Sentences with phrase «day staying power»

It will give your liner all day staying power without that gross smudged bleed.
A versatile, water - resistant powder / cream eyeliner with all - day staying power.
I would put this up there with a high end foundation, its really wonderful and it has all day staying power, I would say a FULL 10 hours, which doesn't happen with a lot for me as my foundations typically wear off quite fast.
For all - day staying power, tap a matching brow powder or eyeshadow on top of the spot.
This lightweight, gel - based long wear concealer offers flawless, light - to - medium coverage with all - day staying power.
Buildable, blendable color with awesome pigmentation for all day staying power; triple milled pressed eyeshadow can be used wet or dry.

Not exact matches

Pundits have been predicting an implosion of the PC edifice since Don Getty's day, but barring the emergence of a widely popular and inclusive opposition party with a visionary leader (if you haven't guessed by now, Wildrose doesn't meet that standard) the PCs will stay in power.
Eighteen states issued statements supporting the Clean Power Plan the day after the Supreme Court's stay.
Given that most politicians» main aim is just to stay in power, the knee - jerk policy responses by the regime of the day is not encouraging, so pondering their reaction to a significant % of the electorate panicking about their mortgages is nightmarish.
Though the afternoon saw each pare their respective losses intermittently, with a final - hour push from the bulls, the rallies lacked the staying power to instill a change in direction at the end of the day.
If a mother can be arrested for leaving her child in a car, never out of her sight, for three minutes on a freezing day while her other children put money in a Salvation Army bucket — well, if someone were to write a story, now, about children allowed to sail and camp alone for an entire summer, and stay out all night on the water, those children would have to possess supernatural powers or inhabit another planet, and the story would be labeled «fantasy.»
Rick Santorum's surge in the polls in the days before the Iowa caucuses has been interpreted by some as evidence of continued relevance and staying power of the Religious Right.
CNN: My Take: Santorum's evangelical surge is about more than Christian Right Rick Santorum's surge in the polls in the days before the Iowa caucuses has been interpreted by some as evidence of continued relevance and staying power of the Religious Right.
Early on in my blogging «career», I would visit the sites that had been around for a while - the ones that clearly had staying power - and wonder how the bloggers did it... how did they stay inspired and motivated day after day, month after month, year after year?
I've seen a penalty given against us, I think it was Bellerin who tackled from behind, and got the ball first, before getting the man, and he put enough power in the clearance, that even if the man had managed to stay on his feet, he wouldn't have got the ball, however the MOTD of the day crew said it was a penalty, because even though he got the ball, you weren't allowed to tackle from behind?!?!? So why the double standards???
In other news, our team seems to be rounding nicely into form, with a productive off - season and several new additions already settling in, there seems to be a renewed sense of confidence in the air... our well - oiled machine has conducted business again early this year, so we can just sit back, kick our feet up and watch all those other suckers scramble to make panic moves in the 11th hour... of course, we need to tie up a few loose ends but our team of savvy negotiators, under the tutelage of our faithful leader, will perform their usual magic with ample time to spare... I have to laugh when I look around the soccer world and see all those teams look upon us with envy and scorn as they struggle to mimic our seemingly infallible business model... thank goodness the powers that be had the foresight and fortitude to resist the temptations of the modern football era... instead of listening to all the experts and simply taking the easy way out by making the necessary improvements on the field and in the front office, we chose the path never traveled... we are truly pioneers in our field... sometimes you just have to have faith in the people that have always conducted themselves in a respectful and honest fashion... most fans aren't so fortunate, they will never know what it's like to follow a team that treats everyone in and around the club as if they were an extended member of the family... all for one I say... so when you wake up this morning, please try not to gloat when you see rival fans pacing back and forth waiting for their respective teams to pull the usual panic buys, just say nothing and be thankful that it isn't you... like I've always said, this is why you stay the course... this is when the real benefits of having someone in charge for over 2 decades really pays off... have a great day fellow Gunners
Politics come to play and even Wengers signing of a new contract, that is political power play... Wenger wants to stay and he has been offered a contract so ask yourselves why he didn't sign the 1st day it was offered if he is doing so bad?
In this modern day, its not the club who has the power, its the players and their agents who decides if the player leaves or stays, so even if the club offers money to a player it is left to what the player wants.
Taking a moment every day to tune into your body and the majesty of its creative power will help you stay grounded and connected as your pregnancy progresses.
Yet, we stayed the course, and I'm while I don't consider myself a religious person, God or the universe or whatever higher power sustained us, enabling us to reach this day.
I watched Brown to day, he is a very very poor leader end of story, he is dragging this government into a very very long stay out of power, I do think people will see Labour in the future as we see the Lib Dem's OK to sit in opposition sadly a waste of time running the country, what next a New Toy Blair, a new newer labour.
NEW YORK, NY — With heavy rain and windy conditions expected over the next several days, and the impact of Hurricane Joaquin to our area still uncertain, Con Edison reminds customers to prepare for the potential of power outages and to stay safe.
If modern day coffee shop prices are your dungeon monsters, make your own and stay powered all day with the Hyrule Mug.
December 17 Wright Brothers Day: Celebrate the world's first successful powered flight: In 1903, Flyer l flew 120 feet, staying aloft for 12 seconds.
A fit person wakes up every day knowing she will do whatever it takes to stay on trackâ $» whether that means getting up an hour earlier to make it to the gym before work or squeezing in a power walk at lunch.
His pick: Tarte Amazonian Clay BB Tinted Moisturizer ($ 32;, a multitasker that provides SPF coverage, boosts natural glow, and has enough staying power to last throughout a sweaty summer day.
Using a step - by - step method for minimizing their staying power, you will soon find yourself breathing easier throughout the day!
Sleeping for a full 6 to 8 hours each day is also very important to staying healthy and powering the immune system.
Some oils have quite a bit of staying power and can last for several days, while others will fade more quickly.
I lost about 13 kg and now I still eat well and workout to stay health but also cause I wan na lose about 4/5 kg I'm an endomorph and I recently have changed my fitness routine: I do 2 - 3 times per week HIIT on treadmill and after that a 15 - 20 minute abs workout and 2 - 3 times resistance training (legs, arms) followed by a 15 - 20 minute power walk; I usually take 1 - 2 rest days / week.
• Then for my base, apply a medium / full coverage foundation like Marc Jacobs Beauty Re (marc) able Full Cover Foundation Concentrate as I want my makeup to last all day and this foundation staying power is amazing, and follow up with a concealer like Rodial Airbrush Concealer * to highlight and / or cover any discoloration not covered by your foundation.
The staying power isn't that great, but it is easy to carry around and doesn't look heavy even if you have touched up a few times in a day
We tested this foundation on ourselves to find that even after a full day out in the Sun (4 - 5 hours out and about), the foundation had great staying power and continued to keep the oiliness under control.
Ask any Kat Von D devotee, and they will rave about the incredible staying power of the Everlasting Liquid Lipstick range, and the fact that thanks to Vitamin E and sunflower seed wax it leaves their lips feeling soft and hydrated by the end of the day.
I find the 100 % pure nail polished has a great staying power that was a surprise I thought it would chip easily and last no more than a few days.
Their staying power throughout the day wasn't the greatest, as I had to reapply again by lunchtime, but I liked the way it felt enough that I would use the lipstick again, maybe over lipliner to see if that gives a little better staying power throughout the day.
The staying power is long and stays all day long, until cleansed with a face wash.
The formula is long - lasting, but doesn't have the staying power of a matte liquid lipstick, so keep it on you for touch ups throughout the day!
And there's no need to fret that Labor Day is about to rear its head since the crisp white jeans have staying power that will last far beyond the fall and winter months (although you should keep in mind that a stain on white denim is way more noticeable than on your dark - wash skinnies, so you may want to stock up).
On weddings and other special days, I'm typically less worried about waterproof mascara, but a lip color with staying power during all day events such as weddings.
The staying power is good, too, and although the stick is very handbag - friendly I don't think that there is much need for a touch - up during the day.
When it comes to its staying power, it stays good for 6 - 8 hours and after 8 hours also there was little fade of color due to the greasy food I was hogging that day I was totally impressed by its staying power.
However, its staying power isn't all that great on a hot or humid day and if you have combination to oily skin, you will need to set it with some setting powder.
At first, it seems like something familiar since we had some dominant pastels few seasons ago, but if you stay with it for a while you will notice that those sky shades have the power to make your outfit look calm and natural especially for warm days ahead.
Provides buildable, medium to full coverage with great staying power that keeps you fresh - faced throughout the day.
Foundation by MAC, Your favourite filter, Ultra-fluid, elastic gel - serum texture, Weightless feel, Sheer medium buildable coverage, Softly blurs pores and fine lines, while also controlling oil, Moisture - Fusion Complex provides immediate and all - day hydration, Long - lasting formula, It's got some serious staying power.
This liquid foundation has a lightweight formula, but it still has great staying power that keeps you fresh - faced throughout the day.
The staying power is about 4 to 5 days, beyond which it becomes pale and ugly.
The staying power of this foundation is really nice, stays on for the full day, almost 9 - 10 hours on me.
The staying power is very good, without primer it did not crease or fade for over 7 hours and with primer, it was good enough for a whole day for around 12 hours.
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