Sentences with phrase «debasing what»

Great article and outlook Michel... the rest of us brokers should thank you for a lame article that puts the profession back 20 - 30 years;) At least you got your name out + 15 min of fame for the small price of debasing what we do... good on ya!
He says the language of Silicon Valley has tended to debase what it really means to «change the world».

Not exact matches

And what is more sublime than humility, which, in debasing itself to the lowest, joins itself to its Maker who remains above the highest?
We live in an age whose chief moral value has been determined, by overwhelming consensus, to be the absolute liberty of personal volition, the power of each of us to choose what he or she believes, wants, needs, or must possess; our culturally most persuasive models of human freedom are unambiguously voluntarist and, in a rather debased and degraded way, Promethean; the will, we believe, is sovereign because unpremised, free because spontaneous, and this is the highest good.
Or, more fully: «Zacchaeus, get down from there and face your own low and debased stature and know yourself for what you truly are.
Unlike the silly, anti-Christian liars (like RUFUS) that are perfectly happy to debase themselves with lies, what I've written is the actual TRUTH.
Unlike the silly, anti-Christian liars that are perfectly happy to debase themselves with lies, what I've written is the actual TRUTH.
But the name calling and debasing of others for what they believe is ridiculous.
Lust becomes, therefore, the more debasing and the more sinful when what is intended for good is perverted to selfish and sensual indulgence.
28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.
«There is genocide again in Europe [No there isn't, unless one debases the term to mean perennial ethnic and religious conflicts]; there is economic inequality at home [There always will be; the question is whether there is greater economic opportunity]; civil rights are not assured for all Americans [Sullivan's particular campaign is for same - sex marriage]; civil liberties have had a terrible decade [I'm not sure what he means; perhaps new and intrusive antiterrorist laws in the Clinton era]; the racial question remains and festers [Undoubtedly true, although it is currently festering below fever level].»
Rom 1:28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.
Opponents, which included an odd coalition of the Catholic Church and women's advocacy groups, argued no - fault divorce debases marriage, making it too easy for couples who should be working out their problems to throw in the towel (the church) and suggested it will now be too easy for the wealthier spouse — usually the man — to leave their partners without adequate resources (NOW - NYS President Marica Pappas blasted what she dubbed «divorce on demand»).
Even though I knew what kind of character he was it still shook me to see his debasing actions.
In general we are concerned with what appears to be an addiction to on the part of the US and EU governments to printing money, which unfortunately tends to debase their currencies.
Politicians like to pretend this isn't true... Sure, for centuries they've debased currencies while confidently assuring their gullible citizens that the pound / dollar / denarii / etc. in their pocket's still worth the same after a devaluation as before... What a crock!
TIME 100: The People Who Shape Our World KIKI SMITH Delighting in the Debased By CHUCK CLOSE Thursday, May 4, 2006 In the face of an era (now more than 25 years in duration) dominated by appropriation over invention and innovation, what are we to make of the career of Kiki Smith?
What starts out as hope soon becomes debased into a dialectic of lust, leaving only a sense of chaos and the inevitability of a new reality»
After my single, not - so - great generation finishes the «missions» (ie, fools» errands) the leading, self - proclaimed «masters of the universe» among us have set before the human community, what resources will be left for our children to consume; how many more billions of people will have to share what remains of Earth's depleted and debased resources; where will they find clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, adequate soil for planting?
But those in high dudgeon have to come to grips with reality — this is what happens when scientists and institutions debase the coin of the realm.
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