Sentences with phrase «deathbed regret»

In fact, it's the number one deathbed regret: following someone else's dream.
Do you really want to be on your deathbed regretting that you didn't go for it?
Some recent self - help books pose this question: How many people on their deathbed regretted that they could not spend more time in the office?

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I've heard that regret for the things you didn't do is the most painful deathbed emotion.
Grandma Mira's death was a tipping point event that convinced me I needed to pursue the opportunity in front of me or I would regret it on my own deathbed.
The future you is laying on her deathbed... and has regrets...... → Read More: When (and How) to Start Investing For the Short Term
In her book, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, Bronnie Ware, a hospice nurse, writes of the phenomenal clarity of vision people gain on their deathbed.
So when they lie on their deathbeds, they have few regrets.
Junge, detained in Russia for a period at the end of World War II before finding work as a magazine editor, treats the unseen Heller like a priest; one might say that her regret drives the piece, resulting in not a lurid film about Hitler (which has disappointed those critics out for something pulpier), but a deathbed confession.
Taking the time to relish life is a deathbed reality for Georgia who regrets the years she wasted dreaming instead of doing.
Life is too short and you won't regret not replying to these people when you're sat on your deathbed.
«Buy some insurance so you're not laying on your deathbed with regrets.
He quotes the old saw that nobody regrets working too much when they are on their deathbed, then says that some people should regret not working enough.
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