Sentences with phrase «deadly than breast cancer»

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«It is particularly good news for the large number of affected patients that if they are in good medical care and have survived breast cancer, they do not need to be more worried about deadly heart diseases than women at the same age without breast cancer
If a patient tests positive for an abnormal BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene and have never had breast cancer, there is a much higher - than - average risk of developing the deadly disease.
(JOSE LUIS PELEAZ / GETTY IMAGES) Even though breast cancer incidence rates are slightly lower overall among African - American women than white women (the incidence is lower still among Hispanic, Asian, and Native American women), a combination of socioeconomic factors and unexplained biological differences make the disease more deadly — and in some cases, harder to treat — in the black community.
About half die within five years of diagnosis, making heart failure a deadlier proposition than breast cancer, leukemia and colon cancer.
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