Sentences with phrase «death data»

The researchers tracked the heart health of participants by studying national hospital and death data through 2009.
However, people who use other drugs are increasingly at risk, too, the investigators found after analyzing death data.
Record linkage of routinely collected health data with ABS death data provides a possible method to increase reporting of deaths among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Using cause of death data from the US Centers for Disease Control, Geronimus and colleagues calculated that if blacks died at the same rate as whites, 5.8 million African Americans would have died between 1970 and 2004.
Using cause of death data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Geronimus and colleagues calculated that if black people died at the same rate as whites, 5.8 million African Americans would have died between 1970 and 2004.
PALL participated in data analysis, designed and conducted perinatal death audit, sought additional data from perinatal data collections, performed comparative analyses of home birth and national perinatal death data, and contributed to the paper.
Our veterinary and behavioral analysis of video documentation of this method indicates that it does not immediately lead to death and that the time to death data provided in the description of the method, based on termination of breathing and movement, is not supported by the available video data.
Linkage of deaths data with 2011 Census data gave us the most accurate estimates yet of differences in life expectancy of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
We estimated smoking - attributable deaths not from survey data but instead from aggregate national death data: records of every single death in the U.S. in 2000.
Infant Mortality Statistics from the 1998 Period Linked Birth / Infant Death Data Set.
In the largest study of its kind, using Centers for Disease Control data on nearly 14 million linked infant birth and neonatal death data, term singleton U.S. births, researchers at New York - Presbyterian / Weill Cornell Medical Center found the absolute risk of neonatal mortality was 3.2 / 10,000 births in midwife hospital births, and 12.6 / 10,000 births in midwife home births, and it further increased in first - time mothers to 21.9 / 10,000 births in midwife home deliveries.
To better understand the contributing factors that lead to high rates of infant mortality in the South, researchers from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services» Maternal and Child Health Bureau analyzed the most recent National Center for Health Statistics Period Linked Birth / Infant Death Data Files from 2007 - 2009.
Saturday, Oct. 21, 12:00 - 12:20 p.m., South Hall B, South Building Featured Plenary Abstract: Phenomewide association study of life course health events: Analyzing 50 years of hospitalization, prescription drug use and death data S. Ripatti, Institute of Molecular Medicine Finland, et al
The game will not save death data if you simply reload without paying.
A Portland - based wind energy company that recently sued the federal government to keep its bird death data secret has been convicted in federal court over deaths of protected birds at two of its wind facilities in Wyoming.
The level of reporting of deaths among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in NSW on ABS death data based on enhancement with the algorithm (74.4 %) is similar to that found by ABS for NSW deaths in a eleven - month period in 2006 and 2007 using linked death and Census records (76.3 %)[3].
Data source: Australian Bureau of Statistics death data linked with records of the NSW Admitted Patient Data, NSW Emergency Department Data Collection, NSW Perinatal Data Collection and Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages birth registration data.
While not examined as part of this project, the observed differential enhancement of death data by age would be expected to change estimates of life expectancy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
no. 3302.0.55.003) the ABS presented six alternative approaches for adjusting deaths data as an input to compilation of life tables.
This study estimates the level of increased reporting of deaths among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in NSW on the ABS death data that is achieved by using linked records from a range of health and health - related datasets, and the impact on mortality rates.
MJNCK reviewed all perinatal deaths, analysed perinatal death data, performed statistical analyses on study data and data from comparable home birth studies, and cowrote the paper.
Data sources: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) death registration data for NSW linked with records of the NSW Admitted Patient Data, NSW Emergency Department Data Collection, NSW Perinatal Data Collection and Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages birth registration data; ABS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander estimated resident population NSW 20072; and standard death rates were obtained using ABS Australian death data 2006 and the estimated resident Australian population 2006 14.
Contributors: HB designed the home birth data collection, liaised with Homebirth Australia and home birth practitioners, collected all home birth data, completed data entry, analysed data, participated in perinatal death audit, extracted birth and death data from home birth newsletters, sought additional data from perinatal data collections and death registry data, searched literature for comparable home birth studies, and cowrote the paper; she will act as guarantor for the paper.
Leonid Gavrilov and Natalia Gavrilova at the University of Chicago gathered birth and death data from more than 1500 centenarians born in the US between 1880 and 1895.
Every time you die, your «death data» gets uploaded to every other player and you become an enemy in their game.
A: «You will have the opportunity to have more than one Fighter, and every time you die in the game, that Fighter remains where it died as «Death Data» called «Haters» who can attack other players.
Information on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is drawn from all linked records and used to «enhance» information on the ABS death data.
In this study the number of deaths reported among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on the ABS death data is relatively small (n = 580), the chance of incorrect reporting of a non-Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander is also likely to be small, and we suggest that this information be accepted as reported.
ABS death data were deterministically linked to RBDM death registration records using the death registration number.
a death reported for an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person on the ABS death data was accepted as reported;
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