Sentences with phrase «debate about your religion»

Nonetheless, Professor Evans has made a well - argued and civil contribution to the never - ending debate about religion and public life.
Oh, forget this debate about religion and cheer up folks because NASA's Special Effects department keeps discovering alien planets left and right and they're gonna build us some kind of tin - can «Ark» to take us there just before we destroy this Earth...
My students love getting into debates about religion and I really enjoy hearing their thoughts about what they understand about different religions and specifically Christianity.
Who else is trying to silence debate about religion and demonize other belief systems as «unsaved»?
Perhaps it's because the post-modern world tries to apply the scientific method to determine the validity of sacred writings, and that debates about religion invariably propose the false dichotomy of faith vs. science.
We can see that while there are debates about how best to serve the god of economism, there has thus far been no serious public or political debate about this religion as a whole.

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you sir are practicing a religion one that means so much to you that you use it as your online name also please show me where I call you a fool or is telling someone not to make a fool of themself the same as calling them a fool which would mean you are very religious as far as Colin he said nothing that related to the debate I was in with you... we are talking about Atheism as a religious view not debating the existence of God now look over the definitions I have shown you and please explain how Atheism does not fit into the said definitions And you claim that evolution is true so the burden of proof falls in your lap as it is the base of your religion.
The speakers include most of the major players in ongoing debates about law and religion in public life, many of them well known to the readers of this journal: Sam Rabinove, Dean Keliey, John M. Swomley, Michael McConnell, Robert Michaelson, William Bentley Ball, Edward Gaffney, Jeffrey Hadden, Robert Destro, Mary Ann Glendon, Sandra Day O'Connor, and your editor.
«Lincoln was reticent to discuss religion, particularly after his election, which has fueled the ongoing debate about whether he believed in God or if he was Christian in the way we would explain it today,» said Nathan Raab of the Raab Collection.
We should end this foolish talk about religion and move on to greater debates.
Of course, most comments had nothing to do with our story, revolving instead around the debate about legitimacy of religion itself.
He isn't militant, and he has had meaningful, respectful debates and discussions about religion.
I know these sorts of statement will make people mad, but here's the thing: I believe that these debates about who truly believes the Bible and who doesn't are just the smoke and mirrors of religion.
We all know how muchh religion hate to debate, god forbid that anyone pause a moment to think about anything.
A while back Cardinal Schonborn's op - ed in The New York Times about evolution and design caused that newspaper's editors to raise the spectre of past debates between science and religion (7/7/05, p. A27 and 7/9/07, p. A1).
As debate continues over President Obama's assertion about the religious nature (or lack thereof) of the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist group, a new Pew Research Center study finds that more Americans across the board believe that Islam encourages violence more than other religions.
But increasingly the debate is becoming one about religion, in which critics accuse backers of the referendum of bigotry and insist a ban would violate the First Amendment's religious freedoms.
I love Jesus and I do feel that he had died for each and everyone of our sins and I feel we are all loved equally no matter what we do rather it be for murder to just plain old coursing He loves us all honestly I've debated in my mind that if Christianity is about being mean hateful and thinking that you're going around better than everybody then that's not the religion for me
Has Mr Blair forgotten his debate with Christopher Hitchens about how (little) religion is a force for good in the world?!
That debate does not pit «realists» against «idealists,» but is, rather, a debate about the hard reality of religion in defining, more and more, the lines of conflict in politics among nations.
The mentality that Rauschenbusch deployed to seduce his readers — the turn away from troubling debates about doctrine, the shift from personal salvation to social reform, and the reassurance that progressive disdain for traditional religion was in fact a sign of a more authentic and scientific faith — provided a way to remain Christian while setting aside whatever seems incompatible with modern life.
but on the third day using his Power of Resurrection rose from the dead to claim his seat next to God in heaven, I mean next to himself since he was also God and then told the masses that he died for their sins, though oddly enough being God he could have simply absolved them of their sins and he really didn't die because he lives and is coming back to judge man based upon the original sins... but not sure if that would work since man can clearly kill a God with wood and nails... I know, I know confusing and likely to be labeled heresy... but debates about nomenclature and religion... i mean story telling... just don't mix.
While I certainly hold some very strong personal ideas about religion, and I am open to debate anyone concerning those, I do not criticize others for following the bronze sky daddy, not at all.
I would like to say a few words about this long debate, first of all today Islam religion reached every in the world from east to west, north to south.
How can a debate about how a nun should serve God turn into a debate about the validity of Christianity or religion in general?
Debates on faith and religion are perhaps the only ones in existence whereupon those who proudly proclaim their absolute ignorance of the topic proclaim likewise their proficiency to make judgments about it due expressly to that ignorance.
Think about it... It use to be Race as the big debate... Now it's religion and race is second... What's next??? Who knows, anything to continue to divide and conquer...
As Cosmos continues to turn heads and give this country a (much needed) renewed interest in science, the old debate about science and religion has come back to the forefront...
As controversy about religion at the academy became more and more public, Focus on the Family jumped into the fray and created a video, shown at its headquarters, that attempts to frame the debate.
He spoke of the prestige of science in our culture and the corresponding lack of respect for religion («If it's a science programme it's a documentary, if the subject's politics there's a debate, but a religious programme, unless it's hymns for granny, will have people talking about their feelings»).
The few sustained debates about «religious tests» and «religious freedom» treated the potential for religious monopolies, hegemonies or majorities - and even religion itself - as a problem.
This newventure will hopefully allow some journalists the opportunity to delve far more deeply into these issues, and allow them then to contribute more constructively to informing the public about the real state of the religion — science debate.
He answered a question about how his religion would affect his presidency at Thursday's CNN debate by talking about the Founding Fathers» belief that rights came from God, as opposed to talking about his Mormonism.
David Jenkins, in his Guide to the Debate About God, cautions, «Whatever Bonhoeffer meant by his call to Christians to be «without religion» it is clear that it was no call to be «without God».
Public debate would be arrested if the state could teach a religion or impose on citizens their deepest conviction about the common good.
And from raging debates about creationism to political candidates proclaiming their religious convictions, religion seems to be at the centre of American life.
Also, it sort of invalidates your comment about feeling sorry for atheists when 1) you are also on this blog so you have about as much of a stake in this as any atheist here and 2) if agitating christian ranks only takes asking for proof and debating religion in a coherent matter, christian foundation must be pretty shaky indeed.
It is the Puritan ethic that runs deep in the American sub-conscious, not Islam and is therefore the worldview most often debated in North American discussions about religion.
So every time religion is mentioned, we have to have a debate about the validity of Christianity or the existence of god?
I know it's because you have something to say about religion and enjoy the debate.
Because of this, I really don't participate in any type of discussion or debate with anyone, atheist or not, about religion or a god.
I don't exactly know what it is but it is quite interesting with all this talk about religion and the debate about the existence of God or Gods.
Alex McFarland, the Christian director of Worldview and Apologetics at North Greenville University, holds regular public debates with Silverman about God and the place of religion in American culture.
The second paragraph of the WSJ story states, «' I don't want to have a national debate about freedom of religion when my whole purpose was to defend a strong and wonderful and appropriate city ordinance,» said Ms. Parker, a Democrat and the city's first openly gay mayor.»
It does something else - most conversation between people of various religions is an intellectual debate about why my religion is right and yours is wrong.
Together with the AHRC Religion and Society programme and Charles Clarke, they are running the Westminster Faith Debates, presenting the best research about the place of religion in public life.
When I was growing up, as the daughter of Pakistani immigrants, the debate in my country was not about religion but race.
British Humanist Association accuses attorney general of trying to turn debate over faith into «war of words about religion»
Theos stimulates the debate about the place of religion in society, challenging and changing ideas through research, commentary and events.
If the Darwins» «rough patch» becomes a metaphor for the science - religion debate that his book accelerates, the movie has remarkably little to say about it.
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