Sentences with phrase «dead parts of»

In the past, he has referred to himself as Dr Frankenstein, an artist who constructs paintings out of the «dead parts of other's work» to bring «a sense of strangeness» to their depictions of the world.
Keep in mind that not trimming the nails regularly will cause the quick to grow longer inside the dead part of the nail.

Not exact matches

Space is full of junk like used rocket parts and dead satellites.
The union is part of a national wave of activism trying to get the firearms industry to improve gun safety and sales policies after another deadly mass shooting, this time at a Florida high school in February that left 17 people dead.
«It would be dead the first part of the year, January through April, then there would be a few events or releases in April, and then we'd relax and brace for the fall rush.»
While it's obvious to Boroditsky — along with, he says, everyone else «in the tech forward part of the market» — that the password has been dead for years, he's finally beginning to see the rumblings of acknowledgment from the general public.
«We have a dead 15 - year - old with no causation on his part or anybody of the vehicle,» Merritt said on Monday.
Ten years ago, you could drop a call while driving through certain parts of town in places that were called Dead Zones.
That community travels with the band from show to show, and over the years has established a huge part of the Dead's brand value.
«Freemium» may be an ugly neologism, but the practice of giving something away and then selling a premium version of that product has been part of the Dead's practice for decades.
Between them, they've seen the Dead some 150 times, and they are part of the vibrant fan community the band cultivated.
Iconology (Comixology) By 2014, Amazon's one - year - old digital arm, Jet City Comics (part of its Amazon Publishing imprint), was reportedly floundering, so the company purchased the New York City - based e-publisher that had exclusive rights to titles including the Walking Dead series, which already had more than 200 million downloads, and a technology that could boost the Kindle by letting users merge their Amazon and ComiXology accounts.
According to the Los Angeles coroner's report, she lay dead for the better part of a year before a neighbor and fellow actress, a woman named Susan Savage, noticed cobwebs and yellowing letters in her mailbox, reached through a broken window to unlock the door, and pushed her way through the piles of junk mail and mounds of clothing that barricaded the house.
By Mike Brooks, Myth Number One: Cold Calling is Dead A few years ago, when social media and social selling came out (sales 2.0 they called it), there was an almost euphoric sense that spread among the sales community because everyone suddenly hoped (and, some still hold out the hope), that the worse part of
All that said, the one part of our narrative that has yet to catch on is that inflation is not dead and may be stirring, getting ready for a more significant run next year.
Having said that, the mall is in a serious predicament, as Sears continues to be that dead anchor store walking, but now there's the possibility of another anchor store going under, as my local Bergners department store is part of Bon Ton stores which filed for bankruptcy and is facing possible liquidation.
A powerful dust storm and rain swept parts of north and western India overnight, causing house collapses, toppling trees and leaving at least 91 people dead and more than 160 injured, officials said Thursday.
State officials on Monday reported a record 129 million dead trees across 8.9 million acres due to drought and bark beetles, posing the biggest wildfire hazard to the Sierra Nevada region in the northern part of the state.
You can not use the Bible as a source of moral reasoning if parts of it you choose to be morally wrong and others you think are dead on.
Even though we know that the Mormon's who do this are impotent, one still naturally recoils at one's dead relatives being dragged in to being a part of a sacrilegious ceremony.
Well, first of all, this is part of the Kalam Cosmological Argument but perhaps you can show me why it's a dead horse.
if you don't recognize that fact, and deny your own soul, there is only part of you alive, while other is dead, unless you allow Christ Jesus to make you alive in Him.
but to do it after someone is dead and NOT already a part of your belief is just offensive.
trixie, you and your fellow christians are not the sum total of all humanity — there are many other segments of humanity that are not part of the dead jew zombie vampire cannibal death cult.
I understand your feeling of rage but if he were made part of a structure dedicated to honoring our dead, would his ashes not desanctify that somber place?
The Bible is full of miraculous stories of seas parting, the sick being healed and the dead being raised.
Some Christians view Mormons as being part of a cult; since Mormons baptize the dead which demonstrates they believe that GRACE is not a choice..
This is part of the theme of John Eldredges's book Waking the Dead.
In a single dense volume this fine survey offers an account of the whole by close consideration of the various parts: sacrifices, religious associations, domestic religion, the cult of the dead, mystery religions, magic, the cult of the rulers, and philosophical religion (e.g., Stoicism), with a concluding chapter on Gnosticism.
«Because the Orthodox Faith affirms the fundamental goodness of creation, it understands the body to be an integral part of the human person and the temple of the Holy Spirit, and expects the resurrection of the dead.
However, vicarious baptisms for the dead is part of the Gospel of Christ.
The wilderness undoubtedly means here the steep, barren slope of the central Palestinian plateau, west of the Dead Sea and the lower part of the Jordan River.
How in any way is displaying the dead body parts of just people and not gods but only men helping us see Jesus.
How can you venerate or respect a dead body part by making a display of it?
For example, in the last part of chapter 1, Paul told us that Christ was given new life, and raised from the dead, and seated at God's right hand in the heavenly places, so that everything, both now and in the ages to come might be placed under Christ's authority.
JFK understood that the space race with the Soviets was a key part of a military contest that we were stuck with taking with dead seriousness.
But if you DO believe that, and accept the alive / dead / alive again part of god as your «saviour», then you'll live with god forever.
No one in the intervening years has parted the (any) sea, created a pillar of fire, turn to salt; flooded the planet (maybe a basement or two) come back from the dead, or killed an entire generation of first born and walk on water BAR NONE.
It has also been tested on items for which the age is known through historical records, such as parts of the Dead Sea scrolls and some wood from an Egyptian tomb (MNSU n.d.; Watson 2001).
Isaiah's writings are part of the Dead Sea Scrolls, that were found in 1948, the same year that God fulfilled His promise to the Jews that their homeland, Israel, would be restored.
He was able to picture early Christianity this way with the more assurance because he did most of his scholarly work before attention shifted back to Palestine in the time of Jesus (thanks in part to the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls), and before the themes of light against darkness, life against death, came in the 1960s to be understood as first century Jewish themes.
Christ did not come for political reasons.To be a Christian you MUST believe that Jesus Christ is divine - that is, he died for our sins, rose from the dead, and is part of GOD.
Gazing into the depths of the immense complex of which he is a part, whose roots extend far below him to be lost in the obscurity of the past, he again fortifies his spirit with the contemplation and the feeling of a universal, stubborn movement depicted in the successive layers of dead matter and the present spread of the living.
A brief review of the prevailing charges made that many ministers are leaving or breaking down, and that the churches are dead or dying parts of the «Establishment» and isolated from the real world.
So the fact that he was up and walking around again 3 days after his death makes him part of the living dead.
Surely a part of God's purpose in raising Jesus from the dead is to continue that pursuit until the time when we shall have quit running away from the glorious life Christ comes to give us.
Part of this purity required not touching things that were dead.
While I in no way wish to say that Daly's or Raymond's views need validation from a «dead, white male philosopher,» I do believe, first of all, that Whiteheadian philosophy will be enhanced by the incorporation of women's experience (inclusive of feminist philosophy as part of women's experience).
The resurrection of the dead was part of Aphrahat's credo.
On that very night, it is said, when everything was quiet, a loud noise was heard in part of the camp and when the people rushed there in the morning, they found that all those who had spoken in favor of remaining in this place were dead with their breasts torn open and their hearts torn out.
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