Sentences with phrase «death by»

You must mean the death by everlasting fire.
(See the Problem of Evil in Process Theism and Classical Free - Will Theism by William Hasker; Traditional Free Will Theodicy and Process Theodicy: Hasker's Claim for Parity; «Bitten to Death by Ducks»: A Reply to Griffin; On Hasker's Defense of his Parity Claim by David Ray Griffin (see
Jesus» anointing by the holy Spirit, and his consequent power over the demons, over diseases, and even over death; his ministry of compassion and help; his death at Jerusalem, through the «envy» and hatred of the «rulers,» that is, the Jewish authorities who denounced him before Pilate and so procured his death by crucifixion as an insurrectionist and disturber; his resurrection on the third day, when he became Messiah or Son of God and entered into his glory; (Cf. Rom.
From another perspective the Indian Christian convert has been described «as deracinated, and as an outcaste, no longer recognizable as a functioning member of his or her former community... in terms of the loss of caste and the pronouncement of civil death by Hindu law.»
There is a Zoroastrian belief «that a son of Zoroaster will be born many years after his death by a virgin... This son will apparantly [sic] raise the dead and crush the forces of evil.
Barth, Derrida, and the Language of Theology By Graham Ward Cambridge University Press, 258 pages, $ 54.95 The Gift of Death By Jacques Derrida, Translated by David Willis University of Chicago Press, 115 pages, $ 18.95 Though Jacques Derrida is perhaps France's best - known living philosopher,....
It would explain that Jesus also fought against and was put to death by the religious...
Cullmann sharpens the contrast between the Stoic acceptance of and the Christian antagonism toward death by citing the deaths of Socrates and Christ.
Idi Amin required some of the condemned to perform sexual acts of his own devising before they were pounded to death by cheerfully wielded sledgehammers.
I can understand an Iron Age Palestinian sheep herder thinking he could avoid death by pleasing some hokey sky - fairy, but educated people today?
It is precisely those who most deeply refuse our world and the forward movement of history and consciousness who are now driven to a primordial way, a way that masks the profane reality of time and death by apprehending it as being at one with a primordial unity.
How many starving children in Africa or Asia could have been saved from death by spending that money on something real (humans) rather than on something that may not exist (souls)?
Those who had been his disciples were convinced by what they took to be «infallible signs» that he had been raised from death by God.
If sacrifice of Jesus Christ once - for - all on Calvary for the sins of the whole world is a dominant motif of Holy Communion, do we really proclaim the Lord's death by word and action in ways which communicate this redemptive event to all who see and hear?
They know they can take advantage of these people because their alternative isn't to sell to another customer, their alternative is DEATH by starvation or to become destitute (too dramatic?).
Pilate ordered Jesus put to death by crucifixion, the most horrible form of execution that the callous Romans had been able to devise; the sentence was carried out on a hill named Golgotha just outside Jerusalem on a spring day in the year A.D. 30.
He deals with death by raising her son to life.
He even defeated death by rising from the grave.
Nothing but pure hate for this snake oil selling quack Glen Beck, please go away we are done to death by your slanderous tongue.
Certain key historical facts are well established: the death by crucifixion and burial of Jesus, reports that his tomb had been found empty, and that some of Jesus» followers had experiences (they believed) of the risen Jesus.
But then I remember Grimmie's death by gun violence this week as well.
I guess for 2 reasons, they didn't wake themselves from the death by themselves, and they died again finally.
2nd DEATH, that purifying death by which «we put to death deeds of the body by the Spirit «is death of «old «and «perishable «-- which finally result in life.
We must realize that we can't understand life and death by looking through telescopes and microscopes!
We deal with death by dealing with the dead, not just the idea but also the sad and actual fact of the matter — the dead body.
Most commentators note the connection here with the Levitical law that the punishment for adultery was death by stoning (Lev 20:10; Deut 22:22).
Perhaps I can calm the outcry at his death by alleviating his suffering as I did the other condemned rebel.
it is the custom of humankind to deal with death by dealing with the deed.
Whether friend or foe, we all fall short of the glory of God The gift of the sacrifice of God's son saved everyone who belives Jesus died for all and resurrected from death., thereby defeating death of the soul caused by sin Salvation can not be earned It is the gift of God As for why God allowed the Egyptians to die, God saved his chosen people from certain death by killing those who would surely cause the same.
In sum, in the argument that a PVS patient ought to be sustained as long as possible I see the unhappy fruits of the three technological seductions I described above: death by «starvation» has now become our fault, not nature's, if we omit treatment; the distinction between omission and commission is erased in the insistence that the stopping of artificial feeding is the same as killing the patient and, as too often happens, a new technology gets legitimated and routinized by an invocation of the sanctity of life. I was told that Jesus proved he was more powerful than death by coming back to life after dying.
Darwinian evolution is a myth» @Chad «Darwinian evolution has been completely refuted, phyletic gradualism is dead, put to death by the fossil record»
And once the Emperor made his decision, the losing side was often condemned, not only to eternal punishment in hell, but sometimes even to death by stoning, beheading, hanging, or by what became the most popular method: burning at the stake.
I guess death by snake venom is a violent death.
It was created down here on earth, among the followers of Jesus in the decades and centuries after his death by men, both with good and bad intention.
It is easy to mark the point at which the Christian message came into being, and that is the moment at which certain of Jesus» followers claimed to have seen him alive again after his death by crucifixion.
(Although there can be no doubt, as we have seen, that Jesus was put to death by the Roman authorities, I can not agree with those who virtually deny any hostility toward him on the part of the authorized religious leaders of the people, especially the Pharisees.
Milton was grieving for the death by drowning of his schoolmate, Edward King, on his way to Ireland in 1637.
Moses, the most humble man who had ever lived on Earth to that point (Numbers 12:3), follows the Lord's Spirit as the people followed Moses, leading them out from the place in which they were saved from death by the blood of a lamb, through the waters of the Red Sea where their enemies were swallowed up forever, traveling on in a new identity as God's chosen people — free and sent on to serve and worship Him.
The same kind of test confirms such facts as that the major part of Jesus» public career lay in Galilee rather than in Jerusalem and Judea, and that he was actually put to death by the Roman rather than by the Jewish authorities.
The punishment for adultery was death by stoning for both the man and the woman (Deut.
If my hypothesis is true, isn't saying «God willed your children to die in a burning car while you watched» the same thing as saying, «God sent a flood upon the earth so that everything which had breath died a horrible death by drowning»?
You discuss looking at burial rituals to consider new ways to present the symbolism of baptism, but regardless of how a society buries it's dead you will never find a society on earth that isn't familiar with the concept of drowning; thus death by water has a universal power not limited to any culture.
If the tables were turned and you were being baptized after your death by another faith I'm sure you too would find it offensive.
But I think maybe that's a reference to how love keeps us from fearing one another or fearing God's judgment, not about how love keeps us from fearing death by fiery plane crash.
It is very unfortunate that Jesus was illiterate for it resulted in many gospels and epistles being written years after his death by non-witnesses.
that's love tempered by mass death by Tsunamis, Hurricanes and Tornadoes, and that's just for starters.
It has been said that she hastened her own death by bringing on a fit of seizures while arguing the merits of skim milk because it was cheaper than whole milk.»
Uhh, the Government says no to slavery, genocide, death by stoning, selling your daughter into slavery, etc., etc., etc..
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