Sentences with phrase «dead organic matter»

Life there is sustained by the intermittent rain of dead organic matter from the surface waters.
They thrive on dead organic matter such as old plant remains, which they eat, chew and mix with soil before they excrete it.
The terrestrial biosphere reservoir contains carbon in organic compounds in vegetation (living biomass)(450 to 650 PgC) and in dead organic matter in litter and soils (1500 to 2400 PgC).
Insects bind together nearly every ecosystem by pollinating 80 percent of food plants and recycling dead organic matter.
Outdoors, molds play a part in nature by breaking down dead organic matter such as fallen leaves and dead trees, but indoors, mold growth should be avoided.
I wuld ahve preferred some form of photosynthetic skin capable of getting energy for bodily functions directly from sunlight, instead of masticating and swallowing dead organic matter like some kind of cheap coal engine.
«This strain fails to recognize the difference between dead organic matter and living tissue,» Blehert says.
The pathogen, Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal), is a chytrid fungus, a type that lives in damp or wet environments and typically consumes dead organic matter.
In 19 zany poems, including rhyme, free verse, sonnet, tanka, and clerihew, Bulion introduces a variety of the brown food web's decomposers that live in the leaf litter layer, also called the duff, and how they turn dead organic matter into nutrients for plants.
The metabolic processes that are responsible for plant growth and maintenance and the microbial turnover, which is associated with dead organic matter decomposition, control the cycle of carbon, nutrients, and water through plants and soil on both rapid and intermediate time - scales.
In the oceans this could happen when dead organic matter accumulates at the ocean floor.
Biosphere (terrestrial and marine)- The part of the Earth system comprising all ecosystems and living organisms, in the atmosphere, on land (terrestrial biosphere) or in the oceans (marine biosphere), including derived dead organic matter, such as litter, soil organic matter and oceanic detritus.
Scientists had previously assumed that this effect was mainly due to the presence of small animals and microorganisms in the soil, which feed on dead organic matter (for example, fallen leaves).
One of the biggest concerns is that as the permafrost thaws over increasingly longer summers, an enormous amount of carbon dioxide currently stored in dead organic matter in the soil could be released to the atmosphere, which would further contribute to the warming of the planet and affect regions far from the Arctic Circle.
Worms will play a crucial role in this system as they break down and recycle dead organic matter.
The dead organic matter was most likely sealed in when the Taylor glacier advanced over the ancient lake about 1.5 to 2 million years ago (Science, DOI: 10.1126 / science.1167350).
It was assumed that at warmer temperatures, insects and worms with decomposing roles would eat more, and the dead organic matter in the soil would be decomposed at faster rates.
Before that, any dead organic matter that fell to the bottom of the sea and got covered by even a little bit of sediment was out of play.
Microbiologist David Blehert of the National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wisconsin, isolated a previously unknown strain of Geomyces, a fungus that normally feeds on dead organic matter.
According to her, the research included four of the five functionally distinct carbon pools whose study is recommended by the United Nations (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): aboveground biomass (live plants), dead organic matter, leaf litter (layer that contains a combination of fragments of leaves, branches and other decomposing organic matter) and soil (up to 30 centimeters (cm) in depth).
But geochemists found the chemical signature of a microbe that was feasting on dead organic matter, a scavenger of sorts.
Outdoors, molds can be seen gobbling up the dead organic matter on decomposing surfaces like fallen leaves and rotting logs; indoors, house mold thrives in wet, humid environments like bathrooms and basements or anywhere that has recently flooded.
Flea development is the same type of development that a butterfly follows; an egg is laid which hatches into a larva that feeds on dead organic matter (flea dirt) and then forms a cocoon, from which emerges an adult flea.
Flea larva fall off of the pet and live in cracks and niches along your floor and in stuffed furniture where they feed on dead organic matter.
Current thinking suggests that as the permanently frozen peat thaws, microbial action will work on the dead organic matter.
I see numbers such as «Net accumulation in forest biomass and dead organic matter (CO2e / yr)(megatonnes) 154.0» for Canada's managed forest, and unless I'm interpreting it wrongly, that doesn't look bad.
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