Sentences with phrase «dealing with the problems of»

Like most people, I deal with this problem all of the time and the best way I've found to overcome it is to block out significant time to focus on one project and eliminate everything else.
This week's letter will deal with the problems of determining what GDP really is, and I'll throw in a few quick remarks on what the recent GDP revision means for the Fed and whether they'll raise rates.
A further series from Residex, which has been reported in previous issues of this Statement, deals with the problem of compositional change by using a repeat sales index.
The series from Australian Property Monitors (APM) deals with the problem of lags by recording prices as at the date of contract.
I do find it a bit ironic that you would tell me to «Let people deal with their problems their way,» and yet you tell me how to deal with my problem of opinionation.
Most Americans - and most American Catholics - think Pope Benedict XVI has done a bad job of dealing with the problem of sexual abuse by Catholics priests, according to a new national poll.
But, as with other classical figures Eke Luther and Calvin, Wesley reveals another side which is illustrated in his dealing with problems of chronology, his understanding of the biblical use of non-biblical sources, his judging of much of the Psalms as «unfit for Christian lips,» and so on.
He dealt with the problem of the one and the many in the context of the relation of substance and attribute.
The question is, will this method of dealing with the problem of poverty work?
Thus, if in dealing with the problem of the various human races, their appearance, their awakening, their future, we start from its purely biological roots, it will lead us to recognize that the only climate in which man can continue to grow is that of devotion and self - denial in a spirit of brotherhood.
But the question of consistency with our Christian faith will lead us to confront the darker areas of life as we deal with the problem of suffering.
I still have question and issues with much of what Thom Stark wrote, but at least I see that there is a way to deal with the problems of the text without being set adrift at sea without an anchor (p. 240).
Thus on both counts the framework of «process philosophy» seems to me utterly unable to deal with the problem of personal identity.
It is here, then, that we must make some important distinctions in regard to notions that have clouded evangelical attempts to deal with the problem of justice.
The Versailles Treaty tried to deal with the problem of inchoate states by the trustee system.»
It completely deals with the problem of sin, both its penalty and its power.
to be logically impossible.95 If, however, Neville's demand for an ontological analysis can be sustained, Whiteheadians may then be forced to deal with the problems of being and the one and the many (perhaps by wedding Neville's Platonic - Augustinian ontology to process metaphysics, a possibility Neville himself entertains].96 Even so, two of Neville's most crucial claims remain debatable: (1) that indeterminate Being - Itself — without definiteness and beyond description — is supremely deserving of religious devotion, 97 and (2) that the process God — personal, the pervasive source of moral ideals, and the supreme agent in the achievement of these aims — is not.
It was created to deal with a problem of heresy, and as long as the problem was deemed to exist people seemed faith as the problem was deemed to exist people seemed to accept it.
It is for precisely this reason that Christian faith can not relieve itself of the agony of dealing with the problem of the historical Jesus.
Theology written by and for such individuals fails to deal with the problem of how what they are called to be could become possible for other human beings.
The fact is that so far only one church in Reno has made a serious effort to deal with the problems of compulsive gamblers.
Whitehead was an English philosopher who spent most of his life dealing with problems of logic and science.
Scientists and thinkers have developed a variety of conceptual frameworks — ecology, for example — that attempt to intellectually grasp this great need to make sense, to organize complexity; but I think it is a fundamental mistake — be we scientists, ministers, or otherwise — to think that only science and engineering and business are attempting to deal with this problem of complexity, simultaneity, and constant change.
Do you want a successful person to be president and deal with the problems of the world, or a high school drop out?
3 If you're offering Parkland shooting survivors prayers, but are unwilling to deal with the problems of gun violence in this country in a practical way, those prayers are empty.
No farmer deals with the problem of calfdom, only with the calf.
In «A Whiteheadian Christology» Cobb deals with this problem of our remoteness from Jesus by rephrasing the problem.
The last of these levels is particularly important because it will deal with the problem of why the alcoholic is usually unable to accept help early in the development of his sickness.
The variety of their attitudes, projected on a larger screen with many other sub-cultural points of view added, is the picture of America's crazy - quilt philosophy for understanding and dealing with the problems of alcohol.
Alongside the Book of Job stands the Seventy - third Psalm — both of them important as portrayals of personal difficulty in dealing with the problem of evil.
Three elements of the Christian message should continually illuminate the mind of Christians as they deal with the problems of world politics.
(James George Frazer: The Golden Bough; A Study in Magic and Religion [abridged ed., 1935], p. 75) In whatever century such practices occur, we are dealing with primitive religion, and in such practices primitive religion is characteristically dealing with the problem of suffering.
If lust for material acquisition can be tempered with love for one's fellow human beings and accountability to God, it becomes possible to deal with the problem of greed effectively.33
I have tried to illustrate the kind of thinking we must be prepared to do if we are to deal with the problem of being morally responsible in a complicated world.
If nothing else, Wright's work will force us to deal with the problems of anachronism and truncated interpretations of Jesus that lead to such horrible aberrations as anti-Semitism on the one hand and an all - too - modern non-Jewish Jesus on the other.
Another means of dealing with the problem of the content of the word event was recently proposed: a marriage between linguistic analysis and the Heideggerian language tradition found in the new hermeneutic.
Augustine wrote his greatest passages dealing with the problem of order in the City of God in response to the fall of Rome, and much of the New Testament itself was written under conditions of persecution.
We are now in a position to deal with the problem of how it is possible for biological features to develop in complex molecules.
But if any country is to be given high marks for its efforts to deal with the problem of overpopulation, it is China.
China deserves high marks for its efforts to deal with the problem of overpopulation.
The present discussion has dealt with the problem of evolution as one depending wholly on mechanisms and chance.
There are several positive things which individuals and groups can do to deal with the problem of violence.
Finally this: this essay deals with the problem of the prehensibility of God's consequent nature.
Second, it seemed to me that the church had to deal with the problem of hermeneutics, for several views on the interpretation of Scripture were developing within it.
God will be more visible and present in our lives when religious leaders show more moral leadership and try to deal with the problems of the world.
On both of these points Whitehead has dealt with the problem of relativity seriously and has removed from it its nihilistic sting.
I broached this matter with Colbert when I observed that Christians «attack the problem of sin» while Buddhists «try to deal with the problem of suffering.»
These stories deal with the problems of living with Alzheimer's Disease or stroke damage, the abuse of the elderly by their children, nursing home horror stories, the cost of long - term care, and the problems of those who must work, care for their children, and also care for elderly relatives.
Q: Dear Dave, I have been dealing with problems of whiteflies.
The Wolverines gladly would deal with the problem of having too many tackles.
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