Sentences with phrase «death of the body»

True and when the bible speaks of death it also has more than one meaning, physical death of the body or the flesh and spiritual death.
Many of his subjects reported quasi-religious sensations of bliss, ineffability, timelessness, and reconciliation of opposites; a certainty that consciousness continues after death of the body; and contact with «a supremely powerful, wise, and loving presence.»
«My SPIRIT shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh:...» God's SPIRIT departs at death of the body, He departs with the soul.
It's not enough to live by beliefs ideas based on some illusion of a heaven a paradise beyond the clouds which one's spirit then transported unto on such death of the body mortal frame.
Yet God is merciful also and he sent his Son Jesus Christ to atone for the sins, pains, sicknesses and all other negative things that the fall brought, including death of the body.
Jubilee wrote, «My SPIRIT shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh:...» God's SPIRIT departs at death of the body, He departs with the soul.
The death penalty for sin is not only the death of the body but eternal separation from the creator.
Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism.»
«O how great the goodness of our God, who prepareth a way for our escape from the grasp of this awful monster; yeah, that monster, death and hell, which I call the death of the body, and also the death of the spirit.»
However, I do not believe that it could not possibly survive the death of the body because it is embodied in the unique patterns of electrical and chemical signals in the brain.
They are indeed guaranteed that nothing, not even the bitterest persecution, the worst misfortune or the death of the body, can do them any permanent harm or separate them from the love of God.
What we claim is that the person of Jesus of Nazareth survived the death of his body on the cross and made himself known to some of his disciples.
He believes that after the death of the body there is a release from the time - and - space predicament and a conscious sharing in the timeless Life of God, in which there are probably various stages of enlightenment and knowledge.
There are just as many people that believe their is existance after the death of your body.
That which made man unique was the possession of a soul, which, being spiritual and not material, was thought to survive the death of the body and go to live in a spiritual realm.
There are three important Whiteheadian texts which deal with the question of the immortality of the soul after the death of the body.
3:16 - 17, says we are God's temple to live in when we are on this earth (if we have asked Jesus to save us), and not to defile the temple or He will destroy us — cause the death of this body, our soul and spirit will still go to Heaven.
And while Jesus, like Sarpedon, endured the death of the body, he ultimately was saved from death at his resurrection: «Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one.
Resurrection after death is the raising or reconstitution of total humanity; it does not presuppose some element in human existence which naturally persists after the death of the body.
[16] Although he thinks that his view is like Aquinas» of the soul as the form of the body, Aquinas did not think that this pattern is dissolved with the death of the body as Polkinghorne does.
The author reflects the Platonic view of the human soul as that entity which pre-exists before coming to dwell for a time within an earthly body, as in a prison, and which later survives the death of the body, thus regaining its freedom.
Men grieve over the death of the body, but sinners have no good name to survive them.
Living here and now in the Kingdom, living and following Jesus where he is leading us now, rather than focusing on what may happen after the death of this body, however, does make sense.
’31 In these examples there is no reference to a resurrection, for it has become irrelevant when the human soul or personality is thought in some way to survive the death of the body.
It is not an enduring substance and does not necessarily survive the death of the body, as most have interpreted Plato to teach.
Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body
Many Atheists assume there is no life after death, that with the death of the body all self - awareness and existence ends.
If we want to understand the Christian faith in the Resurrection, we must completely disregard the Greek thought that the material, the bodily, the corporeal is bad and must be destroyed, so that the death of the body would not be in any sense a destruction of the true life.
For Christian (and Jewish) thinking the death of the body is also destruction of God - created life.
In some way, simple or complicated, horrible or beautiful, he has to reassure himself that the death of the body is not the death of the human spirit.
«The road of the world... is the road upon which we all fare onward to meet the death of the body.
It can hardly be supposed that a loving God would permit these relationships to be ended forever by the death of the body, lonely though the separation may be during the intervening years.
Jesus spoke about death of the soul as more to be feared than death of the body.
The immune system may get this impression because stimulants are harmful and toxic chemicals which slowly contribute to the death of the body.
Intentionally bringing about our causing the death of a body of knowledge and information concerning the health promoting and curative attributes of herbs, food and food components 2.
Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotisms.
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