Sentences with phrase «deadly disease which»

Its residents have contracted a deadly disease which is plaguing the entire town.
The world's biggest study into an individual's genetic make - up and the risk of developing lung disease could allow scientists to more accurately «predict» — based on genes and smoking — your chance of developing COPD, a deadly disease which is the third commonest cause of death in the world.
THEY know it is a deadly disease which will spread like wildfire if not quenched very soon.
he also healed my husband from a deadly diseases which i cant say we conducted a test and my husband came out positive after spending money in the hospital for years.Thank you So much if you need his help you can contact him via his private mail [email protected] you will not regret it thanks

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To completely eradicate the deadly diseasewhich most recently swept through parts of Africa last year, devastating communities and killing thousands of people — anyone who may have come in contact with an infected person would get vaccinated.
How the healthcare and medical research industries respond to threats like the escalating occurrence of unique viral infections, deadly cancers, and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, which have vexed scientists for generations.
Genervon is on the lookout for pharma partners to help advance its GM6 drug, which takes aim at a range of deadly diseases hitting the central nervous system
Many have remarked on the curious way in which a sector of the population bearing a deadly disease has been able to capitalize on tragedy in order to achieve acceptance and even approval.
With all due respect to In»N Out, Chick - Fil - A and Tyson, I don't need you to state your «morals» to know what you stand for — poisoning our country through your disgusting fat foods which makes our citizens obese and leads to a significantly higher risk to many deadly diseases.
Later, the cause of Marvin's death was diagnosed as Lupus Erythemotosus, a disease in which antibodies, deadly to the body's own tissues, are produced.
While these injections can often make parents squeamish and children weepy, the practice has nearly erased many childhood diseases which were once considered deadly.
At the time the ban was enacted, poultry had become a prominent source of fluoroquinolone - resistant Campylobacter bacteria, which undercut doctors» ability to treat potentially deadly foodborne disease.
The deadly Ebola Virus Disease, which raged in some African countries including Nigeria in 2014, has staged a return in northwestern part of the Democratic Republic...
As we speak, lives of innocent Kogites are in danger as a result of the enpidemic, which doctors diagnosed as gastroenteritis and what is our governor doing to stop the spread of this deadly disease to other parts of the state; how many people are quarantined now to avoid the scourge?
In City Hall's Blue Room, Mr. de Blasio was sitting alongside Speaker Melissa Mark - Viverito, Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett, and other top officials to outline legislation to create a system that would register, inspect and clean the cooling towers atop buildings across the city — which were ground zero for a deadly outbreak of Legionnaires» disease in the South Bronx that has now killed 12 people.
Clostridium botulinum is a dangerous pathogen that forms the highly potent botulinum toxin, which when ingested causes botulism, a deadly neuroparalytic disease.
Strains that survive this assault, however, can evolve to defend themselves against future attacks, opening the door for deadlier versions of bacteria such as methicillin - resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which killed nearly 19,000 Americans in 2005 (the last year for which the U.S. Centers for Disease Control has comprehensive data).
Since 1996 Tasmanian devils have lost 90 per cent of some populations to the deadly and highly infectious devil facial tumour disease, which is spread by biting.
The most devastating of the known amphibian diseases is chytridiomycosis, which is caused by a deadly chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, or Bd).
His eventual diagnosis: a deadly form of Castleman disease, a rare immune disorder for which knowledge was in depressingly short supply.
Poinar suggested in the journal American Entomologist that the origins of this deadly disease, which today can infect animals ranging from humans and other mammals to birds and reptiles, may have begun in an insect such as the biting midge more than 100 million years ago.
► Last month, Science's news department reported an incident in March in which the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sent the U.S. Department of Agriculture a sample of low - pathogenicity H9N2 avian influenza that was contaminated by deadly H5N1 avian influenza strain.
The English physician knew that dairymaids who contracted cowpox, a comparatively mild skin disease, became immune to the much deadlier smallpox, which at the time killed 400,000 Europeans a year.
After the deadly virus struck in 2002, disease researchers traced it to raccoonlike animals called Himalayan palm civets, which are sold for food in live - animal markets in China.
A field trial in Australia has shown that genetically modified banana trees can resist the deadly fungus that causes Panama disease, which has devastated banana crops in Asia, Africa, and Australia and is a major threat for banana growers in the Americas.
One is called maple syrup urine disease, which makes urine smell delicious but is actually a dangerous and deadly metabolic condition.
Researchers have discovered a landmark clue to what causes the nerve cell loss in a group of seven deadly neurological conditions, the most common of which are Huntington's disease and Machado - Joseph disease (MJD).
Florida's citrus growers say as much as 90 percent of their acreage and 80 percent of their trees are infected by the deadly greening disease, which is making a huge dent in the state's $ 10.7 billion citrus industry, a new University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences survey shows.
The one for Huntington's disease — a purely genetic disorder that is both deadly and untreatable — is an example of what we can safely call a mistaken gene to which we should owe no allegiance.
Bacteria found naturally on some bats may prove useful in controlling the deadly fungal disease known as white - nose syndrome, which has devastated bat populations throughout eastern North America and continues to spread across the continent.
Tuberculosis, which infects roughly one quarter of the world's population and kills nearly two million people a year, is not only deadly but ancient: signs of the disease have been found in Egyptian mummies.
Now, in a study recently published in the journal PLOS ONE, a team of scientists from VCU Massey Cancer Center have shown a genetic relationship between the reactivation of hCMV and the onset of graft - versus - host disease (GVHD), a potentially deadly condition in which the immune system attacks healthy tissue following a bone marrow or stem cell transplant.
However, some scientists also believe that estrogen may contribute to the development of autoimmune diseases, which overwhelmingly impact pre-menopausal women, causing debilitating and deadly symptoms.
The samples included two vials of plague bacteria (Yersinia pestis); two vials of Burkholderia pseudomallei, which causes the tropical disease melioidosis; three vials of tularemia bacteria; two vials of botulinum toxin; and a sample of deadly ricin in an old collection dating to 1914.
Scientists have solved a decade - old mystery that could eventually lead to the development of earlier treatments for one of the world's deadliest diseases, which affects up to 2 billion people.
The mosquito's 260 million DNA base pair sequence — together with the human genome and the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum now nearing completion — should open up new strategies for controlling the deadly disease, which kills some 1.5 million people each year, mostly African children.
«Targeting with a humanized MAG - 1 can likely be effective, especially when given in combination with chemotherapy, for treating a deadly disease for which there is no effective therapy.»
A Japanese firm is poised to carry out what it hailed as the world's first experiment to test for cancer using urine samples, which would greatly facilitate screening for the deadly disease.
Many of these efforts are focused on ovarian cancer, which is particularly deadly, with only 47 % of those with the disease alive five years after diagnosis.
There are currently no vaccines available for any fungal infection, which can be extremely deadly to patients under treatment for diseases like HIV, AIDS and cancer.
Plasmodium falciparum is the aetiological agent for malaria, a deadly infectious disease for which no vaccine has yet been licensed.
A well - known feat of technology, the Panama Canal was also the victory of years of infectious disease research that led to an understanding that mosquitoes were the vector for deadly diseases, such as malaria and yellow fever, which had contributed to failures in earlier efforts to build the canal.
Despite her study's findings, Yeh is quick to emphasize that quitting smoking — or better yet, never starting in the first place — is far healthier than continuing to smoke, which can cause a host of deadly health problems ranging from heart disease to lung cancer.
Chronically elevated insulin levels result in insulin resistance, which is at the heart of metabolic syndrome that is now pervasive in the Western world, and is a potent risk factor for a number of deadly diseases, including heart disease and cancer.
«Breaded» almost always means deep fried in deadly artery clogging, belly fattening hydrogenated oils (trans fats), which have been implicated recently as THE main culprit in heart disease and many other degenerative diseases.
Not surprisingly, recent research1 has pointed out that heart disease also increases your odds of developing Alzheimer's disease, which is a serious and deadly form of dementia.
Even without making any other dietary changes, simply by reducing your fast food consumption to two or fewer times a week, you can reduce your risk of getting diabetes and other deadly diseases by about 50 percent - which means your lunch at McDonald's is literally killing you.
In contrast, restrictive diets have the potential to cause prolonged vitamin deficits, which may result in often painful and potentially deadly diseases.
Chlorella is a microscopic single - cell freshwater algae which has been found in numerous studies to be an amazing health promoting superfood used to treat some of the most deadly diseases, such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and AIDS.
Worse still, chronic stress and increased cortisol levels can result in greater inflammation coupled with immune suppression which is a deadly combination regarding one's ability to combat disease.
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