask on your trail would maybe be the worst thing ever.
To explain first with a day - to - day scenario, we have seen emails scanning the messages we receive and determining through some specific programs whether a particular email is SPAM or not a SPAM.
Though Flash, which was incorporated with numerous authoring tools, was the top mobile development support tool during the initial days, these days the scenario has changed a lot.
While the figures don't look as impressive on paper, the motor performs really well in day to day scenarios.
It's not as comfortable as the Sport chassis, which could see it get a little tiresome in day - to - day scenarios, but it's a much keener and more predictable car at speed, and more involving to boot.
The titles give indications to present day scenarios or are just quotes and quips that I have heard.
After Malthus's famous end - of - days scenario, necessity mothered invention: diversified agricultural techniques appeared, legislation led to cheaper food imports and the Industrial Revolution made for greater efficiencies.
People are not interested in spending a fortune for smartphones as they tend to do the same functions and there is hardly any difference in every day scenario irrespective of the hardware components used in a device.
Compare the Nexus 6P to an iPhone 6S and the delay is so minimal it doesn't really matter in a day - to - day scenario.
On the other hand, in a day - to - day scenario, it turns out that it's slower and not all that well optimized.
However, it should always be kept at mind that in the present day scenario it is not considered to be a standard procedure to put down a resume reference at the end of the document.
The one - day scenario is well suited to the «move - in and move - out cycle of real estate» and the tight time lines real estate professionals often encounter, says director of operations Jim Bodden.
According to Stephen Fishman's book «Every Landlord's Tax Deduction Guide», the travel days count, and he describes a clear example similar to my six day scenario.
For my six day scenario to make sense it would be two leisure days.
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