Sentences with phrase «days cowering»

It sends him into panic mode and he spends the next two days cowering in fear.
It was not some concours relic that had spent its days cowering in a garage, or even an unmolested derelict waiting for a restoration.

Not exact matches

And when that same Cruz shot up the school on Valentine's Day, a «pusillanimous» Peterson «cowered in a safe location between two concrete walls» as it «rained bullets upon the teachers and students,» according to the complaint.
You just want people to cower, jump on the politically correct Christianity bashing train, or spend our days proving and apolgizing.
«Our treasury rifled; our credit shaken; the poor laborer asking vainly for his honest wages day after day; the rich official reveling in disreputable gains; an enormous debt heaped upon us we know not how; our schools decaying, our teachers cowering before their Catholic masters; our press, when it ventures to complain, threatened with violence or insulted by offered bribes; the interests of the city neglected, its honorable reputation gone.»
Kudos to Rev. Saturnia for sticking with the prophetic word God had given for that day and not cowering or compromising because it might offend one of the most powerful men in the world.
Otherwise, we've made no progress from the days when people cowered in caves fearing the wrath of their pagan gods.
i've cried more in the last 6 days than i care to admit i've broken up with people on facebook i spent the first 24 hours gathering grace, the next 24 hours cowering, and now i'm ready to tread out to the deep end.
Oh well; won't be the first time — if I got worried every time I was wrong about something, I'd be cowering under the bed all day.
In the days of the Jurassic, dinosaurs ruled the Earth, while early mammals cowered in their shadows.
By the halfway point, with guns still blasting, strippers cowering (yes, one of the many situations they must deal with during the day involves two armed men in a nightclub full of bikini - clad women) and Ben's video game «skills» suddenly providing clues in the big case, I'm beginning to sense the blitheness of my optimism.
I only hope that the day will soon come when Old Saint Jack will be working beside me instead of cowering in fear over what Mel Linduaer might say about him if he dares to say clearly and firmly and plainly what he knows about the message of the last 30 years of academic research.
However, after a few days the kitties remained terrified, cowering in their cages.
The first few days there was no eye contact, cowering, general «hiding» from us, like she wasn't in the room and we couldn't see her if she didn't move.
You'll see a dog cower in the back of his crate when you are feeding him, and then one day he finds the courage to make eye contact.
I spoke to a customer the other day who was told by her breeder to do some pretty rough stuff with her pup... and she did it until the pup started cowering and growling at her.
Is your dog happy to arrive at doggy day care, or do they cower in the car?
Cleo has been a treat from day one and is so different than she was cowering in the cage.
After only two days, as soon as I knelt down Tommy came crawling, cowering against my body looking for a rub.
If your dog starts to cower or try to run away, reduce the volume and try again in a few days.
Either way I'll cower away from it on game shelf until one day I'm feeling extra brave and then the game reminds me I shouldn't have felt brave that day, yeah I suck at Souls games but its the thought that counts right?
Since then, there has been much to talk about, but as everyone cowers from some sort of Independence Day - style attack or a Deep Impact - level catastrophe, Epic Games has been holding out on its players... until now.
But my wife is annoyed, and says reproachfully that you can't sit all day in your office at the Public Library, or at home — because that's what you do, you just roost here in Manhattan and go nowhere, why, you could do this any where else, you did not need to come to New York just to cower in a hole, really — and she looks at me sweetly as she takes a new silk jumpsuit out of the closet, you've got to go out, socialize a bit, you've got to see what's going on in the art world, for instance at MOMA PS1.
In the end it will be a political fight for reason and science; a fight we must win or descend to a intellectual Dark Age in which our descendants might tell will tales of days in the past men who once walked on the moon, as they cower in caves.
But she had never tried to write words rooted in this kind of anguish — words she hoped would speak for the 17 dead and all who had cowered in closets and under desks while bullets flew at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Valentine's Day.
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