Sentences with phrase «days after the consummation»

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Here is a graph showing the abnormal returns for the period 30 days prior to the merger consummation to 30 days after:
The second revision facilitates lenders» ability to issue a revised loan estimate for new construction loans in cases where loan consummation is expected to occur at least 60 calendar days after provision of the original Loan Estimate; previously, the rule did not readily provide a mechanism for lenders to reserve the right to issue the revised estimate.
Commenters also observed that the proposed delivery rules, which would have created a presumption that the consumer received the Closing Disclosure three business days after it was placed in the mail, would have required that creditors and settlement agents disclose a large amount of information on the Closing Disclosure at least six business days, and possibly more, before consummation.
Settlement agents also explained that the work of clearing known title defects can sometimes occur during the days leading up to consummation because certain defects may not come to light until after a title report is analyzed.
The Bureau believes the statement will be just as useful to consumers of transactions secured by a consumer's interest in a timeshare plan where consummation occurs after the third business day from receipt of the consumer's application as it will be for consumers in transactions secured by real property.
Accordingly, the final rule requires, among other things, that an integrated Loan Estimate be provided to consumers within three business days after receipt of the consumer's application to replace the early TILA disclosure and RESPA GFE, and that an integrated Closing Disclosure be received by consumers at least three business days prior to consummation to replace the final TILA disclosure and RESPA settlement statement.
Even if changes occurred after the initial Closing Disclosure was provided under the proposal, consumers would still have received a nearly accurate revised Closing Disclosure three business days before consummation.
The commenters are correct that given the requirement that the Closing Disclosure be provided so that it is received by the consumer three days before consummation under § 1026.19 (f)(1)(ii), the consummation date may, in some transactions, change after the delivery of the Closing Disclosure.
Accordingly, proposed § 1026.19 (e)(3)(iv)(F) would have provided that a valid reason for revision exists on construction loans when consummation is scheduled to occur more than 60 days after delivery of the estimated disclosures, provided that the consumer was alerted to this fact when the estimated disclosures were provided.
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