Sentences with phrase «deal with a curved»

Now with its full release, and our new publishing deal with Curve, we can't wait for more players to experience For The King.»
Another innovation is the integration of satellite navigation mapping to help the system deal with curves and elevation changes all in the name of fuel efficiency.
Now with its full release, and our new publishing deal with Curve, we can't wait for more players to experience For The King.»
I'm all for an OLED display, but what's the deal with a curved display?

Not exact matches

In other words, in order to deal with life's curve balls, you need emotional resilience.
Macrophysics deals with a four - dimensional space - time continuum in which limitless space curves back on itself like a Möbius strip and time is diversely calculated by bodies in motion.
They use materials forthrightly, but they also deal with a subtler aspect of truth; the catenary curve of the cable line is a near - perfect reflection of the way gravity really acts on weight.
The integral calculus, by contrast, was developed to deal with areas («areas under curves») and, by extension, volumes.
I think they will find in hard to deal with an Arsenal side on a serious upward curve, and fancy the Gunners to win this 2 - 1 at the 12 on offer with bet365 and Betfred.
Some of the things I would change: It has a high learning curve with opening / closing it, and the auto close feature tends to auto - close on me when I'm trying to open it since there are 3 different locks you have to deal with just to open it (the black side flips, the auto - close latch, and the silver metal circular thing).
Though there may be a slight learning curve to deal with this machine, you will get what you want in no time.
«New York State has historically been behind the curve in dealing with developments in the gaming world, and it has been to our detriment,» said Bonacic, a Republican from the Hudson Valley who is chairman of the Racing and Wagering Committee.
But because elliptic - curve cryptography deals with large numbers, the chip's modular multiplier is massive.
House, who coaches the school's baseball team and runs a motion - analysis facility, says the study confirms «what we as coaches have recognized all along,» that the way to pitch successfully is to throw every ball through the same «tunnel,» or track, and force the batter to deal with whether the pitch is a fastball or a curve only at the last possible moment.
«All these issues are so technical and so complicated that members are way behind the curve in terms of dealing with the issue.»
Obtaining the mathematical curve which best fits the registered data on earthquakes is not an easy task when dealing with large tremors.
Core stability deals with the proper coordination of the key muscles used to support the spinal column in its naturals - curve.
I love this dress and it is a little snug fit today because I am not going to lie (it's that time of the month) So while I am enjoy extra curves; I also get to deal with a bloated tummy.
For someone diagnosed with a curable condition like Chlamydia, the learning curve might not be as steep as that of a person dealing with HPV, HIV or HSV.
It won't be possible to finish the campaign just from the first attempt but as you gain levels for your plane pilot, you should have an easier time dealing with the difficulty curve that the game can throw at you.
New hires are still dealing with a learning curve and the workplace is unfamiliar territory.
When dealing with uneven class widths and a large initial class width, use a hanging curve, i.e. do not plot the lower bound of the first interval.
They don't have to deal with a steep learning curve on the job, which means that they can provide your customers with the best customer service experience from day one.
There are genuine moments of racing greatness to be had here and I would rate this as one of the best car games of our generation - the problem is not everyone can deal with a stiff curve.
Of course, with the various compound curves and tricky angles on the GT ‑ R's bodywork, a great deal of skill is actually needed to get a perfect finish.
If you only plan on a title or two, the prohibitive cost of ISBNs (at least in the USA) could be a very prominent factor; there is a steeper learning curve dealing with LSI; and LSI requires a more tech - oriented approach to publishing than some authors may be comfortable with.
And, I didn't want to deal with the learning curve.
Traditional publishers build their business around the typical sales curve of a print book: put a lot of copies on bookstore shelves, see what sells in the first 90 days, and deal with returns and marginal ongoing demand on most titles.
The Curve 8520 comes with 256 MB of memory on board and, we're assured by Rim, it will have a 2 GB microSD card, regardless of the network deal you get.
This is the first time they are dealing with indie authors and there will be a learning curve for them, which is why they are not heavily publicizing their official launch.
I just replaced my Curve with an iPhone and while I think its BEAUTIFUL I am flipping OUT trying to deal w / my 150 business emails daily and CAN NOT believe one can not search email.
Long has it been known that they're going to be carrying the BlackBerry Curve 8900, but now we can say for sure that they're going to be launching it in January 2009 with a $ 149.99 price tag on a 3 - year voice and data deal.
The white BlackBerry Curve 3G can be had on contract from 16.50 GBP a month, on Pay - As - You - Go for 149.95 GBP, or even bundled with the BlackBerry PlayBook for 99 GBP plus a 37 GBP per month deal.
As much as many of you don't really care for it, the BlackBerry Curve 9300 is coming up and will be hitting a lot of carriers near you so it's time to deal with it.
Under the terms of the deal, new Mobilicity customers who purchase a BlackBerry PlayBook and either a BlackBerry Bold 9780 or BlackBerry Curve 3G smartphone by May 15th along with any Mobilicity voice plan and data add - on will be eligible for the rebate.
If you sign up for a # 30 a month deal for a Blackberry Curve 8520 you'll get a free 16 GB RIM Playbook, worth # 239, along with 100 minutes, 1000 texts and 1 GB of data for your new smartphone.
And that line of intent — in its purest curve, meaning with some simplification here — starts with a system that made it impossible for retailers to control pricing of ebooks if they wanted to offer a deal to customers; it ends in retailers now able to offer that deal to customers on those ebooks.
Instead of the smooth curves we have been accustomed to when using the original Kindle Fire HD, from now on we will have to deal with an angular design.
What is the big deal with this yield curve stuff anyway?
Along your journey other curve balls are thrown at you like unruly teenagers, and you must deal with them accordingly.
Whilst not impossible, it creates an artificially steep difficulty curve at the beginning of the game where you must learn how to play on your own whilst simultaneously dealing with all the challenges thrown at you.
The learning curve is a steep one, things start of easy but the difficulty jumps once you start having to deal with multiple enemy pilots simultaneously.
For him, a line is like a vehicle through which he can navigate complex issues, dealing with angles and curves that are in perpetual opposition.
I can understand why the curves produced in this article do not reflect such unpredictable discontinuities but am puzzled as to why the article does not deal more deeply with this possibility and its implications.
The rest of the poster, color - coded violet (purple, whatever), deals with the similarity to the curve in Figure 2: they are equal to within millikelvins.
I know you have presented it before on several occasions, I just wasn't ready to follow all of the arrows with the notion that mu represents a control variable and we are dealing with tangents along the three curves.
The upper end of the probability curve runs as high as eight degrees — and the authors still haven't figured out how to deal with that permafrost melt.
A «polluter pays» tax (the costs of which should, via normal market mechanisms, tend to be distributed among the benificiaries of the polluting activity, including internationally, other things being equal) doesn't just provide revenue to deal with damages (or avoid them) but also produces a price signal which reshapes behaviors (once decided, even before going into effect) in suppliers, consumers, and investors — the supply and demand curves shift making alternatives more abundant, etc..
Basically what we are dealing with here are not whole spheres... not flat disks either... but curved surfaces of partial, but dissimilar sized, parts of spheres.
Because daytime rooftop solar is growing so fast — in addition to the more foreseeable growth in utility - scale solar — both Arizona and California are already planning for dealing with the steeper «duck curve» in the evening.
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