Sentences with phrase «deadly nightshade»

"Deadly nightshade" refers to a poisonous plant with purple or black berries. Full definition
Modern dilating drops are just synthetic cousins of their ancestor atropine, an extract of Atropa belladonna (also known as deadly nightshade).
It includes sculpture, where a patina of white is more an option than a reduction, even with deadly nightshade covered in frost by Jeanne Silverthorne or a brutal torso by Nicole Eisenman, like a horse by Raymond Duchamp - Villon as a frat boy.
The bad news was that I learned chile peppers were also related to the peaceful - looking but deadly nightshade flower, another member of the mysterious family Solanaceae.
Belladonna, also known as deadly nightshade is a poisonous plant that was historically and unwittingly used through application to the lips to beautify by dilating the pupils and indicate arousal.
Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) are in the Solanaceae family, related to tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant along with deadly nightshade.
Have a «buffet from hell» for people to drink from, with samples of liquid Drain - o, bleach, deadly nightshade, puree of death cap, and maybe some ricin to top it all off, and of course, the people there would make sure that no one tries to fake the consumption of the substances.
Beef Brisket with Mashed Cauliflower (pictured above) is a classic low - carb combination that uses antioxidant - rich cauliflower instead of starchy potatoes, a deadly nightshade.
The deadly nightshade family, tomato, bell pepper, potato, eggplant and avocado's make your body very acidic or yin when you eat them.
Gave up gluten, sugar, cows dairy, refined food, caffeine (virtually alcohol), deadly nightshade & started juicing.
The family includes the Datura or Jimson weed, eggplant, mandrake, deadly nightshade or belladonna, capsicum (paprika, chile pepper), potato, tobacco, tomato, and petunia.
One of the most toxic plants in the world, the deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) is filled with tropane alkaloids, which can kill an adult in large enough doses.
While that sounds innocent enough, Datura stramonium, as it is known in the scientific world, belongs to the deadly nightshade family and contains high levels of anti-cholinergic alkaloids such as scopolamine, hyoscyamine and atropine.
In investigating Hyland's teething products, the FDA focused on an ingredient known as atropa belladonna, an herb known colloquially as «deadly nightshade
I spent a lot of time durring my studies on poisonous plants & even owned a deadly nightshade tree in my personal collection.
Quote — «Deadly Nightshades — You are also going to be avoiding food belonging to the nightshade family — potatoes, aubergines, cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers — because of specific food intolerances that can occur over years.
inflammatory foods — the deadly nightshade family, including potatoes, bell peppers and eggplants (if you have aches and pains in your body these may be the culprit)
This family of food is also called the deadly nightshades: eggplant, potatoes, sweet and hot peppers and tomatoes are all in this family.
When consumed in large amounts, deadly nightshade may cause convulsions or even death (1).
Some people believe nightshade vegetables are harmful because they're confusing them with «deadly nightshade
The word nightshade typically conjures images of notorious toxic plants such as jimson weed, petunias, and deadly nightshade.
Without the stone - age shredding that was once this band's life purpose, Used Future is just nostalgic affectation, with the added anti-bonus of pushing frontman John D. Cronise's Ozzy - lite enunciations and corny lyrics — like those of the vixen - fearing cautionary tale «Deadly Nightshade» — into the unflattering limelight.
Tomatoes, Green (raw Potatoes): These foods are members of the Solanaceae family of plants, which includes the Deadly Nightshade, and contain a bitter, poisonous alkaloid called Glycoalkaloid Solanine, which can cause violent lower gastrointestinal symptoms.
Potato, Rhubarb And Tomato Leaves And Stems, Green Tomatoes Or Potatoes: These foods are members of the family of plants which includes the Deadly Nightshade, and contain the poisonous alkaloid Glycoalkaloid Solanine, which can cause violent lower gastrointestinal problems.
Tomatoes are members of the Solanaceae family of plants and are related to Deadly Nightshade.
Like tomatoes, potatoes are members of the Solanaceae family of plants and are related to Deadly Nightshade.
For instance, the «Deadly Nightshade» Achievement / Trophy will require players to beat an opponent using Poison Ivy with the fatal blow being the Kiss of Death.
«Dance Of The Deadly Nightshade» by Alexander Klingspor.
Also known as Deadly Nightshade, this amongst other botanical elements, symbols and body parts literally fuses a symbolic role to his botanical imagery and transforms the object into an exotic hybrid.
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