Sentences with phrase «days per week over»

Both programs were implemented four days per week over 23 weeks.
Fat loss and muscle growth are all about ongoing consistency, and when it all comes down to it, the «best cardio exercises» are simply the ones that you'll be most likely to perform multiple days per week over the long term.

Not exact matches

That's 1 - 3 days working a few hours per day, or 1 - 3 weeks working just a few hours per week - stretching it over a longer period is often a better plan for additional objectivity and less burnout.
Then, over the next two weeks, she forced them all to reduce their walking routines — by sitting more often — to 2,000 steps per day.
«In the last seven working days of the quarter, we made 793 Model 3s, and in the last few days, we hit a production rate on each of our manufacturing lines that extrapolates to over 1,000 Model 3s per week,» the company said.
That comes out to a whopping 13 hours per week in unplanned activities — well over an entire day at work.
The company said that in the last few days of the quarter it reached a production rate that «extrapolates to over 1,000 Model 3's per week
This week bitcoin cash (BCH) prices touched a low of $ 850 per coin, after following suit with the majority of other digital assets taking losses over the past five days.
I would start with just a teaspoon a day if you're not used to eating coconut oil, and then work up to about 3 tablespoons per day over a few weeks or so.
Hi, I'm 50 and have been working out with weights and cardio for over 30 years, 6 - 7 days per week.
I stretched 4 days a week, 2 hours per session; totaling over 100 hours of stretching in 100 days.
It has been a tough start, but over the last couple of weeks I have been able to keep the carbs at bay and am taking in 30 or less grams per day.
In just over one year, Chobani has grown its Australian production from 25,000 cases a week to 25,000 cases per day and has become one of the biggest yogurt manufacturers in Australia.
So far it's mostly okay although I go over budget a few days per week!
He'll receive five days of radiation per week over a span of six weeks.
The likes of Lacazette on 200k per week and Kolasinac on 150k per week would happily join us 10 times over even in this crisis status of ours because at the end of the day there are not that many other teams that will afford the kind of money they are on at Arsenal.
Considering the opening week of competition was across four days and the opening day averaged 408,000 viewers, it means the average over days two, three, and four were 237,000 viewers per minute, which would have been lower than both NFL games.
I'll sell Jack because he's going to be another Diaby, also sell Coquelin because he's good enough for a mid table team and also Ozil because his good days are over and he's not worth for 200,000 per week.
The meals are often quite inventive and «grown - up», even though they do occasionally get burger and chips or chicken nuggets.And everything is cooked on site, served on real plates with real cutlery, but actual lunch ladies... That said, it's costly: I pay 4.40 $ (about the same in dollars, I guess) per meal per day, so that makes just over 35 $ a week (no school on Wednesdays).
After hearing the concerns of the HISD Nutrition Services Parent Advisory Committee, our school food department informed us yesterday that it has already reduced the number of times juice is served to our children from five days a week to three, that it's switching over to a lower - sugar (but not artificially sweetened) juice, and that it's entirely eliminating Craisins (which contain six teaspoons of sugar per serving) from the breakfast menu.
After a day in which we spent over 30 minutes alone on show - and - tell, I wondered aloud if we shouldn't come up with a system by which each child only brought in one item per week.
Dr. Kimball was on the staff of Children's Memorial, St. Francis and Evanston Hospitals and for over 20 years, donated one day per week at the Infant Welfare Agency of Chicago.
Looming over the generally bullish oil market has been U.S. oil production, which is edging ever more closely towards 10 million barrels per day (bpd), hitting 9.88 million bpd last week.
After limiting the population to American adults who log in at least 4 days per week, the researchers had just over 10 million test subjects.
In this study, researchers from Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh gave 13 healthy adults matched by age and weight 50μg of vitamin D per day or a placebo over a period of two weeks.
For their research, Craig Stark and Dane Clemenson of UCI's Center for the Neurobiology of Learning & Memory recruited non-gamer college students to play either a video game with a passive, two - dimensional environment («Angry Birds») or one with an intricate, 3 - D setting («Super Mario 3D World») for 30 minutes per day over two weeks.
Moderate physical activity for participants increased 1.4 days per week compared with controls who actually decreased their activity over the study period by about half a day per week.
UCLA researchers recruited 35 people ages 45 to 75 and asked about their physical activity levels and the average number of hours per day they spent sitting over the previous week.
The chronic patients regularly applied repetitive stimulation at home, 45 to 60 minutes per day, five days a week, over a period of more than one year.
An August 2013 study led by Ethan Kross, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, sidestepped this problem by studying people's use of Facebook over time, surveying them about their well - being five times per day for 2 weeks.
In addition seven weeks of land warfare tactics and regular time two - mile swims, this woman will have to go through «hell week,» which includes 20 hours of physical activity per day, 200 miles of running, and a frightful 4 hours of sleep over five - and - a-half days.
Over the span of a few days or week, gradually add more sprays — I do not suggest using more than 15 to 20 sprays on the body per day.
If you are still really keen on training these on separate days to make better use of your deadlift time, I strongly suggest you do them a day over, not more than three times per week.
I'll personally start sneaking 4 - 6 dates per day (six was the magic number in the study) into my meals starting at about 35 weeks (I tend to deliver at just over 39 weeks).
It has also been suggested that any person in good health over the age of 50 should be doing at least 45 minutes of aerobic training on as many days per week as he / she can.
2 hours per week for cardio training = 30 minutes of HIIT over two to three days + 90 minutes of LISS over one to two sessions.
If an obese person needs 3,900 calories per day to maintain their weight, and they cut back to 2,000 calories per day, they might lose over three pounds per week.
At our house, adults take 1 tablespoon per day on an empty stomach (we worked up to this from a teaspoon over a period of weeks) and kids take a teaspoon per day (they started with 1/4 — 1/2 teaspoon).
Over a 6 - week period, the control group did 1 hour of moderate intensity exercise 5 days per week (that's 1,800 minutes of training).
In other words, natural supplements need to build up in your system to get to a level where more significant change occurs, which is why you often will need to take them several times per day, over periods of weeks and months or even longer.
The only difference was that some people were put on a training plan that spread that volume over more days per week, and some people were put on a training plan that spread that volume over fewer days per week.
People who spread their weekly training volume over 3 days per week gained more muscle than people who spread their weekly training volume over 1 to 2 days per week.
When you fast (either for 16 hours per day, or 24 hours every few days), you are also making it easier to restrict your caloric intake over the course of the week.
In another study of people who were at least 30 % overweight and ate only a fasting supplement of 420 calories per day over a 10 week period, they most commonly violated their diets in the second month at a time when they were feeling fatigued.
So why would we assume that reducing 300 calories per day over 1 week is the same as reducing 2100 calories over a single day?
I've been lifting for over a decade — I only train 3 days per week — and I just gave out my «workout secrets».
Each day this week I have consumed between 550 and 950 calories and my carbs per day haven't gone over 50.
that's why i could make gains doing 1 set of 50 - 100 reps 6 days a week; i never went over 500 total reps per week, or if i did, it was too brief a period to cause overtraining.
Over a 3 - week period, Hartman et al. (2007) observed no changes in serum T, serum C or serum T - C ratio in two groups who performed Olympic weightlifting training with the same volume allocated into either one or two sessions per day.
There's nothing wrong with eating a little more a couple times per week, but I wouldn't go out of my way to over restrict the other days while purposefully overeating on the refeed days.
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