Sentences with phrase «debate about global warming»

This shows the argument of force using claims of majority thinking are worthless and should not be used in debates about global warming (climate change).
It should finally put to rest the claims of climate deniers that there is a scientific debate about global warming.
Thank goodness there are people here giving some science and bigger perspective to this so - called debate about global warming.
One of the great false debates about the global warming issue is whether or not going green is in conflict with making money.
It is also widely stated by people (like Lawson) expecting to have credibility in debates about global warming policy.
If you've said, «it's not that big a deal, the scientists aren't sure,» you chose to ignore that there is no more debate about global warming and how it will hurt people.
Everything's Cool (Unrated) Cautionary documentary exposes the efforts of the fossil fuel industry lobby and conservative think tanks to manufacture an artificial debate about global warming in the face of irrefutable proof of the phenomenon provided by responsible members of the scientific community.
This message didn't register prominently enough with Heartland, who made a right old song and dance about the affair quoting its President Joseph Bast as saying this was a «a historic moment in the global debate about global warming».
More to the point, it was wielded in a public and political debate about global warming policy.
The whole debate about Global Warming is exactly how much carbon dioxide one has to add in order to change world temperatures; but no one disputes that, eventually, too much carbon dioxide will increase the temperature.
The real debate about global warming isn't even about the Earth changing because the Earth is always changing.
Many debates about global warming seem to boil down to appeals to authority, with one side or the other citing some famous scientist, or group of them, to buttress a particular argument.
I agree with Harriet Coleman (22 August, p 24) that the debate about global warming is really about preserving our way of life, and that «in the worst case we will be trying to save enough civilisation not to have to start again from the Stone Age».
I agree with Harriet Coleman (22 August, p 24) that the debate about global warming is really about preserving our...
But in no case should a reporter who wishes to portray with accuracy the debates about global warming, present a minority view unbacked by science and promoted by businesses with a small, old dog in a very tough dog fight, as equivalent to hard science from unbiased scientists with no economic interest in anything but getting the facts and predictions right.
«If you go into a bar and want to have a debate about global warming,» I explain, «You can have one of these guys standing at your side, kind of like Woody Allen in that movie where he has Marshall McLuhan standing by his side to argue his case.»
That first slide — all that debate about global warming — is almost invisible amid the other news that dominates our field of view.
We can have a debate about global warming, and I'm not in the camp that believes man - made emissions are contributing overwhelmingly to global climate change, but I do believe the planet is heating up.
Even at its most simple, the debate about global warming is a debate about a property of the Earth, which is a question of degree.
People who've been following the debate about global warming closely will be aware that the economic modelling used in projections of future climate change by the IPCC has been severely criticised by former Australian Statistician Ian Castles and former OECD chief economist David Henderson.
We hope this will encourage use of our film in High Schools to balance the debate about global warming,
But look at the evidence of those closest to bearing the real costs: private US insurers — those who place real bets indemnifying against property loss — unlike the supposedly more serious scientists — are unmoved by ACW: «The American Insurance Association, which represents 400 property and casualty insurers, says the debate about global warming has not been resolved.
It should be self - evident that the debate about global warming is really a debate about the best «insurance policy» for it.
The debate about global warming has reached ridiculous proportions and is full of micro-thin half - truths and misunderstandings.
As Republicans piled up attacks, Sen. Bernard Sanders, I - Vt., shot back, «This is not a debate about Gina McCarthy... it is a debate about global warming and whether we are going to listen to the leading scientists of this country who are telling us that global warming is the most serious planetary crisis we face.»
Cool It is a groundbreaking book that transforms the debate about global warming by offering a fresh perspective based on human needs as well as environmental concerns.
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