Sentences with phrase «deal counts because»

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It uses an index instead of raw deal count numbers because angel investing is so opaque.
Thank God for you, Fishon, because I can count on you staying «in play» (You may know the word «argument» (argo) originally stood for a process that could lead toward a shared «shine» or vision — common ground, on - the - same - page kind of a deal.
The Vols» staggering incompetence — right up to Currie signing a lucrative six - year deal with Schiano, then backing out and arguing it didn't count because the chancellor didn't also sign it — will be remembered forever.
I compared Amazon and found I can actually get a better deal on because they carry a larger size box (186 count) than Amazon (160 count) for the same price.
My first son was over 9 pounds and then my second son was about 7.5, he was pretty average, but I remember with the girls, we have the jaundice thing kind of going on with the girls too and some other issues that we're working through and I remember because we were dealing with the last weight with them that like every ounce really counted like I remember being more concerned about that because they did weigh as much, right?
«Because I deal with «just» words and sometimes pictures, scientists don't think the work is as rigorous as theirs,» says Jesch, adding that, as someone who studies languages and literature, she follows scientists» work but doesn't count herself among them.
Set theory deals with the counting and manipulation of collections of objects, and provides the crucial logical underpinnings of mathematics: because numbers can be associated with the size of sets, the rules for manipulating sets also determine the logic of arithmetic and everything that builds on it.
Then when about to give me the deal they told me at the last minute I can not have it because even though I was on I subscribed to direct dating, com and even though they have merged together, that does not count.
From the smallest, most mundane household chores to the chilly expanse of waves off Boston's Cape Ann, writer - director Kenneth Lonergan (You Can Count on Me) reels viewers into a deeply affecting story of loss, grief and release that is all the more devastating because it refuses to deal in shallow platitudes or unrealistic notions of closure.
You can count on a great car trade in value when you deal with Groove Toyota in Englewood, Colorado because with our «We'll Buy» program, you're sure to get top dollar for your car, truck, van or SUV.
Before dealing with how Amazon counts pages read, let's talk about one of those things Amazon provided to customers because — again, the customer experience is the biggest thing for them.
And because of my American deal, my foreign rights agent, Danny Baror, was able to sell The Ark to eighteen foreign markets and counting.
I can tell you that from dealing with hundreds of clients in trouble with CRA they got in worse trouble by calling CRA, because they went like rabbits to the fox for help, that you can not count on getting fair treatment from CRA.
It's a good deal for the creditor because it can count on timely payments in the future, and it's good for you because you don't have to be concerned about another late payment.
«Instead of buying from 30 different vendors, and getting a really nice, wide variety of products, they've narrowed their vendor count to three or four for that category because it's easier for them to deal with three or four guys than it is for them to deal with 30 guys,» he says.
Don't count on remembering the numbers because you may be dealing with a problem at the time you are trying to pull the numbers from your stubborn memory.
Because Discover's double cash - back bonus also counts on Discover Deals purchases, it should be easy to start racking up the cash rewards.
Because of the additional quality and page count bumps, the cost went up a bit, to $ 17.99, but it's still a pretty sweet deal, I think.
The matter was no less urgent because of the General Court's recent order in Cases T - 192 / 16, T - 193 / 16 and T - 257 / 16 NF, NG and NM v European Council, which established that the deal does not count as measure adopted by one of the institutions of the EU for the purposes of judicial review under the Treaties.
The trick is to make sure you are dealing with word - count limits and not page limits — because these kinds of changes won't add words, but they will definitely add pages.
There is not binding case law in all parts of the United States on the incorporation of the 3rd Amendment on quartering soldiers under the 3rd Amendment (but this is not a big deal since there are very few soldiers who don't count as federal who seek to be quartered in someone's house and there are other incorporated rights which overlap with this one like the 5th Amendment eminent domain rights that overlap with the protections of the 3rd Amendment, and because many state constitutions contains 3rd Amendment protections anyway).
First of all they didn't want to deal with my case because i saw a doctor 5 days after the incident had happened — they have a clause that says you must see a doctor within 5 days, but when you get sick, on foreign soil, who counts the days?
Donning an Apple Watch in 2018 is a little more tempting because of new deals, fresh features, the watchOS 4 update and a higher app count.
The numbers should be read carefully, though, because deal counts and dollar volumes do not fully reveal what is driving change in the healthcare sector.
Light the prayer candle, put a penny in your shoe and don't count your chickens because this here house deal can slide all over the ice pond before it gets to the other shore, if it ever does.
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