Sentences with phrase «death march»

Figure out the difference and don't go on a blind feature death march.
Only hours before, when I had last seen him, he could barely walk, so I knew he had left on his final death march.
The PC gameplay video is three hours of Geralt slaying numerous beasts on Death March difficulty, consider us impressed!
Combining attacks will give you an upper hand in combat against higher level enemies and monsters, especially in Death March difficulty.
For example, the most challenging Death March difficulty is absolutely thrilling for the first few hours when even the most basic of foes can pose a lethal threat to an inexperienced Witcher.
«Our industry is famous for death marches,» says Rich Sheridan, chief executive of Menlo Innovations, a software design firm with about 50 employees in Ann Arbor, Mich. «Tired programmers start putting in lots of bugs,» he says, and the cost of software glitches can exceed the benefits of overtime.
Sharyn Alfonsi reports on the Annual Bataan Memorial Death March marathon as cameras accompany 98 - year old survivor and decorated vet Ben Skardon over the 8.5 mile course.
60 Minutes Sports, Season 2016, Episode 6: 60 MINUTES SPORTS covers Marshawn Lynch after announcing his retirement, Alysia Montano on racing against Russian runners, and survivor Ben Skardon takes on the Bataan Memorial Death March marathon.
James barely acknowledged me during his first visit, acting like he was on a forced death march as he entered my sunny office.
During various points in this Google + death march, I've warned not too give up too soon, and still evaluate what Google + brings to the table for your brand before jumping ship.
Too often, entrepreneurs go on a feature death march only to bring the new feature back to the prospect and have them still say «no» and ask for another, different feature or outright say they won't buy it.
While holding the interim position in 2007, Ms. Godkin faced a challenge from outgoing PC Youth President David McColl, who published an op - ed in the Calgary Herald predicting that «PC Alberta will continue its slow death march, to the beat of a rural drum and tired, stale policies.»
Between 1950 and 1953 in Communist North Korea, «50 percent of the hierarchy, one - third of the clergy, and at least fifteen thousand lay persons perished»; many more died in the notorious Death March to the Yalu River.
It doesn't have to be these crazy death marches!
Crazy Uncle Jester's Scorpion Death March 2.
Certainly, Butch Buchholz will never have to endure another station wagon Death March.
«The worst,» he says, «was the Texas Death March.
I like a mix of sites, museums, theater, great food, death marches where you are so tired at the end of...
Parliament on the Thames is featured as prominently as the Pacific Coast Highway to underscore either how vacuous the filmmakers are or how stupid they think the audience is while Hans Zimmer's soul - sucking, teddy bears - humping score saps away the last hints of credibility anyone has after participating in this gingerbread death march.
Ana is drawn to Mikael, however, she has bigger problems because nearly 2 million Armenians are being forced to leave their villages and sent on death marches by the Turkish government.
Initially the story is about the inexorable death march of an undead and immensely powerful king — the protagonist, no less!
by Walter Chaw Kind of like a dustier Eight Below, in which Mia Wasikowska walks four camels and a dog across the Australian Outback in a whimsical death march that I find, at my age (40), amazingly selfish and borderline sociopathic.
It's an exercise in style by filmmakers with none to speak of, a dreary death march in dire need of some comic relief.
Writer / director / producer / star Lake Bell leads a shrill ensemble through this shockingly unfunny death march of clichés about love and marriage.
Its third act a a drawn out death march, the actions of a man who may believe he must atone for the sins of others or perhaps does not see the reason to continue on in a community that shows no interest in the church.
A meandering, overlong death march towards nothingness, the latest from the American auteur is a showcase of a man who's more than worn out his welcome, who has drip - dried every ounce of juice from the same re-wrung fruit but still yet splashed it up on the screen like a car wreck.
I do occasionally find a zombie comic with a new twist (check out FUBAR for some well - written historical zombie action), but as a creator, I'm going to pause before working on the next Barbie Zombie Death March comic.
Balance is more important than engaging in a Scrivener death march.
Time that passes slowly creates insufferable boredom; time that passes to quickly makes us aware of our accelerated death march.
The stats and press articles have been reporting this neo-dramatic death march for far too long.
Figure out how to make the «long tail» work for you and quit this ridiculous death march of trying to sell a million copies in the first two weeks of release just to break even.
I hated death march so much at first but once I got the alternate sign mode for the shield and really studied monsters, inventory and tactical potion taking, I wouldn't change the difficulty ever.
Kicking off the campaign is a gritty death march on the shores of Normandy beach.
Quest: Allie's Death March Price: $ 1.49 / CA$ 1.99 Availability: 7/26/2016 Description: A test for only the bravest of dragon hunters.
«This made me come to the realization that crunch was not some occasional occurrence before you gave the thumbs up on Gold Master for large - budget games, but was instead an off the record mandatory death march required of all employees who wanted a career in the video game industry.»
A lumbering death march of wise cracking memento moris demanding their humanity be acknowledged.
The people behind the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, while their ambassadors were meeting with our people in Washington, the people behind the Baton death march of our soldiers in the Philipines, the people who raped the women of Korea and China; and the people who single handidly destroyed several major US manufacturing industries through underhanded trade practices and still use lock out most US goods in Japan while flooding our markets with their goods.
The Armenians who neither survived nor were butchered outright, died on death marches.
The worlds first suicide bombers, forced death marches, kidnapping foreign woman to use as sex - slaves; and now in the dawn of the new century the slaughter of a great and endangered species, the Humpback whale.
If investors smell blood, you will find yourself in a painful Bataan Death March.
In the book Angel by Jason Calacanis, he describes this as the «feature death march» where the entrepreneur has had limited success to date and feels if they just add one more major feature, customers will start buying.
But while AIG's defenders have vilified Goldman Sachs for collateral calls that seemed timed to inflict maximum damage, Boyd pins the blame for the insurer's downfall on a handful of AIG executives too fixated on securing power and maximizing their bonuses to realize that their company was lurching along on a death march.
In the past week, a series of moves by the campaign, coupled with some striking numbers about his place in the race, point to the fact that Gingrich is entering a new phase in his presidential quest: the death march.
Entrepreneurs are often puzzled by why another company's funding erupts into a feeding frenzy, while their fundraising drags on like «the Bataan Death March
I like the last line the best, «If investors smell blood, you will find yourself in a painful Bataan Death March
Some 400,000 of them met their deaths in gas chambers or on the death marches.
When I start to notice half - moons imprinted in the palm of my soul - hands, from clenching tight to figuring it out, over-analysing, and forcing it forward, a death march of checklists to mark off with a red pen and pressure and expectations and guilt and shoulda - woulda - coulda, I have learned to go for a walk, to play, to pray through the days, to make a cup of coffee and just sit, for a while, to watch the trees.
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