Sentences with phrase «deal with the problem more»

Our christian ancestors dealt with the problem more easily than we do.
You can often deal with these problems more quickly on a solo run than the big guys.

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What happens when employees are able to access information faster, restrictions are removed, problems are dealt with sooner, and communication happens more efficiently?
SmartBall was originally introduced to deal with leak problems in the water industry more than five years ago, but the team quickly saw opportunities to expand.
But, as inevitable problems arise, the older and more experienced investors treat these things as business as usual: problems to be dealt with rather than major catastrophes that are about to kill the company.
People are far more likely to remember how you dealt with a problem than they are how you created it in the first place.
That gives lawmakers 16 more years to figure out how to deal with the problem before it hits home, but if they can't, then reductions in benefits could be harsh.
There is a more settled idea that it is better to deal decisively with financial problems, than it is to simply try to address them piecemeal.
It was more about establishing a tone and a personal relationship than dealing with the many problems that the two countries face.
Question, in all of this, has been, do we get out in front of the problem, and address it before the imbalances become more inevitable and difficult to deal with, or not.
«Christy Clark's government has known about this problem for more than two years but has failed the people of Spallumcheen by not adequately dealing with it,» said Heyman.
If you ever have a problem or questions you'd like answered, you might find any issues more easily resolved when you're dealing with a local bank.
While you might lose a few dollars on the mistake, it might not be worth your time to deal with the full return process, and its great customer service to offer to simply send out the new item without returning the first accessory and you will be much more likely to turn a problem order into a repeat customer because of how you handled the issue.
I'm a huge saver (80 - 90 %) of every paycheck as an engineer but with this I can invest it as I see fit without regulations and not have any higher taxes to deal with later on (where I agree with you, taxes will be much higher in the future than it is now to address our spending problem... and more importantly our growing debt problem).
(LOL) if they do not want me because of my beliefs, even though I live a better, more «christian» life style than most christians I deal with... no problem..
When an omnipotent, omniscient god could have dealt with the problem in a much more immediate way, does it really make sense to wait a couple of decades for the child to be born, grow up, and start a ministry?
Even among those who profess to value good manners (which frequently turns out to mean that they dislike being treated rudely without necessarily being willing to behave politely themselves), it is widely held that the decline of etiquette is a problem to be dealt with only after the panoply of more serious social problems has been solved.
Jesus told those who thought they weren't in good with God that the road to salvation is narrow, that they must go and sin no more in order to be saved, and he told the wealthiest man that his riches were keeping him from Heaven, all problems that we deal with today.
If you want to alleviate the problem of mass shootings, better to try and deal with the root causes, such as mental health, and then get more guns into the hands of the right people.
What is more, if such a development should take place, AA might set a pattern for a more fundamental cooperation between religion and psychology in dealing with human problems in general.
During the seventies process theologians have dealt more with environmental problems than social ones.
I do not believe that there is any sexual problem that I have not dealt with pastorally in some form in my more than twenty years in the ministry.
We need a much more realistic approach to the problem of human evil, and I am perfectly certain that no really effective way of dealing with it will be found apart from the rediscovery of true religion.
7 We will deal with these problems in more detail later.
There's a lot more to This Is Us than meets the eye — the characters are going through real - life problems and dealing with them in ways that so many of us do.
I don't know if it is just because of the economic and social problems of our country, or where I work, or because I deal with it myself, but I am encountering more and more people who struggle with depression.
For example, the United States and the European Union, among others, should cooperate in strengthening the Organization of African States so that Africa can deal with more of its own problems.
This requires a networking of groups and inter-relation of actions much more than in previous periods when the problems of one country could be dealt with within a country and through the use of state power.
A council should be opened whose concerns would no longer be interecclesial — dealing with priests, bishops, women's ordination and so forth — but would center on far more essential problems.
Here, the relation of Jesus Christ to Judaism is dealt with once more, before the narrative moves into Samaria and to the problem of Jesus» relationship to those outside of Israel.
Even when talking about what our children might face, the response more often than not will be, «Well, that» r be their problem, they can deal with it.»
Among the new groups which a church should create there ought to be one or more with explicit counseling goals such as growth in self - understanding, opportunity to deal openly with feelings and problems, and opportunity to grow in the health of one's interpersonal relationships.
Empowering local communities to deal with more of their own problems may be more difficult there than here.
12) I have dealt somewhat more fully with the methodological problem in «Theology and Truth,» The Journal of Religion, Vol.
The crucial difference between two ways of looking at human problems is the difference between trying to manage history according to plan, and a responsible planning within a history which is more successfully dealt with when we recognize the unmanageable factors within it.
I recall the awakening of a social action committee which decided to launch a community effort to deal more constructively with the problems of a slum - ghetto.
Pentecostals also are more Eastern than Western in that, as it was for John Wesley, there is an emphasis on sin as a sickness that needs to be healed, as opposed to just a legal problem to be dealt with in judicial terms.
It may be, however, that both positions are partly correct — that we do need a renewed and increased commitment of our collective resources to relieve existing misery, but that, in the long run, we also need to empower people and communities to deal more effectively with their own problems.
But again, the problem with that deal is that the religious won't, or more specifically can't, abide by that deal because their religion demands that they «spread the word».
Historically and theologically we are dealing here with devout yet aberrant forms of faith that are unable to illuminate the more profound problems of human existence, suffering, guilt and destiny or to answer questions about human history in its wholeness.
I'm afraid that your «so what, we'll just deal with it... somehow» doesn't quite represent or give credibility to an on - going and ever - evolving problem between the crazies, whether they be Christians or Muslims, who may very often value «death» more than life, and have no problem blowing themselves up and taking us and many other innocents with them.
This tentative model for understanding the causes of problem drinking is offered in the report of the Cooperative Commission on the Study of Alcoholism: «An individual who (1) responds to beverage alcohol in a certain way, perhaps physiologically determined, by experiencing intense relief and relaxation, and who (2) has certain personality characteristics, such as difficulty in dealing with and overcoming depression, frustration, and anxiety, and who (3) is a member of a culture in which there is both pressure to drink and culturally induced guilt and confusion regarding what kinds of drinking behavior are appropriate, is more likely to develop trouble than will most other people.»
«What is needed is for churches to devise imaginative ways of getting more of the hundreds of thousands of dedicated laymen directly involved as trained volunteers in projects to deal with all kinds of personal and social problems, including alcoholism.
It is in fact masking a more serious problem that AA is not capable of dealing with.
However, now that more of our needs are public and social (problems of pollution, population, mass transportation, etc.), we need better ways to deal successfully with them.
Even more than their «unbelieving» contemporaries, the fundamentalists, living in a world of terrifying change, have lost hope of being able to deal rationally and effectively with their problems by their own intelligence and activity.
3Virtually every major book Hauerwas has written has a chapter dealing specifically with problems of the self as he has struggled to see more clearly what it might mean to think of «The Self as Story» — which is the title of a seminal chapter in Vision and Virtue.
God will be more visible and present in our lives when religious leaders show more moral leadership and try to deal with the problems of the world.
Although the work is more fulfilling, the job comes with its own stresses — being entirely responsible for preventing a family's eviction, navigating the hot mess of housing court in New York City, and feeling unequipped to deal with clients» everyday problems like crushing poverty, mental illness, domestic violence, and every kind of discrimination you can imagine.
«If the problem turns that we have issues with metropolitan markets as a whole that's a lot more difficult to deal with.
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