Sentences with phrase «days per week when»

For me, it also helps to treat the local public library or coffee shop as an «escape» I can go to a few days per week when working at home seems oppressive.
I do not stray from my diet except one day per week when I eat a high calorie meal (normally pizza) as a treat.

Not exact matches

When the whole factory is working, Carlsson told the new outlet that he plans to use «6 million meters of anode and cathode material... per day, we could dress the Equator with an anode - cathode layer every week, give or take.»
It is left to the employee alone to decide if and when he or she feels like taking a few hours, a day, a week or a month off, the assumption being that they are only going to do it when they feel a hundred per cent comfortable that they and their team are up to date on every project and that their absence will not in any way damage the business — or, for that matter, their careers!
But in the past few weeks the sector took a fresh round of hits when franchise group Aussie Farmers collapsed, RFG announced an $ 88 million loss and flagged up to 200 franchise - run stores would close, while pizza giant Domino's reported disappointing results on the back of franchisees complaining about a brutal business model, and Caltex announced it was ditching its franchise model days before a damning report was released by the workplace regulator that found 76 per cent of its franchised stores had payroll compliance breaches that included underpaying workers.
When he was six weeks old, I started a feeding diary to plot the quantities of formula he was receiving against the number of breastfeeds per day.
Caprylic acid, when taken orally, has strong antifungal properties; take to three capsules three to four times per day for two weeks (or 1 gram at meals).
As far as baby's taking that, taking the amount of milk that mom's making — the in - take by baby after Day 4 is going to be about so when we're talking about the first week, it's going to be about 1 1/2 to 2 ounces per feed in general.
Unlike some of the comments I have never had the spraying milk when baby releases the nipple, but my boy has gained almost a pound a week since birth: (7 # 10oz at birth, now 18 # at 12 weeks) and has overwhelmed us with diaper changes, sometimes 15 per day.
Experts recommend pumping once a day, several days per week, to build up your supply for when you go back to work.
Every four weeks, Naomi's blood levels were checked and when they were within the range the doctor deemed acceptable, she was allowed to nurse once more per day.
They found that in years when the team won in the two weeks prior to election day, the incumbent or their party received 1.6 per cent more of the votes than in years when the team lost (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073 / pnas.1007420107).
For two years, Eren practiced the craft about eight hours a day — save one day per week, when he restocked his rock supply by hiking the beaches of South England, loading a backpack with 150 pounds of flint.
Reduced - nicotine cigarettes were beneficial in reducing nicotine exposure and dependence, and also the number of cigarettes smoked per day, when compared with standard - nicotine cigarettes in a six - week study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
A recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that even those who exercised for fewer than the recommended time (150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week) showed a decrease in risk of death, when compared to those who had little to no physical activity each day.
That being said, avoid overtraining by hitting your triceps only once or twice per week, and on different days from those when you train chest and shoulders.
They eat 6 meals per days, 7 days per week and never have a cheat meal, not once, not even when on their birthdays.
-- He usually works out 6 days a week and takes 1 day of rest on the seventh day — He does 3 - 4 sets per exercise — He trains biceps and triceps on the same day — He trains all big muscle groups once a week (legs, chest, back and shoulders) and the small ones twice a week (triceps, biceps, calves)-- His favorite muscle group are the legs, which is why he trains them on Saturday when he has the most time.
If it's not possible for you to practice six days per week, you practice when and how you can.
You can also set aside one day, or even half a day, per week when you don't look at your phone.
You can do them in any combination, whether you do one per day and rotate throughout the week or do them all on a Sunday or just pick the ones that are resonating for you when you feel moved to write.
When Garry got me on his Paleolithic HIIT protocol, all I had to do was a few minutes of exercise just 3 days per week.
There is a single study that found when subjects ate only one meal per day instead of three — without cutting calories — they lost 4.4 pounds of fat and gained almost 2 pounds of lean mass in 8 weeks.
As I mentioned earlier, you might find that your body is particularly sensitive to carbs and feels better when you reduce intake several days per week.
Fat loss and muscle growth are all about ongoing consistency, and when it all comes down to it, the «best cardio exercises» are simply the ones that you'll be most likely to perform multiple days per week over the long term.
I was walking and doing yoga a few days per week, and when I felt so inclined I also swung a kettlebell, lifted heavy, engaged in HIIT and played with my daughters.
It certainly worked for Park, and Dave Goodin said he experienced a clear increase in muscle mass and strength when he reduced his training to three days per week after years of training on four.
When you fast (either for 16 hours per day, or 24 hours every few days), you are also making it easier to restrict your caloric intake over the course of the week.
This is my standard practice 5 days per week, and then I generally just eat when I'm hungry on the heavier training volume weekends.
One question: when transitioning from a cut to a bulk, you recommend to add 100 - 150 calories per day for 5 - 7 days, than add another 100 - 150 for the next week and so on, until you reach your target caloric intake.
While single body part splits can work (giving a body part its own dedicated day), research has shown that natural lifters respond best when hitting a muscle group multiple times per week.
Sure, by chopping out a complete meal every day, you're consuming fewer energy per week — even when your two meals per day are barely greater than earlier than.
I have two questions: 1 - You stated that the optimal volume when lifting in the range of 80 to 85 % of 1RM is around 60 to 80 reps per week per muscle group, but in your 5 days split each muscle group gets only 9 sets of 4 - 6 reps weekly (except chest and this will be in my second question) so in total its gonna be 54 reps per week which is not enough volume.
In another study of people who were at least 30 % overweight and ate only a fasting supplement of 420 calories per day over a 10 week period, they most commonly violated their diets in the second month at a time when they were feeling fatigued.
I was not perfect for first week, then I saw rapid weight loss / water loss when I started to count my nutrient macros, (Onion and cabbage were less in carbs, but if you calculate the «20 «gram carb ratio per day, then its fine).
Of course am training 6 days per week, just like when i was in my «peak» years.
I do that when I'm home 4 days per week, when I work I eat a lot less and run 6 miles on a treadmill 3 days loosing 1000 calorie each time.
Even though they work out two hours a day four times per week, many dieters complain that they still fail to see the results of all their hard work when they look in the mirror.
Also, is it possible to look forward to the day when we have reached out max genetic potential (lets say with a normal 3 square meals diet) and then be able to keep it with just 1 workout per week instead of 3 - 5 times a week?
Since Carb Nite is a cyclic ketogenic diet which entails eating less than 30 gm of carbs per day during the week with only 1 carb re-feed day per week, I was eating less carbs than when I drew my previous test, but definitely more carbs than when I was in strict nutritional ketosis... and you can see there is a pretty clear relationship between the amount of carbs I ate and both my TSH and Free T3.
I just have a quick question, when I started a new diet about 3 weeks ago, I eat around 1000 — 1100 calories per day.
There is the strong potential that lean tissue losses can become significant when full fasting days are more frequent that once or twice per week (and this caution may apply to resting metabolic rate as well).
When I say every day, I mean 5 - 7 days per week.
When children were given five grams of spirulina per day, it caused dramatic recoveries within six weeks.
And I have been trying to mix the carb intake (higher carbs / lower fat when I train, with one refeed ~ 280 gr carbs a day at maintenance per week) and moderate or lower carbs (and higher food) when I do cardio (once - twice) a week or rest.
When people with diabetes were given 8 grams of spirulina per day for 12 weeks, their levels of the inflammation marker MDA decreased (66).
Four rules to follow when you can only train 3 days per week, plus the 4 common mistakes to avoid.
Diabetes patients experienced decreased insulin resistance when they supplemented their diets with 10 grams of broccoli sprout powder per day for four weeks, in a study published in the November 2012 issue of the «International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition.»
You'll burn an extra 100 calories walking just ONE more mile each day than normal: When that's multiplied out, it's an extra 700 calories burned per week, which results in approximately a pound of fat lost every five weeks, or 10 pounds in a year.
Week four is the home stretch, when you can enjoy two starches per day, including bread and rice, in addition to high - fiber crackers.
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