Sentences with phrase «death victims put»

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Other victims were fastened to a frame and put to death by arrows; their blood dripping down was believed to symbolize the fertile spring rains.
By putting Jesus to death, the Jewish leaders thought that they were the masters and Jesus was the victim.
Many were put to death, with such refinements of torture that public dislike began to turn to sympathy for the victims.
Exodus 21:16 «Anyone who kidnaps someone is to be put to death, whether the victim has been sold or is still in the kidnapper's possession.»
Now he is searching for funding to build a pilot project to put the spray through clinical trials and eventually distribute a refined product in countries like India, where snakebites cause thousands of deaths before victims can reach the hospital.
Its victims, who make up about 1 percent of the population, experience a loss of contact with reality that puts them at a heightened risk of suicide, unemployment, relationship problems, physical ailments and even early death.
On most nights of the week, Jack is put inside a closet while Old Nick commits rape, the victim scared to death of resisting.
Further, some victims, the press, politicians, dog hating or breed hating groups, and animal control officials, are not satisfied if a dog isn't put to death after a designation of «potentially dangerous» or «vicious».
They're victims of serious misconceptions that put thousands of friendly, behaviorally - sound dogs in shelters and on death row every year.
At Ball & Bonholtzer, we have the ability and experience to investigate aviation accidents and put together the strongest possible representation for their victims or the surviving family members of crashes resulting in death.
Truck drivers and trucking companies who encourage drivers to put profit and fast delivery ahead of safety should pay their victims for the injuries and deaths they cause.
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