Sentences with phrase «deadly conditions»

Medical malpractice sometimes results in horrible pain and suffering, deadly conditions like cancer not being treated properly, people having the wrong surgeries performed and worse.
Then there's a 2017 report from the NAACP which claims emissions from fracking and other energy industry activities drive up rates of asthma, cancer, and other deadly conditions in African American communities.
The extraordinary beauty and deadly conditions determine this extraordinary experience and, more specifically, allow for a way to reach the limits of survival in terms both biological and aesthetic.The resulting video shows scientists trying to move and walk in the crystal cave, struggling with the warm temperature and the 99 % humidity.
A hay - based diet helps prevent potentially deadly conditions such as GI stasis, in which the digestive system comes to a halt, or poopy butt, which can lead to fly strike.
Medications and foods that are safe for us can result in serious and even deadly conditions in our pets.
Receiving a simple shot serves to protect your pet from potentially deadly conditions to promote a long, healthy life.
By keeping starchy foods and indigestible materials like corn hulls out of their diet, you can greatly reduce their risk of potentially deadly conditions like gastrointestinal stasis.
Although the possibility that soy foods or supplements could prevent these deadly conditions tends to make headlines, few men hear that the downside is demasculinization.
Although the possibility that soy foods or supplements could prevent these deadly conditions makes headlines, few men hear that the downside is demasculinization, which in some men manifests as gynecomastia.
By regulating your blood pressure, they prevent deadly conditions such as strokes and heart attacks.
They triggered deadly conditions on both land and in the seas.
Those rates can change if the group is affected by disease or other deadly conditions (such as accidents, natural disasters, extreme heat or war and other sources of violence).
«Nine to 15 percent of women live in areas that likely limit their access to high - quality care for these potentially deadly conditions,» said Shalowitz.
The unexpected idea has been tested only in cells and animals so far, but some scientists are already considering whether lowering oxygen levels might treat certain rare but deadly conditions.
It has been raining just about everywhere across the Capital Region, Catskills and Hudson and Mohawk Valleys, creating dangerous and even deadly conditions in some places.
American medicine routinely cures previously deadly conditions like appendicitis, ectopic pregnancies and obstetric hemorrhage.
A Melbourne hospital is the first in Australia to adopt an early warning blood test for the potential deadly condition pre-eclampsia, which is experienced by about one in 20 women during their pregnancies.
According to new research, green tea could prevent a deadly condition in the body's main artery.
Now, in a study recently published in the journal PLOS ONE, a team of scientists from VCU Massey Cancer Center have shown a genetic relationship between the reactivation of hCMV and the onset of graft - versus - host disease (GVHD), a potentially deadly condition in which the immune system attacks healthy tissue following a bone marrow or stem cell transplant.
Scientists say the new strategy enhances the accuracy for surgical - like editing of the human genome, correcting mistakes in the DNA sequence that cause devastating diseases like DMD, a deadly condition caused by defects in the dystrophin gene.
A protein known as suPAR has been identified in recent years as both a reliable marker for chronic kidney disease and a pathogen of the often deadly condition.
Heart failure is a deadly condition that affects about two out of every hundred adults in the USA, and occurs when the heart is unable to provide sufficient pump action to maintain blood flow to meet the needs of the body.
This silent but deadly condition is one of the leading causes of heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure.
Diabetes affects how the body converts food into energy (or stores it as fat) and can be a deadly condition.
Instances of endurance athletes experiencing dangerous low blood sodium concentrations (known as hyponatremia) during exercise usually occurs when they ingest large quantities of water, which dilutes their normal blood sodium concentrations and leaves them in a deadly condition.
Read on to find out how you can guard Fido against this deadly condition.
It is a deadly condition spread by the bite of a tick, and although it's known as bobcat fever, it can affect domestic cats and other wild cats, such as mountain lions.
This isn't because it's a deadly condition in and of itself, but because many cat owners are unable or unwilling, or simply lack the knowledge to treat the causes of this behavior.
Prevention of tick paralysis While it's rare, tick paralysis can be a deadly condition.
Heartworm disease is a very serious and potentially deadly condition in dogs.
Every Newfoundland owner should know the signs of this deadly condition.
GI (or gut) stasis is a potentially deadly condition in which the digestive system slows down or stops completely.
Lastly, vomiting is one of the symptoms of the often deadly condition called bloat or torsion.
«The investment Morris Animal Foundation is making in this effort is specifically designed to find new ways to treat, diagnose, prevent and cure this deadly condition.
Bloat or GDV (Gastric dilatation volvulus) is a potentially deadly condition.
Because Heartworm disease is increasing in frequency and is a serious and deadly condition, we recommend your dog be tested annually.
Mediastinitis is a rare, but deadly condition in dogs.
If this isn't corrected a deadly condition called Addisonian crisis can set in.
However, there are a few precautionary ways in which you can prevent the occurrence of this deadly condition in your dog and these are:
It can also cause bloat which is a very serious and often deadly condition.
However, when you are aware of the early signs of heat stroke and you treat your cat appropriately as described above, you can avoid this deadly condition.
Heat stroke is a deadly condition veterinarians see every summer.
High blood pressure is a potentially deadly condition.

Not exact matches

Johnson & Johnson has been jockeying to snap up Actelion, Europe's largest biotech and a maker of drugs for the deadly heart and lung condition pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH).
Countries that tolerate dangerous — and even deadly — working conditions and deny basic workers» rights, especially the right to freedom of association, will risk losing preferential access to the U.S. market.
It is the preferred treatment for a parasitic condition known as toxoplasmosis, which can be deadly for unborn babies and patients with compromised immune systems including those with HIV or cancer.
The outages have already proven to be one of the storm's deadliest effects: Eight people died and 115 were evacuated from a Hollywood, Florida, nursing home after the air conditioning system went out during the storm.
You have been conditioned to believe that what you say, think, and feel counts for nothing — yet, because you have been threatened and warned and cautioned to shut up, you suspect that there is some kind of deadly power in your truth.
The answer has to be No, if certain conditions all came together again: (1) an economic and political situation as desperate as it was in Hitler's Germany; (2) the rise of a new evil genius with Hitler's demagogic powers; (3) virulent and all - pervading anti-Semitism; (4) repeated use of the «Big Lie» with mastery; and (5) an entire nation's being stricken by megalomania and arrogance, by the curse of pseudoscience, and by the deadly combination of sentimentality and cruelty.
The world lieth in sin, and it is our work to awaken men out of their deadly sleep — to rescue them out of that dismal condition.
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