Sentences with phrase «deaf puppies»

The phrase "deaf puppies" refers to young dogs that cannot hear. Full definition
He tells clients with deaf puppies to wake them up repeatedly, with a tasty treat in hand.
Bostons with over l / 3 white on their head and / or body may also produce deaf puppies and should not be bred but they can make wonderful pets.
Bilaterally deaf puppies are «special needs» puppies and do not make good family pets without special training.
One of the volunteers told her that the pup had been adopted and returned three times by people unwilling to cope with a bouncy deaf puppy.
Despite all the information available on caring for deaf dogs, Becker says many breeders still routinely euthanize deaf puppies.
Deafness in Dalmatians does not appear to be autosomal dominant, since deaf puppies result from hearing parents.
For example, a too - tall American Eskimo Dog might produce pups that look more like Samoyeds; an Akita bitch without the characteristic curled tail might produce pups with equally unacceptable tails; a white Boxer is likely to be deaf or to produce deaf puppies; etc..
It is frequently recommended (i.e. Dalmatian Club of America) that bilaterally deaf puppies should be euthanatized by breeders, since they can make poor pets, are difficult to train, can be prone to startle biting, may die from misadventure (cars), and require excessive care.
It does not appear to be sex - linked or simple autosomal recessive or dominant: I have experimentally bred a deaf Dalmatian to another deaf Dalmatian and gotten bilaterally hearing puppies along with deaf puppies.
«We like to educate breeders that Deaf Dogs Rock can list [these dogs] as available for adoption or we can sponsor the deaf puppies into special needs rescues we work with across the U.S,» Lee said.
Katrina of St. Louis bought a deaf puppy (which she disturbingly returned, like a sweater), then bought an English bulldog who had spina bifida, an incomplete closing of the backbone.
The whelping area should be large enough that Sassy can stretch out to nurse puppies, and not so large that the blind and deaf puppies will be unable to get to the milk bar.
Deaf Dogs of Oregon was kind enough to share two deaf dog stories with us: one of an over-energetic deaf dog originally at a kill shelter who was completely transformed, and one of a deaf puppy that grew up to learn sixteen different hand signals (yes, sixteen!)
Families looking for a Dalmatian should choose their source very carefully to avoid getting a hyperactive, fearful, aggressive, or deaf puppy.
Unfortunately, there is no way to predict how a deaf puppy will turn out.
We have had deaf puppies, a puppy with a pancreatic deficiency that will be on medication for life and puppies with multiple other ailments.
To avoid purchasing a deaf puppy in a breed with such a high rate of deafness, it's important that you visit a knowledgeable breeder.
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