Sentences with phrase «dead hair combed»

A double - coated dog should have dead hair combed from the coat to hasten shedding and prevent hairy tumbleweeds from infesting the house.

Not exact matches

In general, a fine - toothed or wide - toothed comb should be used to remove tangles and a bristle brush to remove dead or loose hair.
Using a rubber brush first to loosen dead hairs followed by a good combing at least once a weak is recommended.
Therefore, regular combing with a rake is necessary to keep its coat free of dead hair.
However, as you move closer towards the skin, you will need a flea comb to pull out any dead hair that may still be lingering after giving a thorough brushing.
A brush, comb, mat remover or grooming glove used for a few minutes every day will help collect dead hair that you can throw away instead of finding it all over the house.
Grooming: Brush your Irish Terrier regularly and use a comb to remove dead hair.
The cat's short, fine coat (courtesy of the American Shorthair) requires minimal grooming — just comb it every few weeks to remove dead hair.
The thick coat of a Newfoundland needs to be brushed or combed out two to three times a week to remove dead hair.
The soft, short coat of the European Burmese is easily cared for with weekly brushing or combing to remove dead hair and distribute skin oil.
They work to remove knots, dirt, and dead hair much more gently than combs or brushes with finer teeth but can also be more easily broken, making a gentle hand imperative.
Then, use a bristle brush to remove dead hair, and comb the tail.
The hair does not mat, but the coat should be combed a couple of times a week and dead hair should be stripped (pulled) out twice a year.
You'll be able to get rid of some of the dander and loose cells on the top layer of skin and eliminate dead hair by running a brush or comb through the coats of both short - and long - haired dogs.
If you are careful to separate the long hairs by combing or brushing in small sections (after the initial brush - out) and then pluck or pull only a few hairs at a time, you'll remove the dead hair and new growth will be even.
You should groom your cat with weekly combing to remove the dead hair and help prevent hairballs.
The soft, short coat of the Burmese is easily cared for with weekly brushing or combing to remove dead hair and distribute skin oil.
Since the cat has no undercoat, combing once a week will remove any dead hairs; because of this feature, neither long nor short coat lengths will mat.
Its wiry coat needs combing one to two times weekly, plus stripping of dead hairs three to four times a year.
The smooth coat needs only occasional brushing to remove dead hair, but the feathered coat needs combing once or twice a week to prevent matting.
Comb the coat to remove all mats and tangles before brushing and bathing to remove soil, dead hair and debris from the skin and coat.
Brushing and combing your dog's coat helps remove dead skin, dirt, loose hair and helps removing the matted fur.
Brush regularly with a stiff bristle brush and remove the dead hair with a fine - tooth comb.
They do not shed, but they tend to blow their coat off once a year at the time when all of its dead hairs are shed at once.During this period, handlers have to step up their coat care efforts by brushing and combing the breed each day.
Working slowly and gently, stroke the comb in the direction of the fur growth to remove fleas, flea eggs, flea dirt, and dead hair.
The British Shorthair's short, smooth coat is simple to groom with weekly brushing or combing to remove dead hairs.
Also use the flea comb to remove loose dead hair.
Use the spaniel comb and slicker brush on the ear feathering Use the combs and brushes to remove all dust, dirt, tangles and dead hair from the coat.
Grooming is an important part of your pet's health, with regular brushing and combing helping to remove dead hair and dirt and prevent matting.
Note that a flea comb is not just a useful tool for identifying fleas and dirt in the coat — it also works well to remove dead hairs in both short and longer haired cats and can be used to help keep the coat free of debris.
Curry comb: A brush with rubber bristles that traps dead hair and debris on the surface of the coat.
Shedding comb: A metal comb with alternating short and long tines that extract dead undercoat hairs.
Combing is preferred over brushing so that you can remove the dead hair from your pet.
In general, though, slicker brushes are designed to remove mats from medium to long coats (image right); rakes are meant to remove mats from thick coats; bristle brushes remove loose hair from shorthaired coats; and pin brushes remove dead hair and «fluff» already brushed or combed fur that is free from tangles or mats.
SWEEZ AMERICA INC. — EAZEE BY FOOLEE CLICK & BRUSH (Top Choice) Unlike metal deshedding tools, the Eazee by Foolee Click & Brush features a composite plastic comb with smooth, rounded teeth that work to remove 100 percent of the cat's dead hair and 0 percent live hair.
Grooming is an important part of your pet's health, as regular brushing and combing help remove dead hair, dirt, and prevent matting.
If they do, pet owners should carefully comb their pet's fur to remove dead hair and debris.
For best results, you should bathe and comb out any dog you are campaigning once a week to remove dead hair and promote healthy new hair growth.
The American Shorthair's coat is easily cared for by combing or brushing it a couple of times a week to remove dead hair and distribute skin oils.
The Egyptian Mau's coat is easily cared for with weekly combing to remove dead hair and distribute skin oils.
Comb it weekly to remove any dead hairs.
Combing to remove dead hairs in shedding season is required
This is actually the perfect combination, as you get most of the dead hair and knots with the rake and afterwards give your husky's fur the finishing touches with the help of the comb.
During periods of heavy shedding once or twice a year, more frequent sessions with a strong, toothed comb are recommended to remove dead hair.
The Eazee Click & Brush Deshedder by Foolee is a smart and safe tool to make grooming easier and features a plastic comb with smooth, rounded, teeth specially designed to remove only 100 % dead, loose hair.
Occasional baths and weekly brushing with a horsehair mitt or rubber curry comb to pull away dead hairs will keep the Dal looking his best.
Comb the Exotic twice a week to remove dead hair and keep the coat shiny and healthy.
If you choose it, your pet will be combed, the dead hairs will be removed and it will receive ear trimming and ear canal cleaning with special lotion.
The Chinese Li Hua's short, smooth coat is simple to groom with weekly brushing or combing to remove dead hairs.
Pet owners often prefer to brush, comb, and use a slicker brush to pull out dead hairs about once a week, then take the Cairn to a professional groomer for clipping every 6 to 8 weeks.
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