Sentences with phrase «dead hairs out»

Show dogs are typically stripped, a time - consuming process of pulling dead hairs out of the coat by hand or with a stripping knife.
Brush the hairs gently to remove any dander and dead hairs out of its coat.
All you need to do here is pluck the dead hair out using your thumb and forefinger.
Brushing dead hair out of the coat helps allow more air to the skin as well as stimulates blood flow, bringing more nutrients to the area while removing toxins.
Brushes tend to slide over the surface of the fur and don't get all the dead hair out.

Not exact matches

Note also that, while the word «abomination» has been used with reference to homosexuality, the biblical interpretation of the word «abomination» relates to any act of uncleanness as set out in the Holiness Code, such as eating shellfish, trimming your hair, touching the skin of a dead pig (should we stone the entire NFL?)
Note also that, while the word «abomination» has been used with reference to hom ose xuality, the biblical interpretation of the word «abomination» relates to any act of uncleanness as set out in the Holiness Code, such as eating shellfish, trimming your hair, touching the skin of a dead pig (should we stone the entire NFL?)
It didn't stand out like a hair in the soup, it was more like a dead rat in the bowl of soup.
Clean regularly gone quicker with less problems and toxicity: (nits or their empty dead shells still must be removed by hand to have evidence of their once having been there gone or hair cut out) vinger gets it easier to let go.
Even as recently as Victorian times, the book notes, the dead were laid out in the family parlor, their hair cut off and twisted to make decorative mementos to hang on the wall.
As a general rule of thumb, a dead hair will normally take between two and three months to completely fall out.
This is perfectly fine with Lila Jute (Arquette, Little Nicky, Bringing Out the Dead), who's hair tends to turn away men.
Brushing not only rids your pet of dead hair, dirt and dandruff, but it also helps to bring out the oils in your dog's coat.
The skin is most pliable when it is softened by the water and shampoo, and the dead hair will slide out more easily.
«When the dead hairs are stripped out, new hair is stimulated to grow and a coarser, brighter hair is produced,» Bowen said.
However, as you move closer towards the skin, you will need a flea comb to pull out any dead hair that may still be lingering after giving a thorough brushing.
And brush your dog often to help remove the dead hair before it falls out.
The thick coat of a Newfoundland needs to be brushed or combed out two to three times a week to remove dead hair.
Brush out - before bathing or trimming, long hair dogs are brushed out, the undercoat carefully raked and dead hair thinned from the coat.
It may need stripping around the face every few months (pulling out dead hairs by hand).
The hair does not mat, but the coat should be combed a couple of times a week and dead hair should be stripped (pulled) out twice a year.
If you are careful to separate the long hairs by combing or brushing in small sections (after the initial brush - out) and then pluck or pull only a few hairs at a time, you'll remove the dead hair and new growth will be even.
The coat must be hand stripped twice a year, a process involving using the fingers to pull out dead and loose hair.
Hand stripping is when the dead hair is pulled out, instead of cut, in grooming.
Bathing helps flush out loose, dead hair, as does blow - drying your pup afterward.
The fur and dead hair falls out naturally and, in fact, double - coated breeds should never be shaved.
Their wiry coat does not shed but needs to be stripped out at least twice a year to get rid of their dead hair.
Show dogs should be hand stripped to maintain rough coat texture — a time - consuming process of pulling out dead hair by hand.
A Furminator is a particular brand of de-shedding tool and is very popular with owners of golden retrievers as it allows you to brush and remove the dead hair from your dog's undercoat while simultaneously thinning it out.
The hair on top of your dog's head is likely to go a lighter shade and stick up when it is dead hair and therefore, needs to be trimmed out.
During shedding season (see the next question), you should brush your Labrador Retriever every day to pull out the worst of the dead hair so less of it ends up on your floor and furniture.
The wire might need some additional stripping (plucking out dead hairs by hand) twice a year to keep them from looking scraggly.
It is always better to remove the dead hair than wait for it to come out naturally all over your home.
Krosche and her customers, alike, prefer this Swees American deshedding tool for several reasons, including its «ability to pull out only dead hair, leaving the healthy, living hair behind.
For best results, you should bathe and comb out any dog you are campaigning once a week to remove dead hair and promote healthy new hair growth.
A regular bathing schedule encourages dead hair to drop out.
Broken and rough - coated dogs can be stripped — a process of pulling out dead hairs by hand — or clipped down by a professional groomer.
Stripping (pulling out the longer dead hairs) maintains the coat's harsh texture, and is how show dogs are groomed.
Shedding dogs need lots of brushing to pull out the dead hair.
Instead, the dead hairs must be pulled out in order to keep the skin healthy and maintain the coats» rich colors and bright whites.
During shedding season, baths help to loosen the dead hairs — the dog must be completely dry before brushing begins — and a rake helps strip out the undercoat.
SOOOOOOOOOO, I was able to pull out tons of dead hair and a few matts and though, we have a long ways to go, progress!!!
I will continue to work on being able to handle them to brush out what dead hair that I can until then.
Because of those barbs on that rough tongue, that are so good at removing dead hair, cats find it impossible to spit the hair out.
Their undercoat requires a brushing every so often just to pull out the dead hairs and minimize shedding during certain times.
Medium - length silky coats may slide out and land on the floor, while long coats that are thicker or curly may get stuck in the coat, causing it to mat if the dead hair is not brushed out.
The hair texture of these dogs allow the shedding hair to cling to live coat, and the dead hairs must be brushed out or matting will occur quickly.
Short - haired dogs can shed more than expected — once the hair is dead, it tends to fall right out.
Types of Brushes Rubber brushes use the friction of the rubber teeth or nubs to pull out dead coat and distribute natural oil along the hair shaft.
To maintain a true Cairn Terrier coat texture and look, dogs should be stripped, a tedious process of pulling out dead hairs by hand or with a stripping knife about once per month.
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