Sentences with phrase «death experience for»

In the first few minutes of the production we've established the rivalry that exists between the Reds and the Blues and been privy to a precarious lawnmower race down the alley that results in a near - death experience for the hero, Gnomeo (voice by James McAvoy).
The event was a near - death experience for the Chinese Communist Party, which turned its tanks on the workers and students in the centre of Beijing.

Not exact matches

«That made cancer, in Prudential's experience, the leading cause of death for middle - aged and older women and the third - leading cause for men.»
Howard described it as a «near - death experience» and went on to lead for a further nine years.
Her experience, she said, underscores how difficult it can be for grief - stricken people — even those with her training — to think clearly right after the death of a spouse or a divorce.
Smith shared anecdotes about the many near - death experiences of Ugg, including finding out his primary supplier was choking him off while making boots for his chief competitor, which led to the creation of his mantras.
While entrepreneurs will talk about their near - death experiences months and years later, it's rare for anyone to talk about the struggle while they're in it.
Her husband Carl (who's also the company CEO), added: «Most of us have faced hardship, and some of us combat and that «near death experience» Mayor Landrieu spoke of, so we can identify with what New Orleans went through, and how it can distill and clarify for you what you really want out of the future.
The near - death experience three years ago for NSW producer Aurelia Metals has been well chronicled, writes
I understand your article Kerry and how family can be and should be a support in birth, in living and in death, however so many people on this earth do not get to experience that... so many times families are torn apart or kids are abandoned and marriages ruined by one thing or another, so we must realize who gave us life, what purpose he gave us life for!
Leave it to religion to dictate how you should think and act, down to your last moments of life, for fear of experiencing even greater pain after death... and why shouldn't they know?
opinion aside, i live with Him every day and before He saved me i was not even looking for Him, no near death experience, personal catastrophe, or anything of that sort..
This is almost exactly a year before his death, and both the interview and his lecture, «The Fateful Rift: The San Andreas Fault in the Modern Mind,» reflect not only his journey up to that point, but a continuing concern for the meaning of the journey and to a degree a continuing ambiguity in his understanding of intellectual experience.
[24] It can become a present reality for those who are willing to tread the path, and so it is not exclusively an after - death experience.
Say for example a patient in a remote location must undergo surgery without anesthesia, but with (for the sake of argument) the assurance that he will prevent his own death by undergoing great pains and also assuming that (for the sake of argument) he values his own life over and above any pain he may experience in this life.
This way, I hoped, nobody would mistake the resurrection of the dead for a near - death experience or the «zombie apocalypse.»
No one experiences and thinks about death like an atheist, and it can be a scary concept for a lot of people.
Another condition of us being in this life to experience a world of both good and evil is that we go through this life for a limited time only, and that for us to obtain the greatest happiness that God can give us, it can't be done if were all dead without any means to overcome death.
To the Amida Buddha of Infinite Light, thanks for spinning the Pure Land out of your grace and your imagination, and for being at the end of the tunnel in those near - death experiences.
While both worldviews allow for life after death, Christ - followers believe in a more personal experience.
Jesus is the savior of the world, He is the son of God, He lived to set an example of how we should live, He defeated death to overcome sin and hell, so we may be forgiven for our sins and live on after this mortal experience.
He denied, attacked my personality, blamed my past experiences for my perceptions, blamed behavior within his church on things like deaths and illnesses, and threw in some non-apologies like «I'm sorry you feel that way.»
By creating a blanket requirement for all fetal death experiences ranging from miscarriage to abortion (as opposed to making these provisions an option), this bill attempts to force women into a belief they may not espouse.
One of the important discoveries in the experience of counseling is that for a person to begin the search for himself is like facing death.
People having near death experiences has been going on for a while and hasn't stumped scientists as much as it's accepted that people hallucinate when the brain is randomly firing off synapses in it's death throes,.
«Those who follow Jesus will never really experience death at all, for the abundant life is unending in the kingdom of heaven (Matt.
He vetoed the consumption of prawns, those bizarre other - worldly creatures which no member of the faithful had ever seen, and required animals to be killed slowly, by bleeding, so that by experiencing their deaths to the full they might arrive at an understanding of the meaning of their lives, for it is only at the moment of death that living creatures understand that life has been real, and not a sort of dream.
In Hawking's comment about how people there is no afterlife for broken down computer parts comment, how does he explain what people see when they have a near death experience?
It is argued then, that the crushing, heart - wrenching pain of watching a child die, and the sense of deep loss that lingers afterwards for days, months, and even years in the hearts of parents, is the pain that God experiences for an eternity over the death of His Son.
for those of us that have had a near death experience..
The eternal peace of humanity with God, received by faith on account of Christ's victory over sin, death, and the power of Satan, is dismissed as pie in the sky to be exchanged for the various approximations of peace and happiness that in good times this world also knows about and experiences.
I believe him after he expressed unimaginable experiences in this journey for hours on end, even through he was only out for a few minutes (and near death experiences are not uncommon).
Once we grasp the radical Christian truth that a radically profane history is the inevitable consummation of an actual movement of the sacred into the profane, then we can be liberated from every preincarnate form of Spirit, and accept our destiny as an occasion for the realization in the immediacy of experience of the self - emptying or self - annihilation of the transcendent and primordial God in the passion and death of Christ.
Baptism is the once - and - for - all, continuing experience of death and rebirth, repentance and conversion.
He has experienced awe, the religious passion, during the dark vision between the sacrificial pieces; he has enacted the new covenant marked by (self --RRB- circumcision — a symbolic act of «partial sacrifice,» betokening dedication to God's ways; he has been God's partner in the judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah, and in his own heart has accepted responsibility for (what he thought was) the «death» of Lot; he has beheld the wondrous birth of Isaac and endured the banishment of Ishmael.
Indeed, what would the experience of the passing of time or death mean for an eternal (e-ternal being?
Jesus, the innocent victim, bore our sins on His own body, taking them with Him into the grave, so that we might not fall into death but might experience the life God intended for His creation.
Well if you don't mind being bored to a near death experience, go for it.
For the Christian this same constitutive function is exercised by the teaching, life and death of Jesus Christ, and by the affirmations about Jesus made by his disciples as a result of their Easter experiences.
Religious groups can help satisfy the universal need for experiences of transcendence, providing vacations from the burden of finitude (the sense of being caught in nature with its sickness and death), and the tyranny of time.
Santayana implicitly agrees with Whitehead about solitariness, for the love of life in the consciousness of impotence is an utterly solitary experience — as solitary as death, to which it has some other dismal similarities.
And if for meaninglessness and despair one wants to offer a gospel of purpose and hope, one has to experience — in one's person, and in the corporate person of the church — the «sickness unto death
This is short for saying that shortly after Jesus's death, a number of Jesus's followers had experiences both individually and in group settings that they perceived were of the risen Jesus who appeared to them.
As Dr. Tillich has pointed out, the Latin theory of the satisfaction of the divine honour through the death of Jesus has always gripped men because it meets the burden of guilt, the experience of moral failure, and the impossibility of «making up» for what we have done.
To put this more plainly, the notion of growth or development, of movement or process, which purgatory affirms of life after death, is certainly valid for our experience in the present world.
For those who spend your life looking forward to death I wish you well... me I'm making this one and only chance a true wonderful experience and trying everything once....
There are those for whom death is regarded as a natural experience and accepted without either regret or support from any religious belief; and others for whom death is a door opened upon a new adventure of life with God.
Although an omnipresent human experience, the resurrection meant death held no power for Christians and therefore, they lived and died differently than other people.
For the church was threatened with martyrdom; it had, in fact, only recently experienced the blood purge which resulted in the deaths of Peter and Paul.
The once - for - all aspect, the ultimate decisiveness of Jesus» death, means that this experience remains unsurpassable and always present as an operative part of God's relationship with us.
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