Sentences with phrase «deathbed in»

ON HIS deathbed in 1890, Crowfoot, chief of the Siksika Native American tribe, said these last words: «What is life?
«On his deathbed in 1969, former President Dwight Eisenhower told a friend that, in his experience, scientists «were one of the few groups in Washington who seemed to be there to help the country and not help themselves.»
He persevered all the same, reportedly calling for a notebook on his deathbed in the hope that a final flash of inspiration might complete the project of his last thirty years.
Fearing personal consequences once word got out about [88] his revolutionary theory, he delayed publication of his work, reportedly seeing it first in print only on his deathbed in 1543.
The letter was addressed to the pastor who briefly attended this small - town family gathered around the son's deathbed in, a city hospital:

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Grandma Mira's death was a tipping point event that convinced me I needed to pursue the opportunity in front of me or I would regret it on my own deathbed.
Just as that misses the point of Berkeley's metaphysics, so his refusal to take seriously Hume's deathbed ease in unbelief says more about his lack of a philosophical temperament than about the authenticity of Hume's belief.
Like Kerry, I think that our relationships / family are the vehicle in which love is shown and given in life and I'm not surprised by the fact that most people talk about family on the deathbed.
I'm really interested in how it not only shatters the myth that everyone becomes a deathbed convert, but completely turns it on its head.
He said, for instance, of the deathbed conversion of his friend Frank S. Meyer that «the only remaining intellectual obstacle to his conversion was the collectivist implication lurking in the formulation «the communion of saints» in the Apostles» Creed.»
If I were in my deathbed, I'd want you as my chaplain.
«Contrary to the fantasies of the fundamentalists, there was no deathbed conversion, no last minute refuge taken in a comforting vision of a heaven or an afterlife.
I'd like to add to my last comment that first the myth that darwin became a christian and gave up his own theory is most likely fiction and propaganda for christians to call heresy on a christian boogeyman, but secondly in that myth it says that darwin renounced his own theory on his deathbed, thats what cari believes in refutation, but just because you might disbelieve a theory you came up with doesn't make the theory wrong.
On his deathbed Darwin admitted that he wanted to believe in God and the afterlife but that logic led him elsewhere.
Known as the «Patroness of Mercy,» she was stabbed fourteen times by an attempted rapist, but forgave her assailant on her deathbed, hoping aloud he would find God — which he astonishingly did in prison, serving his remaining days in prayer and penance.
It's just another lie perpetuated by christians, rather like Darwin's deathbed refutation of evolution, or the lies about Pat Tillman's behavior before his death in Iraq.
If a man has lived a life of cruelty and then has a change of heart, is truly sorry for his sins and then dies (the proverbial «deathbed conversion») he can «be saved» without having done a good work in his life.
To say nothing of the eerie coincidences in a Muslim from Saudi Arabia seeing the same things as a Colombian youth, seeing the same things as an American atheist on his deathbed.
His truest function is revealed in terms of years and decades, as he watches children grow, marries them, and teaches their children in turn, and as he stands beside loved ones around the deathbed of a patriarch whom he has come to admire and respect.
However, it does seem that Francis had a very positive influence on the conduct of the Sultan, in that he behaved with considerable moderation in his future dealings with the Christians, and there is even a pious legend to the effect that he was converted on his deathbed to Christianity.
not a random process at all), evolution as «just a theory» (might want to learn what theory means in science), and Darwin's BS deathbed recantation identify you as having gotten your information from misleading sources, i.e., sources that have little understanding, and perhaps very little honesty, concerning evoutionary research.
Von Huegel, in one of his letters, writes of W.G. Ward («Ideal Ward») as an «eager, one - sided, great, unintentionally unjust soul» who on his deathbed saw the mischief of his life — he had consistently demanded that all others be like himself!
I don't know what sort of praiseworthy items God will find in deathbed conversions, but maybe He will praise things they did before they were believers?
After all, as another deathbed convert, Oscar Wilde, remarked, «Catholicism is the only religion to die in
Hey OOO, When your mom or dad or son or daughter or sister or brother or you are on your deathbed so sad you have no hope in life after death!
LOL, On his deathbed Mr. Stiefel would be the first one to break out in song and prayer....
Hitchens said if I say I believe in god on my deathbed, it will most likely be either from extreme fear or delirium from dying.
Their attitude was expressed by the great Ghaznavid King Mahmud when, as he lay on his deathbed, one of his attendants in great sorrow cried, «0 Majesty, who will protect Islam if you will not be with us?»
As you can imagine my heart was in my mouth all through the deathbed scene, hoping against hope that the old man would not give way, that is, take the course he eventually did.»
It's there, of course, for the asking all the time, but human lives are so planned that usually there's a particular time — sometimes, like Hubert, on his deathbed — when all resistance is down and Grace can come flooding in
The subject of deathbed conversions was hotly debated in 17th century England.
That people in foxholes or on deathbeds are never atheists is not proof that god exists, it's exactly the opposite — proof that belief in god is utiliatarian — a balm for the weak mind.
I remember the churchman at the deathbed of a neighbor — it was four in the morning in the middle of winter — who gathered the family around to pray, then helped me guide the stretcher through the snow out to where our hearse was parked.
Aye, of course they do, because that was «the latest spiritual practice» in the youth of the people most likely to be on their deathbeds right now.
My small group leaders and then other leaders in the church I grew up going to (which was as relaxed in their preaching as you can find (Presbyterian)-RRB- would confirms this to other high school guys and girls my age that unless he chose to believe in Jesus as the Son of God by the time he died on his deathbed he wouldn't join my Mom and sisters and I in heaven.
If Adolf Hitler on his deathbed truly repented of his sins before Christ, then yes, he is in heaven.
Also not to scare you or anything but I've seen a lot of death and most people become Christians in Foxholes and deathbeds.
On his deathbed he received the last sacraments, and he died in his mother's arms, peacefully, it is said.
Only when Jacob, on his deathbed, is called upon to bless his grandsons Ephraim and Menasheh in the 24th generation is
We are told of the fullness and the Second Coming, but of the nature of these things and their relation to the historical process we have no idea whatever: In the only sense that our imaginations can grasp, the task starts all over again with every baptism, every birth, and reaches its eschatological consummation on every deathbed.
Much fiction included a «deathbed scene», presented with a sentimental attention to detail; many will remember such scenes in the novels of Charles Dickens, guaranteed to move the reader to tears as each circumstance was described.
You can not visit hospital wards, for example, week after week for many years, you can not attend many deathbeds and speak with literally thousands of bereaved people over the years without realizing what potentialities there are in the spirit of apparently quite ordinary people.
It is told of Newman's Roman Catholic diocesan, the straightforward English monk Bishop Ullathorne of Birmingham, that he said something on his deathbed about St. Benedict and the angels, and when asked if he saw them answered, yes he did.56 Frank Weston returned from the plaudits of London crowds to die, as he would have wished to, in his mud and straw «palace» at Hegongo.
So then I put them on their actual deathbed — a baking sheet — after coating them in oil.
The recently deceased Stan Kroenke, whose passing was greeted with mixed emotions among the club's fans after his 100 % share takeover in 2022, still taunts supporters from his grave, he bequeathed the whole club to his son Joshua, who promised Silent Stan on his deathbed to «carry on the traditional values of Arsenal» for the next 50 years.
The widow of Brooklyn District Attorney Ken Thompson says her mother - in - law has no right to see the late top prosecutor's old will while battling to have his revised deathbed version overturned.
Currently churning in Hawaii: weather woes, potentially two historic political blows and duels between Democrats - one of which pits President Obama's wish against a senator's deathbed request.
Tsai scrawled a deathbed note to detectives claiming she was behind the hit job, and suggested she had been in a relationship with Donald Manes, the corrupt Queens borough president who killed himself in 1986.
16 Waiting to exhale: In 1907 a Massachusetts doctor conducted an experiment with a specially designed deathbed and reported that the human body lost 21 grams upon dying.
Emperor Hirohito can not be told on his deathbed that he has cancer, so this fact becomes a taboo (although Martineau reports it in The Guardian).
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