Sentences with phrase «debate centers»

The phrase "debate centers" refers to places or situations where people discuss and exchange differing opinions, arguments, or ideas on a particular topic. These centers facilitate open and respectful dialogue, allowing individuals to express their views, learn from others, and explore different perspectives to reach a better understanding or solution. Full definition
Given agreement on this body of religiously important beliefs understood as the product of pure reason or common sense, the theological debates centered on the relation of Christian faith to these beliefs.
A lot of debate centered around modern and contemporary art has been based on the problem of meaning.
As the legislature's redistricting task force begins work the key debate centers not on where the lines will be drawn but on who will draw them.
I think the real debate centers around why he would create us to allow that we might behave in such a fashion.
When that point is, however, remains a matter of debate centered largely on the availability of one particular micronutrient — iron.
As you may have seen in the news, it's been a very busy month so far with debates centered around California's landmark cap and trade program.
At that time, the great division in the education debate centered not on standards or testing, but on race.
It should come as no surprise, then, that the questions Benioff would ask Clinton and Republican candidate Donald Trump in the presidential debates all center on education:
While Western evangelicals have grown familiar with the C1 — C6 debate over «insider movements» among Muslims [see «The Hidden History of Insider Movements,» CT January 2013], in India the contextualization debate centers on «Christward movements.»
Today the concussion debate centers around the NFL and the numerous stories of players committing suicide or suffering form dementia and other brain - related illnesses.
The 45 - minute debate centered on Corcoran's $ 1.4 million television ad that portraying immigrants who entered the country illegally as a danger to Floridians and HB 9, a proposal that threatens local officials who do not fully comply with federal immigration authorities with removal from office and fines.
In the second half of the 17th century, the chemist and polymath Robert Boyle and philosopher Thomas Hobbes engaged in a divisive debate centered on a temperamental, mechanical contraption known as an air pump.
It's a fascinating debate centered around an intriguing figure, but director Bill Condon can't manage what David Fincher made look so easy: tell a socially relevant tale about how technology is revolutionizing our lives, anchor the story with a fascinating yet oh - so - nerdy character, and keep away from the death trap image of a guy at a keyboard.
In the United States, the school - choice debate centers on whether parents should have the right to send their children to the public school of their choice rather...
The Montana debate centers on the rules of No Child Left Behind, which will be replaced when the Every Student Succeeds Act goes into effect for the 2017 - 2018 school year.
One common debate centers on the question of whether there is an «intergenerational transmission of divorce,» which will be discussed in this paper.
The continued debate centering on the lack of pay for our educators, especially those working in early education, has many voices.
Debates centered around faith are generally exercises in futility as there can be no rational answer to an emotional argument.
Debates center on what the intended cap on warming will be (while 2 ° C has been the target in previous discussions, activist and representatives from small island nations have been arguing strenuously for 1.5 ° C); the extent and mechanism of financial assistance to developing countries from developed countries; and whether or not nations will be required to update their emission reductions targets over time.
While there is a vocal minority who want gun laws in the U.K. relaxed, they do appear to be very small — all the mainstream political parties support strict gun laws, and much of the debate centers on whether the U.K., which already has some of the strictest gun laws in the entire world, needs more control.
That piece and others like it are at the heart of the ongoing «GamerGate» saga — described by Pew as, «a debate centered on the identity politics of the gaming community.»
The debate centers on the principle of net neutrality, which requires that Internet service providers move traffic in a non-discriminatory manner based on the desires of Internet users.
Disagreement focused on the desirability of church involvement in protests against injustice, and debates centered on the degree to which the church ought to allow its leaders to take time for protests and nonchurch meetings.
Much of the debate centers on how McDonald's and other fast - food companies market to children and other young consumers.
The debate centered around balancing the benefits of more affordable energy and the environmental consequences of extracting more fuel from the ground, especially under New York soil.
Another debate centers on whether the minimum wage should rise automatically in the future, indexed to the rate of inflation.
Much of the debate centered on two key parts of the comptroller's job: managing the massive pension system and monitoring the city's budget and financial health.
All four Republican primary candidates participated in a debate centering on taxes and revenue on July 31, hosted by the Casa Grande Dispatch.
Given the race features an incumbent, the debate centered in large part on James» record as public advocate over the last four years, especially her
The debate centers on how nitrogen — one of the most important food sources for ocean life and a controller of atmospheric carbon dioxide — becomes converted to a form that can exit the ocean and return to the atmosphere where it is reused in the global nitrogen cycle.
Much of the debate centered on DeVos's level of knowledge and experience and on her stances on education policy, including her support for «school choice.»
Much of today's accountability policy discussions and debates center around the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which presents both an opportunity and a risk by asking states to lead instead of to follow federal mandates.
The debate centers on one critical question: Should we care about individual workers» lived experiences in a given profession, or should we take a snapshot of the current workforce as representative of all those who experience it?
One big part of the debate centers around the future of mortgage behemoths Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The debate centers on what these results mean and how they can be extrapolated to the bigger picture.
That debate centers on the fact that video games specifically violent video games, lead to violent acts such as school shootings.
According to Artnet, the prestigious school originally set out to screen a video KIRAC had made about Kreuk before staging a debate centered on contemporary art and collecting in front of an audience of students.
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