Sentences with phrase «days guzzling»

The result is a darkly funny future in which the stupid, having outbred the smart, now spend their days guzzling junk while gawping at utterly inane TV.

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The billionaire says he once guzzled up to eight cans of Diet Coke every day, on top of his customary two cups of coffee.
But some days you'd rather drink a caramel, extra shot coffee than guzzle down the required ounces of H20.
Days are cold, snow drifts are high, and I've been guzzling mug fulls of this warming drink.
But what to do when I've already guzzled two kombuchas in a day, and am craving more probiotic foods (that's not sauerkraut)?
It is a different kind of British lunch: The day I went, everyone around me was guzzling mint lemonade along with their makluba (an upside - down dome of chicken and saffron rice).
So goodbye Wenger and thanks for the ancient history glory days but most of us, - pires and Ken, being dinosaur type exceptions on here and also the sweet, naive and ever water guzzling TY from Arsenal fan TV — prefer living in the here and now and looking forward to the near future, for we are all a long time dead, as our club has effectively been this last decade.
Milk is an infant's main source of nutrition for the first year of life and when they are transitioned to whole milk at one year of age, some scoff at the idea of milk from a cup and some still happily guzzle it down several times a day.
They don't guzzle it by the gallon, but a glass a day is okay.
He's pretty lazy, doesn't have a job and just sits around guzzling beer all day.
A gold medal for you if your family is guzzling down lots of H2O every day.
Do you skip meals, guzzle coffee or munch on junk all day?
Besides guzzling water like a high school wrestler, there are some other precautions you can take to help prevent dehydration when pregnant, like staying away from caffeine, taking shady shelter on hot days, and upping water intake on exercise days.
Kids can easily guzzle hundreds of excess (and often nutrition - free) calories every day.
Julia spends her days chasing her son around, playing many different Super Heroes or Villains, and guzzling coffee by the gallon.
Gamers might one day be able to enjoy the same graphics - intensive fast - action video games they play on their gaming consoles or personal computers from mobile devices without guzzling gigabytes, thanks to a new tool developed by researchers at Duke University and Microsoft Research.
They are voracious feeders, guzzling hundreds of times their body weight in plant fluid each day.
The mama mice weren't guzzling 10 double espressos a day, either.
They also curb their thirst: A 30 - foot mangrove sips about six gallons per day, while a similar - size pine tree guzzles more than three times that amount.
Girls who guzzled 12 ounces (or more) of sugary soft drinks each day were, on average, 2.7 months younger when they had their first period, the researchers found.
Squeeze a whole lemon into a cup of water (hot or cold) and guzzle it down, or slowly sip on it throughout the day.
To see how much you should guzzle, take your weight in pounds, divide in half and drink that number of fluid ounces a day.
In the old days, theyd change ends and theyd just guzzle down a Coke.
Day 1: Every day I was supposed to guzzle 16 Day 1: Every day I was supposed to guzzle 16 day I was supposed to guzzle 16 oz.
In other words, if I'm hungry after a long day of training, I eat — and on big training days, I'll often get out of bed at 1 or 2 am if I wake up hungry, stumble to the refrigerator, and guzzle a glass of coconut milk or a spoonful of almond butter.
You're supposed to consume no more than 50 grams of added sugar a day, so guzzling down a small bottle of Coca - Cola leaves you over the limit.
An ounce by weight (about 1 cup by volume) of dried nettle can be steeped in a quart of just - boiled water for 4 - 8 hours, strained, and then sipped (or guzzled) throughout the day.
Of course, I guzzle close to a gallon every day.
With the current fitspo craze dominating social media accounts, it feels like everyone around is completing Kayla's BBG, flashing their abs and guzzling low - carb green smoothies for breakfast every day (disclaimer: I do like a smoothie breakfast sometimes but I eat it in a bowl and it pretty much becomes solid food once I add my motherload of toppings — otherwise it's not enough for me).
Unless you're planning on spending several hours of a day in a gym, pumping iron, drinking protein shakes, and guzzling water by the gallon, you are not going to bulk up.
Prior to being vegan / Whole Food Plant - Based (WFPB) I was a chicken breast guzzling, 6 day a week in the gym guy obsessed with building muscle.
After a really tough workout or a long day of being out in the heat, guzzling down a flavored sports drink is almost as good as drinking an ice cold beer after spending a day at the beach!
It's a fantastic (and fun) way to fit some exercise into your day, and without a doubt, those with an active sex life will tend to care more about their general health — after all, if you become a pie guzzling 400 lb mess, it's likely no one will be able to have sex with you, even if they want to!
This got me thinking about how so many infants and toddlers are guzzling down bottles of this stuff multiple times a day.
I've been feeling a bit under the weather the past few days, which has equated to me curled up on my couch guzzling orange juice like its the nectar of the gods.
Though good hearted and well intentioned, I have just never appreciated the flag cape wearing, tinny guzzling, mischievous behaviour, that comes with the National day off.
The days of smug Europeans sitting around espresso bars and open - air cafés tut - tutting American stupidity may not be over, but rest assured — insert sound of frosty can of Coors Light popping, followed by sophisticated guzzling noise — the days of Americans muttering about European densité have only just begun, at least if recent announcements by BMW and Volvo that they will stop selling station wagons in the U.S. market come to fruition.
The days of gas guzzling V8, V10 or even V12 are limited.
Think about all those little rituals that sustain you throughout your day — from the moment you wake up until that last, lonely midnight hour when you guzzle a gallon of NyQuil to drown out the persistent voice in your head.
The party does not stop however and continues late into the day with beer and music visitors come here during this time to watch the sand art in action and guzzle down a few beers without wanting to really participate in the contest.
But in a crunch, the good old gas guzzling Zamboni was driven in from Calgary to save the day.
Subsequent days have reinforced our findings — the Nexus 5 has great idle performance, but guzzles down juice with the screen on.
The latest lines of auto hybrids, diesels, and compact vehicles will allow you to go farther with less gas and say goodbye to your gas - guzzling days.
and if your that worried about GAS, trade in your guzzling V8 SUV for a 4 cylinder... at the end of the day, business is about faster, cheaper, better and STILL, yes STILL profitable.
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