Sentences with phrase «dead skunk»

This means that even though the mother is removed, there will still be a skunk in yard or a skunk under house will result in an even more smelly dead skunk.
Since he is double dipping and taking both his salary and his pension he should be able to afford something besides that dead skunk he sticks on his skull!
Krazy Karl Paladino's angry grandpap with a $ 10 dead skunk hairpiece... what a phony.
Check closely — many things around this man do not smell right — and I am talking about many things other than his dead skunk!
This man is as phony as that $ 10 «Dead Skunk» toupee he wears.
And that $ 10 «dead skunk» toupee has got to go... what a phony!
Don't you think a lawyer with a state salary and a state pension could do better than that $ 10 «Dead Skunk» wig he wears?
And that $ 10 «dead skunk» hair piece made the guy look phonier than Rump!
But suddenly, Alan Leavitt — a 42 - year - old loner who detests taking a middle - of - the - road position on anything because «all you find there are dead opossums, dead skunks and a yellow line» — has swung out of the traffic and is up there among the movers and shakers in harness racing.

Not exact matches

Some defence strategies are well known: fish and birds gather in shoals for safety, possums play dead, bees sting, and skunks spray a liquid so repulsive that humans caught in the blast are almost always reduced to vomiting.
Garry Shandling barely registers as displaced leader Verne the turtle, but support comes from Steve Carell (hilariously zippy as squirrel Hammy), Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara as porcupines, Wanda Sykes as a skunk, and William Shatner as a possum who's an expert at playing dead (get it?).
Their bug - eyed expressions and body language lend additional humor, along with some of their habits — the skunk randomly spraying and the possum playing dead, for example.
If your indoor dog is stinky shortly after a bath, you can rule out two obvious possibilities: rolling in something dead or being sprayed by a skunk.
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