Sentences with phrase «days someone missed»

If you miss out on work or income, then keep notes of what days you miss from work or what job opportunities you could not seek out or accept because of your injuries.
Illness was the most common reason for absence, accounting for more than half (58 %) of school days missed.
Those 90 - day missed payments will likely cause your credit score to drop.
Liability was clear, but damages were nominal — soft tissue injuries, only a few days missed from work, no significant medical specials.
Some days it's nice, but other days I miss connecting with him.
Every single day I think about my child, and every single day I miss them.
A new survey by researchers shows that secondary students don't really know how many days they miss from school each year, or how their absence rate compares with their peers.
The following day I missed a couple of minor things and thought I was in trouble.
The ten - day missed test alarm is a way to assure viewers that their weather radio is performing properly.
A 30 - day late payment is a serious delinquency but not as bad as a 60 - day missed payment.
So I'll be posting a lot today to make up for the few days I missed.
Chronic absence starts as early as kids start school and includes days missed to illness, family vacations and other excuses.
Every single day I think about my child, and every single day I miss them.
There are many days I miss my little boy and struggle everyday if I am making the right decision.
A lot of information is contained in this submission packet, including medical bills, loss of wages and days missed from work, and limitations because of injuries.
It may seem obvious to include the loss of your pay for days you missed while recovering, but if your accident caused physical damage that continues, you need to consider these lasting effects and how they will affect your future earnings as well.
Tennessee students missed an average of eight days in the school year, with the highest numbers of days missed in pre-kindergarten and 12th grade.
We are all well aware that the last few years have seen Arsenal struggling to cope with a lot more players and playing days missing due to various injury problems than any of our rivals.
If the injured worker fulfills the requirements of the retroactive period, he or she will receive benefits for work days they missed during the waiting period.
Participants reported reductions in stiffness, anxiety, and depression as well as a reduction in the number of days they missed work because of fibromyalgia.
By counting the cumulative days missed by players from each team in the 2013 - 2014 season, according to data published by Teamtalk, we have created a list which will show you exactly which clubs have their physios sorted, and which clubs need an overhaul.
Out of the 11 teams who have been constantly in the EPL since 2011 we are way out in front with 10,285 player days missed due to injury or illness.
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If his passing results in improved management of Venezuela's oil resources, Alberta's oilmen might one day miss Hugo Chávez as much as Caracas's mourners do now.
Nervous Newport goalkeeper Joe Day missed four punches clear in the opening half an hour and had Mickey Demetriou to thank for sparing his blushes.
In addition, you can minimize days missed by practicing healthy living, making sure your child gets a flu shot, and reminding your tween to practice good hygiene at school, such as washing his or her hands frequently, etc..
The «junk» man took home millions upon millions while the poor miner who drilled the entire day missed the gold by only 3 feet.
10 months / 2000 + miles of «traditional» training: Bishop 100k 12:54 Angeles Crest 100 mile: 26:40 Leona Divide 50 mile: 9:08 zero injuries, zero training days missed due to illness / fatigue
I usually try to match my makeup to my scarf, so if you ever see me in a total miss - match, there was a tantrum that day
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Approximately 160,000 students per day miss school because they fear physical harm (Educational Development Center, 1996).
If you missed TOC's first Author (R) evolution Day you missed a lot.
At nine days missing Glory found Goldie alive under crates in an outdoor factory.»
For more information on lost pet behaviors, shelter - based lost pet recovery programs, and community - based lost pet search - and - rescue teams, a 5 - day Missing Animal Response course as well as in - house workshops for shelters, visit the Missing Pet Partnership website.
He can use a post-accident journal to track days he missed work, in addition to details surrounding his well - being and ability to function after an accident.
Good day miss Donna, I was studying the bible with my kids and we came across Angel, and they asked me if Angels are real and if it's possible to see them?
According to the NW Workers» Compensation Court, «the days of disability need not be consecutive,» and partial days missed due to medical needs can be counted as a temporary partial disability.
Their parents had also reported the severity of their child's condition; the number of school days missed in the prior 12 months due to illness or injury; and the number of calls home from school for a problem in the prior year.
After we moved to Florida, I would cry for days missing my children, and he would tell me they no longer need me and to stop crying.
As I made my way towards the hotel that first day I missed the sign propped up against the alleyway's entrance from the Campo San Bartolomeo but quickly back tracked and caught sight of it.
Whatever the reasons that Ford decided to unveil the new Mustang on Tuesday, after the 2017 Detroit North American International Auto Show had already been open to the public for three full days, it means that the hundreds of thousands who paid to attend the show in its first few days missed out on seeing an exciting new product.
«These homes affect the economy directly, through increased utilization of health care services, and indirectly, through lost wages and increased school days missed.
Is each performance criterion tied to something you can objectively measure, such as the number of pieces produced per hour, number of days missed from work, or some other easily measured metric?
Lengthy commutes were associated with greater degrees of exhaustion, stress, lack of sleep and days missed from work.
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