Sentences with phrase «deal upon questions»

I do not «deal in magic» for I deal upon questions regarding much of Jewish scriptures of the uncommon holdings that dares to leverage my understandings.

Not exact matches

We can now deal with the question, earlier deferred, of how it is possible to insist upon internal relations between occasions while at the same time recognizing that from a logical point of view the members of a class of particulars defined by a function would have to be externally related.
Before we get to the trickiest sexual questions, based upon what many people are already doing, our book deals with marriage in the context of friendship, men's and women's roles and responsibilities and how to deal with sin so that marriage gets better rather than bitter.
This question and its answers explain about the Iran nuclear deal weaknesses and why it is frowned upon by the US and Russia.
We have tried to deal with one of the perennial questions used to challenge women's demand for true, rather than token, equality, by examining the whole erroneous intellectual substructure upon which the question «Why have there been no great women artists?»
Wind Upon the Face of Waters deals with questions of religion and faith in the modern, secular society of the «70s and «80s.
Blake, whose mother is white and father is black, expands upon a previous body of work which often dealt with role - playing (puppets and theatricality and sado - masochism) and asks questions about the search for identity and the notion of passing for something you are not.
Thus, the Board may be in a position in passing upon question of fact in the course of dealing with, for example, an administrative matter, to Act with a sure judgment on facts and circumstances which to a tribunal not possessing the Board's equipment and advantages might yield only a vague or ambiguous impression.
What we do know is that, upon that departure, the regulations listed above will in theory immediately cease to apply, so the question of jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments must be dealt with either expressly by agreement with the EU or otherwise through the common law rules.
For another, it can draw upon contacts with similar commissions that already exist in the provinces and other countries to see how they deal with such questions.
As to CCR question... if your deal is a 17 % IRR and half of that return is paid out during the hold period and the other half is paid upon sale, you'll attract a different investor than if your 17 % IRR is 10 % cash flow and 90 % from the sale.
I would submit that this form is most valuable to lawyers who end up litigating on behalf of litigants claiming damages or defending their positions against same based upon not only dishonest and misleading statements that most assuredly appear on these SPIS smooth deal - facilitator documents, but also upon assumed honestly held but nevertheless misleading statements (the seller «thinks» he / she knows the correct answer to a question, but in fact does «not» know for sure, and guesses... yes... or no) that can ultimately lead to an expensive court case.
Said outsider would be paid an agreed - upon hourly fee by the Realtors in question — out of said Realtors» own pockets — whether or not a deal was struck.
I have a list of people I can now call upon with questions or deals.
Just 3 - 4 questions from me, as well as watching how they acted, made it obvious they may be doing a few deals now, but the foundation upon how they were investing wasn't a strong platform.
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